Status: Might be done

The Week After

The Week After

Nick laid on his bed, thinking, looking up at the stars. He sighs moving his hair out of the way. Why her she was the only one that understands, he thought sadly. No one can ever replace her in my heart. Nick gets up and walks outside in the cold air. I wonder if she is looking down on me right now. He wonders looking at the sky again. Nick runs his fingers through his hair not really meaning to. Really why couldn’t it be me? She had so much more to accomplish than me she would have help some many people. He sighed again. So many memories flashed into his head of her and him. Nick lies down on the grass looking up at the stars. He wished with all his might that she would come back. He closed his eyes thinking
*Flash back two weeks ago*
Nick and Emily was driving home late at night. The drunk driver hit the side Emily was on and made Nick’s head hit the window making him black out he woke up in the hospital. He asked what happened too her? The nurse said she was in a coma. His eyes quickly opened. He has not sleep since then. He thought it was his fault, he said he would never forgive himself. He keep looking upon the sky for hours, till the sun rose. He looked away from the sky and got up slowly. He walked inside his house, walking past his worried parents and hyper sister while heading to his room, he closed the door. Nick looked around his room looking at all of her picture and everything that would remind him of her. He picked up one and held it to him wishing she was there. He was listening to his favorite song that reminded him of her when the lyrics came on. He could hear her singing with them sitting on the chair in his room singing and smiling. He knew it was not real but he wanted it to continue for a while longer. He thought about tomorrow and what would happen. He shut his eyes and finally fell asleep holding her picture and listening to his favorite song “ Better Than Me” by Hinder.
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