Status: Okay so I am a co-writer and then I will finsh this story and the next part will be in Cassy's P.O.V.

Tonight's Consequence

The Fever

Liz's P.O.V.
The door bell rings. I run to get it when my little brother starts crying. I get the door to see my best friend, Cassy. I smile and let him in; he goes to get my little brother. Victor starts crying more when he sees Cassy.
"Why does your little brother hate me? What did I ever do to him?", says Cassy.
"Maybe he feels that you don't like him. I can't really blame him." I say back to Cassy.
"Any ways" Cassy says as he glares at me "where are your parents?"
"Mom's out with her book club friends and then shopping. Dad's at work probably gonna get drunk tonight to" I say with a sigh.
"Oh do you want me to stay the night?" Cassy suggests.
"If you want." I say looking down.
"Imma gonna go get my clothes so i can stay the night k, Liz?" Cassy says looking at me half smiling.
"K" I say softly "Hang on do you still like my brother, Kela?"
"Yes but he's hot and sweet not my fault he's perfect" Cassy says blushing.
I say laughing "Since when is he perfect?"
Cassy glares at me and throws a pillow at me "How does Kela like college?"
"I don't know we only talk when he comes up to visit." I say looking down.
"You miss him! Don't argue i know you do Liz cuz' I know you by now, you're my best friend." Cassy says laughing hystrically.
"So! Go get your clothes bitch!" I say glaring at Cassy.
"So I'm your bitch." Cassy says walking out the door.
As Cassy walked out the door Victor started crying again. I groan and go get him. As i pick Victor up I feel Victor has a fever. I call Mom; she doesn't pick up, then I call Dad; he doesn't pick up either. As I start to panic I get an idea to call Cassy. As i call Cassy: Victor starts crying loudly so I rocked him back and forth. Cassy picks up I was crying hytrically and say "Victor has a fever"
"Ok I'll be over in a minute to take you two to the to the hospital." Cassy says freaking out.
"Remember we're to young to get in?" I say trying to calm down.
"Imma going to come over and stay the night I'll help you with him" Cassy says calmly.
Cassy comes over a half an hour later. "Your late." I say glaring at him.
"I know I'm so sorry but I'm here now." He says looking sadly.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Year before Cassy and Liz tried to get every class there is together. They have been friends since kindergarten and know everything about each other (I'd like to point out that this is the introduction in case you didn't figure that out) they plan on seeing the world togetherand going to the same college. They couldn't live without eachother.