‹ Prequel: Forever Sing to Me
Status: ACTIVE :D

Together We Found Them

Irony is Funny, Right?

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."

Think about that for a second. Could you ever really love something so much that you would die for them?

I can. I do. Jasper, Tess, Emmett, Esme, everyone in this house. And especially my baby. God, it felt amazing to even think about my child.

Though Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward were keeping it on the downlow, I was ninety nine percent sure what this baby would do.

Either kill me, or force me into being a vampire. I was almost positive that I wouldn't make it out of this alive.

But I didn't care. Honestly, as long as my baby was okay. I would die for him/her, even though I knew nothing about it.

I honestly hoped they looked like Jasper, hoping the child had his honey colored hair, keeping his human's green eye color.

If the Volturi found my child and tried to kill them, I knew that I would fight until I died with it or won the battle. Just like if it was Carlisle or Alice.

But it wasn't. It was me and Tessa. I knew that the Cullens would fight to the death for us, but I honestly wished that they didn't have to. I wished that they would just leave us and our happy little lives alone.

My family, before they died, seemed perfect on the outside. My two loving parents and my caring (well, mostly caring) brother, all lived together as a big, happy family.

But, of course, on the inside, we had our loose threads. We had the things that made us tick. For example, my drunk brother telling me how fat I was.

Of course it hurt when Chris said that. But I listened, and now look at where I am. I actually can't eat because of the baby, but I'm actually eating the food given to me.

So, of course families aren't perfect. But this one kind of seemed to be. It was strange how simple it was to love every single person in the house even if you barely knew them.

But Tessa and I did know them. We knew their biggest secret. Now we were both apart of that secret. Yet the Volturi still wanted us killed for knowing.

Irony is funny that way, eh?
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Just a way to kick of this story :)