‹ Prequel: Forever Sing to Me
Status: ACTIVE :D

Together We Found Them

"But they reek of sex."


Home was nice. It didn’t lose it’s charm. Emmett had replaced the bed, cause I broke it, and I had been getting better with the feeding…

Not good enough for Jasper to not tackle me if there was a human around, but I didn’t attack any humans!

Emmett took me bear hunting with him a few times and may I say, fun! Bears are yummier than deer. End of story.

Edward was the only one who knew, but…I kept expecting something bad to happen. I mean, life is so peaceful right now…I should be enjoying it. Stopping to smell the roses, here and there. But I had this twinge of unease.

Edward had dismissed the thought. Ass. I knew good things didn’t last long, but no. I should trust the vampire who told Bella not to trust vampires… Smart. …But I’m a vampire too…He’s a confusing ass.

I at least had a new good luck charm. After we hunted for the first time since I’ve been back home, Emmett took me to our room and gave me the Cullen Crest. I felt honored. I was accepted into the family symbolically. After getting the necklace clasp on, Emmett and I…got reacquainted…with each others- We had sex.

…No, that’s technically a lie. It’s not just sex. It was love making. And I loved it. The way Emmett treated me. The way our bodies molded together, as it seemed we were destined to be. Soul mates. I get a little smile every time I think that. Soul mates. Forever bonded with some invisible tie. It was nice to have something like that with the man I love.

We were currently in Alaska - awesome!! I’ve never been - to avoid humans. Apparently, Bella’s dad was going to be coming by a lot and I didn’t wanna kill him. Edward would kill me and I already killed…Annoying-girl and Annoying-boy. I so forgot their names, but apparently Bella was upset.

Alaska was nice. Cold and icy, but I didn’t care. I slid across the ice when Emmett and I got here. He was chuckling and some locals were yelling that it wasn’t safe to do such a thing, but whatever.

“What are you thinking about?” Emmett murmured, kissing my naked skin. …So we basically made love every night, but why shouldn’t we? We love each other, I can’t get pregnant, and…we get bored and horny…A lot.

“You,” I answered, softly, smiling. “My not killing humans. You. Us. You. Alaska. And…you.”

He chuckled. “I seem to be on your mind a lot. As much as you are on mine.” He kissed me and I bit at his lip. He smirked and straddled my waist. I grinned up at him and locked our lips. We rolled over, so I was on top, right before the doorbell rang.

Emmett groaned and I giggled. “I’ll get it.” I kissed him once more before using my speed to put clean clothes on and going to the door. I opened it to see five people. Four girls and one man. All golden colored eyes. Emmett appeared beside me and smiled at the people.

“It’s nice to see you all again,” He said.

“Likewise, Emmett,” The, seemingly, leader of the group replied. “And you must be Tessa. I am Tanya, and this is my family.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” A girl said. She had a thick Spanish accent. “I am Carmen and this is my mate, Eleazar.”

Eleazar gave a small smile, but he looked a bit…intrigued.

“I’m Kate,” The small blonde said.

“I’m Irina.”

“It’s nice to meet you all,” I told them, smiling.

“Your gift is interesting,” Eleazar told me. “The ability to steal others gifts. It could make one wonder…”

“Eleazar can sense gifts,” Emmett murmured, although the vampires could easily hear him. “And Kate shocks people.”

I nodded. “Aren’t you going to invite us in?” Tanya teased.

Emmett chuckled, but nodded. “Of course.” He stepped aside, pulling me with him, and they came into the house.

I liked Rose better, I heard Irina think. I usually blocked people’s thoughts, they annoyed me after a while, but I wanted a sneak into these new minds.

Emmett seems pleased with her…But they reek of sex, Kate thought.

Tessa seems nice. I hope she is. I wonder what, exactly, Eleazar was wondering. Carmen.

An ability to steal one’s gift. Such a power, but dangerous in the wrong person’s hands. Emmett seems trusting enough, even though she’s stolen Edward’s gift along with Jane’s, Aro’s, Alec’s, and a few others.

“I’m not dangerous,” I argued, forgetting for a second that I was reading his mind and not talking. “Er. Sorry. I didn’t…Okay. I did, but accidentally…Mostly.”

Emmett, Irina, Tanya, Kate, and Carmen looked at me confused. Eleazar’s cool exterior didn’t break. “I didn’t say you were. I simply implied that in the wrong hands, that gift can be.”

“I’m not though. Been there, done that. I’m clean.” I saw confusion flash through his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” Carmen asked, taking Eleazar’s hand.

“The risks of her gift,” He answered.

“No more risks,” Emmett said. “She’s not evil and she has control over it.”

“Besides. I may have the mind reading, but Soph gave Eddie a copy.”

“Soph?” Eleazar questioned.

“Jasper’s new mate,” Emmett answered. “You guys have missed a lot.”

“Catch us up then, Emmett?” Tanya asked, smiling.

He nodded. “We haven’t destroyed the kitchen, so we can talk there.” He smirked.

Kate’s nose scrunched up. “Disgusting, Emmett.”

“Get a mate and get your panties outa that twist,” He teased, leading us to the kitchen.

She glared at the back of his head, but followed us. We all sat around the table. There were only five seats, so I sat on Emmett and Carmen on Eleazar.

Emmett started to tell the family about what had happened after they left Alaska last. I commented on a few things, but otherwise I listened. I held Emmett’s hand, tracing random designs as he spoke. The girls and man had few questions and when Emmett got to the part about the Volturi, Eleazar’s ear’s perked up. Not literally, but still. I asked why he was interested and he told me he was once apart of the group.

After talking a little longer, the group decided to leave us. “You must tell Edward I said hello,” Tanya commanded, smiling.

Emmett nodded. “I will. Take care,” He said, hugging them each one by one, minus Kate. He skipped Eleazar’s hug and instead patted his back.

“It was nice meeting everyone,” I said, smiling.

They all left soon after. Emmett pressed his lips to my neck as soon as they were far enough away to not hear us. “I think we were about to start something,” He murmured in my ear. “Before we were interrupted, that is.”

I smirked and looked over my shoulder at him. “Oh were we?”

He picked me up and then we were in the bedroom.

Soon after, our clothes were scattered and then we made love once again.

God, I love him so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone! Remember me? I'm shaylove's co-author that went poof! xD
I'm here and bearing gifts. A whole chapter containing 1191 words! O.O
Sorry I took so long though, I was grounded and then had writers-block and then just BLAH!!!
I love you all and here you go :)