Status: Finished =)

Those eyes of yours

Those Eyes of yours

It was 5 p.m., just an hour before the concert. Alyssa and Alina had been waiting in line all morning. Alyssa shivered and moved closer to Alina. It was the coldest day of October; the leaves had already fallen off of every tree, and littered the ground with orange, red, and brown. Alina put her arm around Alyssa to keep her warm but didn’t help at all with the height difference between the two.
It was Alyssa’s idea to go to the concert. When she had heard Avenged Sevenfold was playing at the House of Blues in Chicago, Alina was the first person she called. She looked over at Alina, her eyes where somewhere distant. She rested her head on her shoulder, to catch her attention.

Their eyes met and they smiled at each other. Alina leaned in and yelled “STALLION DUCK!!” into her ear . A few people standing by gave them questioning stares, but they ignored them, they only looked at each other and laughed to themselves.
The wind picked up and Alyssa shivered more. In their hurry to catch the train, she had forgotten to grab a sweater.

“Why don’t you go in and buy a sweater? I’m sure they’re selling some.” Alina suggested, reaching into her pocket and taking out a crumpled ten-dollar bill and handing it to her. “If it helps.” She said with a smile.
“No, it’s alright. The concert will be starting soon, I’ll be ok.” Alyssa replied, folding her arms across her chest.
“It won’t start for another hour, you’ll freeze! Please, just take it.” She insisted.
“Ok,” She sighed taking the wrinkled dollar from her hand “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Alina smiled and put her red scarf around Alyssa’s neck. “Stay warm sweetie.”

“I’ll try” she replied as she walked towards to House of Blues.
She staggered through the front door, and immediately spotted a small gift shop to her left. Upstairs she could hear bands warming up and tuning their instruments. She was tempted to walk up the stairs and see whom it was pounding on the bass drum. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was the Rev. She smiled slightly at the thought. Here she was, right below the one and only Rev. She looked longingly at the stairs.
“May I help you?” came a man’s voice from behind her.
Her face turned scarlet, embarrassed at being caught daydreaming. “I’m sorry I was just looking for…” her voice trailed off as she spun around to see the man standing behind her.

Just a few feet in front of her stood Synyster Gates. She was silent for a moment, taken aback by his presence.
“You were looking for a…?” He asked looking slightly amused.
“A sweater.” She respond, blushing madly. “It’s freezing outside.”
He laughed a little. “Yeah, it’s pretty cold.” He nodded. “Why don’t you borrow mine?” he said pulling his black AC/DC sweater over his head and handing it to her.
She took it gratefully. “Thank you.”
“How long have you been waiting out there?” He asked.
“Hours.” She replied.
“Why don’t you wait in here for a while.” He said smoothly.
“Are you sure I can? I mean, I can go out and wait, I’ll be fine.”
“I think it would be ok.” He smiled, “Besides, I need to make sure I get my sweater back.”
“I guess I could stay for a few more minutes.” She blushed.

“Great,” he took her hand, “the band’s just upstairs.”
Alyssa could feel her heart beat contrasting the rhythm of the beating bass drum as she slowly walked up the stairs. As they reached the top they were immediately greeted by Zacky Vengeance.
“Who’s this?” he asked, looking at Alyssa.
“Alyssa” she replied, answering for herself.
“Alyssa” he repeated to himself, smiling, as he looked her over.
“She’s gonna hang with us for a while.” Syn said as he waved to Johnny.
“That’s cool.” He replied, still not taking his eyes off her. “Mind if I show her around?”
“Sure go for it.” He answered walking past him towards Johnny, who was waving him over.

He looked in her eyes as if examining their brilliant color. He took a step closer, but she stepped back shyly. Touching her soft brown hair, he kept his gaze.
“Those eyes,” he whispered to himself, “they have me drawn.”
Alyssa looked wide eyed at him, “What was that you just said?”
“It was nothing.” He smiled and leaned closer.
“No, you said ‘Those eyes, they have me drawn.’” She insisted, her thoughts racing.
“Yes,” he replied baffled, “your eyes are very beautiful.”

Alyssa smiled, “It was wonderful to meet you. I can hardly wait for the show to start, but I can’t stay here with you.” She pulled Synyster’s sweater over her head and threw it on a chair, “Be sure Syn gets his sweater back, and thank him for me.”
With that, she hugged Zacky and ran down the stairs, smiling brightly. She ran out the door and down the line until her eyes came across a familiar face.
“Alina.” Gasping for air, she held her in a tight embrace.
“Hey, didn’t find a sweater?” She smiled.
Alyssa smiled back, and shook her head.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“Never been better. Do you remember that poem you wrote? Could you recite it?”
“Yes, of course.” Alina cleared her throat.

“I want to show you my emotions,
Beautiful, tragic, and for you alone.
Loving memories captured by hopeless dreams,
But I can't forget these feelings shown.

Those eyes that have me drawn.
Shocked by their deep vividness.
Soothed by your soft warmth.
Chilled by this bittersweet loneliness.”

“Those eyes that have me drawn” whispered Alyssa to herself.
“Did you see anyone in there?” Alina asked excitedly.
“No, no one important.” Replied Alyssa.
“Aw, that’s too bad, I know that would have meant to world to you.” she looked up at her tall friend
Slipping her arm around her shoulder, Alyssa thought to herself “If only you knew”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is My first post on this site, and honestly anyone who reads this your opinion matters to me i wrote a different version to this is middle school and i found it recently and edited little bit and here it is tell me what you think