Status: finally finished \m/

If I Had Just One Wish

Waiting for the go ahead from the tower

I walked away from the airline’s help desk feeling rather pleased with myself. I’d got a new plane ticket for tomorrow afternoon, a free hotel room to stay in tonight and I was meeting Chris outside in fifteen minutes, giving me enough time to go and get my bag off the luggage thingy.

I’d texted Chris after I read his tweet, deciding it was probably smarter to make plans in private rather than announce to all of my followers exactly where I’d be in an hour. I hadn’t seen Chris in a few months now and I didn’t really want to get interrupted by teenage girls asking us for hugs and autographs, as much as it was flattering.

The luggage carousel was only a short walk away from the help desk that I’d been at so I ran towards it, my backpack thumping me painfully every few seconds; I really needed to get a new one. It was, however, very hard to be upset about a shitty backpack when I was about to see the guy of my dreams.

The light on top of the luggage thing started flashing as I stopped, indicating that it would soon start turning, pulling the bags around with it. What if my bag was the last to come around? Chris would wait for me if I was late, right? I couldn’t stop worrying, even though I knew it was stupid. He was coming all the way here just to hang out with me, he wouldn’t leave because I was a few minutes late.

The luggage started turning round on the luggage thingy, moving slowly past me. And then I saw it, my suitcase! And I still had five minutes to get outside to meet Christofer.

“Could you help me, please?” The strangely accented voice came from a girl who looked about fifteen with bright red (dyed) hair, who was trying to pull a heavy looking bag off the carousel and failing miserably.

“Sure,” I smiled, helping her pull the bag onto the ground, before grabbing my own. The girl was looking at me funny, like she was trying to remember something; it made me nervous.

“Thank you! This is going to sound really stupid but, are you Jordan Witzigreuter?” Her cheeks turned about as bright as her hair as she pulled her bag up so that it was on its wheels, and she stared at the floor.

I didn’t know what to say. What were the chances that a fan that could recognise me would be on the same flight as me? It was bizarre to say the least. I finally nodded and made a ‘mhm’ noise, staring at the floor like she was.

“...Can I hug you?” she asked, sounding very embarrassed. I was used to fans asking for hugs, but this was pretty much the strangest fan encounter I’d had since someone left cupcakes on my doorstep, and that was more creepy than strange. So very, very creepy.

I nodded again, opening up my arms and hugging her kind of awkwardly. Then I realised what I was supposed to be doing in five minutes and released her, feeling awful. “I’m really sorry, but I have to go. I’m meeting someone in five minutes and I really don’t want to miss them.”

She nodded, taking a step backwards and smiling. “My best friend is never going to believe this. And if she did she might just kill me from jealousy,” she laughed, picking up the pully thing on her bag, getting ready to walk away.

“Do you have a twitter? I could tweet you to prove it happened, though I don’t want your friend killing you.” I said it quickly; she seemed really nice but I didn’t want to miss a second I could be spending with Chris.

She nodded, smiling. “I’ll tweet you about it later, so you can find my username. Now run; run like the wind!” and so I ran.

My bag was kind of heavy, even though I’d tried to pack light, but it hardly slowed me as I ran through the terminal, towards the entrance where I was supposed to be meeting Chris. My paranoia was getting the best of me, as I thought of all the possible things that could go wrong and prevent me seeing him. I had to stop being so negative. What if something amazing happened? What if he kissed me? Now that was stupid thinking. And then I realised that I was supposed to meet him two minutes ago.

I stopped at the pick up/drop off parking zone in front of the airport just in time to see Chris climb out of a rather beat up, shabby looking car. His brown hair was all soft looking, falling around his face and partially covered by a blue and white sailor’s hat, making him look even more adorable. He caught my gaze as I started to walk again, heading towards him, and he smiled at me.

I may have just melted.
♠ ♠ ♠
First of all, thank you so much to eatmewhileimhot.. for commenting :D Comments seriously make my life. And thank you to my five subscribers, whoever you are. It means so much to me that people actually like my writing.
Second, I'm sorry this is so fillerish. I didn't want to rush straight into Chris and Jordan seeing eachother, I wanted to build up the tension a little bit.
Oh and you know that character with red hair and a funny accent? That would be me XD I've always wanted to throw myself into a story, and it seemed like a good time. Plus I would totally die if I saw Jordan in an airport. Or in general. Especially since he totally ignored me the time I actually did see him >.>
But yea, next chapter within a week, hopefully. I'm working on other stuff too though and school starts again next Tuesday after the summer holidays so I'm not sure how consistant this will be. Must get it done by the deadline though.


Word count: 836