Status: Active

Speak Now.


I choked on the Sprite I was drinking, and spit it all over my lap; I'm pretty sure a tad of it landed in Chris' eye, as well. “Um...excuse me?

Chris wiped his eye with his napkin, letting me know the Sprite had, in fact, landed on his eye. “Yep!” He nodded excitedly. “I knew you'd be happy, because you and Kristin are really good friends, and all.”

We are no such thing. I despise her.

“Oh, yeah, we are.” Lie, lie, lie.

He bit his lip in excitement. “Yeah, I knew you guys were!”

“Yeah, she's a sweetheart.” I'm such a big, fat liar. I could go in the Guinness Book of World Records. I can see it now. Briar Nicole Lindsey, deemed biggest liar of all time. I think it'll happen one day. might not be a good thing to put on my resume. That is, if I ever get a job...

“Briar? Wake up, girl, I'm talking!” Chris exclaimed, laughing. He was used to me spacing off. Another thing I'm not proud of...

“Yes?” I asked.

“Well, actually, Kristin's going to be here in a few minutes. She really wanted to be here when I told you.” I'm sure she did, that son of-. “But, I knew it was something I had to tell you, alone.”

Nice to think so.

“Mm,” I mumbled, as I took another sip of my Sprite.

“Ah, there she is!” Chris exclaimed, jumping up, and running away from the table.

Ah, thank you, for leaving me. Sweet of you, Chris. Just kill me; that's always fun...Ooh, look napkin. Oh, it's wet. Probably from my mixture of spit, and Sprite that was sprayed all on it. That's actually kind of gross, even though it's my spit...How long have I been talking to myself? Did he just, like, leave the restaurant?

I turned around, and they were standing right behind me...Closer than two human-beings should be, in a public restaurant...with their best-friend sitting right beside him...the same best-friend that happens to be in love with said kisser.

Chris put his hand on the back of Kristin's head, and continued kissing her.

Nasty, nasty. Get a room, nasty people. This is so lovely, though. Chris and Kristin are over there in make-out city, ignoring the world. And, then you look over, and there's me. I'm just sitting here, being all awkward, while the person I'm in love with is kissing his fiance, hating the world. Yep, life sure is grand.

“Okay, well, this was fun, but I'm going to go pee,” I stated, standing up, and accidentally bumping into them, making them stop kissing.

I started to walk to the bathroom, when I heard Chris and Kristin mumbling behind me; I started walking slower, so I could hear.

I'm such an eavesdropper.

“Go, Kristin! You and her need to get to know each other more,” I heard Chris say. I shuddered at they way he said her. He said it like I was just somebody; not his best-friend since birth, or anything.

“But, Chris, her and I are already amazing friends.” Ah, I think I have some competition on the status of Biggest Liar.

“Just go, Kristin. Please? For me?” Chris practically begged.

“Okay, fine. I'll miss you,” Kristin said. Hm...I wonder how hard I could slap her for it not to be considered 'jail-worthy'...

“I'll miss you more!” Chris replied. Puke.

Then, I heard footsteps behind me. “Let's go, best-friend!” Kristin exclaimed, as she hooked her arm with me. Kill. Me. Now.

As soon as Chris couldn't see us anymore, Kristin dropped my arm, and glared at me. “Listen good. Chris is mine. All mine. And, I know you love him, but you might as well forget it; he's mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it.”

Ah, yes. The true color's come out.

“No, you listen. You don't know who I love, and I don't care who you think is yours. So, you might as well back off.” I was born to do this.

“Whatever. Just stay away from Chris.”

“Don't tell me who to stay away from. I've known Chris longer than you could even think about knowing him. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to pee...unless, of course, you would rather me pee right here; either way's fine with me.” I started walking towards the bathroom...then, I started running towards it. I guess I didn't spit out enough of that Sprite...

I entered the bathroom, and ran to the first empty stall, slamming the door.

If you sprinkle, when you tinkle; be a sweetie, and wipe the seatie.” I read, on the door. Oh, how lovely.

I washed my hands, and walked out, bumping into Chris outside the door.

“You really shouldn't stand outside the girl's bathroom, you know. That could be considered creepy.”

Chris glared at me. “Why did Kristin run back to me, crying?”

“Heck if I know,” I replied, shrugging.

“Oh, really? She said you were being terrible to her.”

“So, first, why would you ask me what the problem is, if you already knew? And, second, terrible, as in...hitting her? Kicking her? Cussing her out? That's what she said I did, right?”

“The real question is did you do those things?” he asked.

“Not one. All I did was give right back to her what she was throwing at me. Except, I told the truth. And, if you can't tell who's telling the truth, then I just don't know who you are anymore.”

I pushed past him, and started walking through the restaurant. I ran out the door, and Kristin followed.

“You know, I could look past all the things you did to me, back there,” she said. I just stared at her, when she randomly grabbed her arm. “Ow!” she exclaimed, obviously trying to state that I hit her.

I raised my eyebrows, and shook my head.

“Chris isn't going to like that you hit me, again.

I didn't say a word the whole time.

'Let your conscience be your guide,' kept repeating in my head.

Before I turned around, and started walking to my car, I flipped her off.

I sure did let my conscience be my guide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh, I like this chapter xD And, I stayed up until, like, three in the morning, writing it, last night xD JUST FOR YOU GUYS.
I just noticed my stories are all so dramatic. It's like, "Oh, my God...And, then...She. Dropped. Her. Spoon." I'm just a dramatic person, I guess ;D
Anyways, this story probably won't be too long, chapter-wise. I know how every chapter's going to go know. YUS, I'M SMARTICLES.
And, they reason I haven't been updating my massive amount of Chris-fan-fiction's is because I was recently in a lot of writing contest's....some of which I had to drop out of >.>
Anyways, I'm only in one contest now, and my story isn't due until March, and I already know everything it's going to be about, so I'll be updating these stories a lot more!:D
Comments make me update faster ;D