‹ Prequel: Forever Sing to Me
Status: ACTIVE :D

Together We Found Them

*** Destiny

-Sophia's POV-
Edward and Tessa started bickering immediately, and I rolled my eyes affectionately as I laid down. Tess started rubbing my stomach again, and, suddenly, I heard a crack.

Another crack came, and the signals of pain suddenly reached my brain. I heard a scream that I suddenly realized was mine.

"The baby's coming," I heard quite monotonusly, and I was suddenly picked up and placed in a pure white room.

The pain was excruciating, and I felt the warm, sticky blood running down my legs as I was lain on the table.

"It'll be okay," Jazz tried to comfort me, but, though my vision was fuzzy, he looked like the one needing the comfort. And I knew that he wasn't sure.

I felt another crack, and I stiffled a scream. I could barely tell what was going on, but I knew more people had come into the room.

I heard them talking, but I just tried to get this kid out. I didn't want to be stuck in here forever. Because it hurt like hell.

My breathing was shallow, and I clutched the sheets on this bed tightly, trying to, sort of, dull the pain I was already in.

I let out a groan of displeasure as I felt the baby coming. I knew people kept talking to me, but I could barely hear anything.

Suddenly, I relaxed. "It's a girl," I made out, and I smiled dreamily. She was put into my arms, and, though covered in blood, was the most beautiful thing I had set my eyes on.

Though as soon as I got one look into her sparkling blue eyes, I felt dizzy. My eyes fluttered close, but I heard a "NO!" before drifting off.
-Jasper's POV-
Christian. My new daughter. I would've been the happiest man alive if it wasn't for my girlfriend dying right before my eyes.

I immediately knew what I had to do. "Jasper, I don't know if that can save her."

I ignored Carlisle. I kept biting her, making sure the venom was everywhere, and could reach her heart before it stopped.

Suddenly, her heart stopped. I stood, staring. No, no, no! I dropped to my knees at the side of her bed.

"Jasper! She's alive." Her heart immediately went into overdrive. I knew that was good. The transformation was happening.

I knew how much pain she was in, so I stayed by her bed the entire time. Edward told me when she drifted in and out of consiousness, but he also made sure that Bella wouldn't be near when Soph became a bloodthirsty newborn.

One that I would've killed in a year if I had known her a hundred years ago. I sighed, squeezing her hand a bit tighter.

It had almost been a day, when, finally, Alice skipped in knowingly. "She'll come to in about a minute."

Tess raced up stairs and was immediately at my side. Sophie was beautiful before the transformation, but now her skin was much paler, and her hair was a lighter brown, the touch of red in it before less prominent.

Her curves were now even more prominent, and she had more of a self assured look on her face. I heard Em clear his throat.

"Now, if you're done checking her out-" How did he know that? "I think that it's time to step back and let her... get used to her surroundings.

I nodded, stepping back. Alice counted down. "In three, two one."

Her ruby eyes fluttered opened.
-Back to Sophia's POV!-
"In three, two, one." As soon as a familiar voice said that, my eyes fluttered open.

Immediately scanning the room, I was in shock. Everything was so... clear. And I could hear... was that the highway?? I could smell blood pumping downstairs, and I immediately knew it was my daughter. The other heart was Tessa's.

"Damn, Soph. You're lookin' hot," was the first thing spoken to me by Tess, who I smirked at.

I paused on Jasper, who just smiled. My eyes were wide. "Um..." I noticed my voice was a bit different, only sounding a bit musical as I spoke.

"I told you I trained newborns. This is what happened." I just nodded, not saying anything. He stepped forward, as if I would back away, but I stayed put.

I pulled him towards me, pushing my lips against his. My lips against his felt different... yet perfect. It was impossible to describe, but I felt more alive than ever.

Emmett cleared his throat, and we pulled away. I waited for the blood to rush to my cheeks from embarrasment, but nothing happened. I then remembered I was now a vampire, and I had no blood.

I also figured out that I didn't have to breathe. It was uncomfortable not to, but I didn't need it. My eyes looked over the perfect family in front of me, before I finally realized how badly my throat burned.

"Oh, yeah, you may want to let her go hunting," Edward suggested, and I blinked. Hunting?

"Wait!" Alice exclaimed, and she rushed out of the room, her tiny figure carrying in a full length mirror when she came back. "I want to see what she thinks first."

I realized that Alice must've changed my clothes, because these fit me and weren't blood stained. It was a pretty basic black and white dress, accentuating my new curves. I also noticed my new Cullen Crest necklace, and I smiled.

I stepped in front of the mirror, looking at the flawless girl in the mirror. My usually light red/brown hair was now only a light brown, though a hint of red was found in the light.

My features were all perfect, not a flaw to be found. My eyes were last, and I gasped. They were the same color as those Volturi members. A blood red, matching the color of the blood from each innocent person they killed.

"It'll only last a few months; it goes away after enough animal blood," Edward assured me, and I nodded, taking in the shock.

"So when can I see Christian?" I asked, my only human memory of her dim, but recognizable. Everyone exchanged looks.

"Since you're a newborn, we don't want her getting near you just yet, as she still has human blood running through her," Carlisle told me, but I narrowed my eyes.

"But I'm fine around Tess," I said, and everyone exchanged another look.

"C'mon, let's go hunting," Jasper said, and I nodded, pulling away from the reflection in the mirror.

"Don't have sex!" Tess warned, and I sighed.

Jazz opened the window and easily jumped out. I looked down nervously, and I heard Emmett chuckle at my uncertianty. I turned back, sticking my tounge at him before turning and jumping.

It wasn't actually bad. It was simple landing on my feet, and I happened to do it quite gracefully. And I didn't mess up the dress, which was good.

Jasper smiled, then turned and ran, and I followed. Y'know, it was amazing how we didn't hit a thing. It was like the trees were moving in slow motion, and we easily slipped past.

"Okay," he said when we reached a field. "Just close your eyes. Let your senses take over, and when you smell something, just go."

I shut my eyes, doing as he said. Suddenly, I heard a few heartbeats, and I smelled... I automatically knew it was animal blood, and I just ran.

It was a herd of deer, and I ran for the biggest one, snapping his neck before sinking my teeth into his neck, hitting a vein.

I drank the blood, feeling better almost immediately. I stood after he had nothing left, and examined myself.

I wiped away a drop of blood that dribbled down my mouth, but the rest of me was perfect, not a scratch or tear.

Jasper looked at me, eyes widened. "Well that was... gracefully done." I laughed, pulling him into me.

He kissed me passionately, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, his skin feeling pretty normal to mine, which was kind of nice.

"We should probably get back. You seemed to get them confused about you not being able to see your daugh-" He didn't finish his sentence.

The wind blew the wrong way, and this person was in the wrong place, but it was a wonderful smell, like all of the most amazing foods in the world wrapped into one small scent.

I growled, about to go after, but then I realized what I was doing and paused, contemplating this. I didn't want to kill a person. I wouldn't kill a human.

Jasper, who was already in a defensive position, looked the most confused I had ever seen him.

"Did... did you just stop yourself from attacking a human?" Jasper asked, now in shock.

I nodded. "C'mon, let's go. I want to see Christian."

He ran behind me, still in shock. I was pretty sure that I was gonna have to slap some sense into him sooner or later if he didn't get out of shock.

We ran into the front yard, where I saw the entire wolf pack (except for Seth) arguing with the calm (well, except for Emmett) Cullens. I spotted a small figure in Tessa's arms, and I knew that it was my child.

She looked over at me, and her light blue eyes lit up with happiness. She looked so much... bigger than she did. It couldn't have only been a day...

She had light blonde hair she had accumulated from Jasper, but that blonde was in short curls that she got from me. She would definitely pass as our daughter, looking exactly like us.

Everyone turned to us as we arrived, the wolves all looking pissed and the Cullens all looking defensive. I walked towards my daughter, but most of them stepped in my way.

"Guys. She almost attacked a human." They all looked confused. "She stopped, because she didn't want to kill an innocent person." Oh yeah, now everyone was confused, and they stepped back, letting me go to Tess.

"Here. Have a baby," she said, and I smiled at her, taking my child.

Christian looked up at me, smiling hugely. The vampires all stood uncomfortably close. I smiled at my child. I could feel the wolves all staring at us.

"Hi, baby. Miss me?" I asked, and she giggled, wrapping her arms around her neck. I breathed in her scent, pulling her closer to me, and everyone took a step forward.

"Guys, chill, I can hug my own child without having everyone up my ass, can't I?" I asked, and they all stepped back.

"So, what's going on here?" I questioned, and Sam was the only one to come out of his shock quickly enough to tell me what was happening.

"The Cullens broke our treaty turning you into a vampire. And we don't know about your child's threat to the humans." I couldn't help myself. I had to. I burst into laughter.

I swear that that day was the most confusing of those people's lives. "You guys are going to fight because they saved my life and because I have a child? Tessa's half vampire, and this is a newborn baby who looks like she's already a few months old."

Jacob intervened. "We don't know what threat this kid is, but we see that you're quite under control." I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"I know what I'm doing. And it seems that she does, too. She happens to know who I am already," I told them, and she nodded. She understood me, too. "So can we just all chill about this? We don't need this. It's pointless."

Everyone mumbled things, nodding. Sam nodded to me. "As long as you keep the child under control, I believe that we can live in peace again."

Carlisle thanked him, and Seth suddenly walked out of the house. "Okay, I found-" His eyes suddenly widened, and he seemed to be looking at the child in my arms.

I looked at Christian, who seemed to be mesmerized by him, also. All the wolves were snickering, while Edward mumbled, "You two are not going to like this..."

Jasper growled out, "No." and I had no idea what was going on.

"Seth imprinted," I heard from the pack, and I turned to face everyone.

"Okay, I don't know what that is, but I don't think I want to."

Jake told me, and I really wish he hadn't. "Imprinting means that Seth is now tied to your daughter. He'll do anything for her, probably falling in love with her when she grows up."

I turned to the wolf who was still gawking at my daughter. "Do you want to kill him or should I?" I asked Jasper.

"I think I should; you probably would just keep attacking after he was dead." Seth was now aware of our conversation, and his eyes were now widened in fear.

"Jazz, Soph, Seth can't help who he imprints on. It's destiny," Edward told us.

"Fuck destiny," was all I said before Esme intervened.

"Seth, you may stay over if you like." I turned to her, eyes wide.

"Yeah, thanks," he replied. Jasper and I exchanged looks.

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Haha sorry it's sooo long XDDD