Never Just One


“I guess ‘hop in’ was probably the wrong thing to say.” Party Poison and I were talking as we walked to the car, the other three Killjoys following behind. The dust clouds we made as we walked were flying into their faces and making them cough. “It implied we were already in the car… but it’s really parked a few dozen yards away.”

I laughed. “Semantics don’t really matter anymore. Especially when it’s with a group of people who just saved your ass from being exterminated a little too early for your liking.”

“Hey, that’s what we do. Ghost Dracs, save lives… a normal day in the life of a Fabulous Killjoy.” He smiled. “You must know the Doc if you’ve got an alias, right?”

“Oh yeah, met Dr. D a while ago and he gave me this gun.” I patted my side. “Said it was called Cellophane Diamond and that’s what my name would be from then on, until BL/ind collapsed. Because it wasn’t safe out here to use my real name.”

“How come he never told us about you?” Fun Ghoul walked up to me and kept in stride, wiping the dirt from his face. That’s when I realized he was pretty short.

“Probably because I met him in… 2015. I was the third to rebel, after him and somebody else.” I shrugged. “Haven’t seen or heard from him since. He still around?”

“Oh, yeah, gonna take more than a few Dracs and ray guns to take him out. Rumor has it Korse – Korse himself!” Kobra Kid said enthusiastically, walking beside Party Poison now. “Yeah, Korse’s trying to take him out. But he can’t find where Dr. D broadcasts from – Show Pony did something to the radio signal.”

“Radio signal?”

“Hell yeah. He broadcasts music and updates on the status of Killjoys every day. I mean, this ain’t BL/ind’s controlled mass media shit. This is pure rock ‘n’ roll and real news.” Jet Star was shaking his head, and dust emitted from his poofy, curly hair. “Damn fro.”

“Well, fuck. I snuck into Battery City every day for the past four years to steal their stupid government-approved propaganda when I could’ve had real news and not risked my life?” I groaned. “That would’ve saved me so much trouble.”

“You snuck into Battery City every day?!” everyone shouted. Their ability to do so in cliché unison showed me that they’d been together for a while – they were naturally attuned to each other’s thoughts.

Party Poison whistled. “You predate us. You predate us by a lot. And you’ve got more balls than all of us combined. We’ve only ever been inside the city once – and that wasn’t an experience we’d like to remember.”

“Way to make me feel old.”

“Hey, you’re fuckin’ awesome, Diamond. Rebelling so quickly… we were all too coward.” He held out his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, Cellophane. Would you like to be a part of our little unit – the Fabulous Killjoys?”

I smiled. “Sure as hell beats livin’ alone in the zones, scared for an attack by multiple Dracs at any moment.”

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Okay. So I'm addicted to writing this story.

And I got a lot of helpful feedback from people, and a lot of positive feedback, so I'm posting chapter two.

Again, help with anything is great. I want this to turn out epic, but I can't without your help.

Comment with some concrit on anything. :)