Status: Maybe ongoing? Though it's a duel partnership story

The Triplet Heirs

Live Long And In Peace

Ezra heaved under the armour. It clearly wasn't made for a small structured man like him. But even if Ezra had a specially tailored suit, he doubted it would have weighed any less. But it may have taken his mind off of the heaviness of the sword, which he couldn't even drag fully off the ground for more then a minute at a time.

The curtains ruffled at the head of the great hall, drawing every pair of eyes, and bringing cheers with it. The king had made his entrance, and it was clear who everyone's favourite was. Ezra wasn't stupid, he knew he had no chance, and if there was a chance, it wouldn’t be in any way fair.

"You," the king thrust his sword forward, indicating Ezra. "You challenge me why? Many have, but someone like you, who can't even fit in the smallest suit of armour, why are you doing this?"

Ezra knew he had challenged the king to a fight to the death but he didn’t really understand why he did it. He knew the king wanted a serious answer, but he knew such an answer wouldn’t come, because there wasn’t one.

His expression grew impatient for Ezra's answer. After another moment of silence he then charged toward Ezra, determination in his eyes. The point of his sword barely missed the slit in Ezra's helmet, which would have blinded him.

Ezra hadn't moved intentionally, but instinct took over from somewhere deep inside him. He had just flinched enough to ensure that he still stood his ground. The sword still weighed heavy in his armoured hand, probably more so now that he desperately needed it in attempt to save his life. Despite his best efforts he could barely swing it higher then his waist, and then clanged helplessly against the current ruler's side in his last attempt to deliver damage.

Ezra stood, incapable of further blows, waiting for death to ensure. Ezra didn’t flinch on the outside, but he was praying for a miracle.

Aym finally gave him some advice, though it was of little help "Ok listen, you can't win, I know you've figured that out already, I don't need to read your mind for that. But you're surrounded by people who could aid you. You just have to pick the right one. Everyone's loyal to this ass of a king, but not everyone agrees; choose the right one. Oh, and you may want to choose quickly, or duck away from the killer blow right now."

Ezra didn't fully recover from the lecture in his head quickly enough to know his body had moved already, and it gave him time to scan the crowd. No one stood out. Most, if not all were high up royals and nobles, not all were cheering, but they were mingling with each other like the fight was an ordinary occurrence. There were a few peasants scattered about, but most had plastered themselves against the walls, watching Ezra and their ruler, but keeping out of trouble.

Then, a blur snaked in from his left peripheral vision, snapping Ezra's head back toward the king who was now on the ground. A finely dressed male figure stood over him, sword point to the king's jugular, daring him to move. Ezra stood dumbfounded as the new comer turned around and smiled at him while extending a hand to help him up. Ezra blinked at the hand offered, not even remembering falling in the heavy chain mail, he didn't want to make a fool of himself while trying to get up...He took the hand gratefully.

"Well Ezra, your job's not yet done, I wish I could finish it for you," Passing the sword along, the stranger continued, "But that's not my place. It's yours."

Ezra wasn't sure why the man handed him the sword, since he had his own, but soon realized when he fully took on the weight of the thing that it was as light as a feather. Much better. Squaring his shoulders, Ezra replaced the stranger as he took up the same place with the sword. But he could go no further, how could he? Killing someone was one thing, but how was he to break through the heavy chain mail?

"Just strike Ezra, there's nothing and no one standing in your way. Wield the sword carefully and it will not fail you."

And that's all Ezra needed. And true to the stranger’s word, the sword struck through the armour like a letter opener, and into the heart that lay within.

"I don't have to really eat it...Do I?" But all the eyes around the room said otherwise, he just hoped it was because they were taking in the sight of their new king.

"Well, yeah. Yeah you do. But, if you do it, I can promise you the best reward I can bestow. Even better then ruling." That did the trick.

The heart was easy to remove, but far from bite size. After a few tries, like a baby chick feeding from its mother, Ezra finally swallowed, letting the excess blood flow from the corners of his lips.

The man who saved him grabbed his arm and swung him around, locking lips with him. Ezra stood still, unable to move. All he heard in his head was Aym cheering them both on. Pulling apart the man simply said "My name's Ceri, by the way, Your Majesty."

Dragons and humans alike roared their battle cries as each tried to take the other’s life. Inside the castle the sound of clashing metal filled the air of each room. Sparks flew each time Liam’s and the king’s swords met as both tried to gain the upper hand. “You’re good, for a boy.” The king said as their swords met and held for a moment, then they parted again.

Liam smiled as he inhaled giant breaths of air “Thanks, I’ve used a sword for as long as I can remember. That said, you’re not half bad yourself.” He could tell there was evil in this man, but not all of him was evil, there was good in him as well. He wasn’t sure if he could really kill him in the end. Liam’s mind flashed back to what Ryu was telling him before the battle began.

“Why, do I have to be the one to kill him?” Liam asked in a whisper.

Ryu shook his head “Because of the Gods. Only royalty can kill royalty. If any other kills one of royal blood he too will die as well as his family.”

“But,” he stared at Ryu “You’re also of royal blood right?”

He nodded faintly “Yes, but I can’t fight him. If I do, and if I kill him the war will only become worse.”

“How did the war start?”

“Your uncle killed my father, the dragons’ only king. What more a reason do you need? But, to make matters worse, he started the war but blamed it on us. So the human race believes that dragons started it when really their own king did, by killing his own brother and my father too. Before your uncle, both races lived in peace. I can’t believe how fast the humans turned against us…”

Liam placed a hand on Ryu’s armoured shoulder “Let’s end this, today.” In his heart he knew Ryu was telling him the truth. He felt it; a bond that only exists between close friends.

Ryu smiled a soft smile “Thanks, and good luck out there. We’ll keep the soldiers busy outside, which will give you a fair fighting chance. It’ll be you against the king. Everyone else will be too preoccupied with us to help him beat you. I’d help you but, well…if I do the Gods will see it as cheating and will punish both of us. Sorry to say, but you have to fight him, alone.”

The clashing metal echoed again, bringing Liam back to his senses. He raised his sword for a strike, but as he brought it down it clanked against the king’s armoured arm instead of his sword. The king swung his sword around and struck Liam across the chest, leaving a long slash across the armour. Liam stumbled backwards as he tried to regain his breath.

The king laughed and charged in before Liam could block his attack.

Blood dribbled down the king’s sword, but more blood flowed from Liam’s. Liam held a firm hold on the king’s blade and had struck with his own.

Blood bubbled from the king’s lips as he toppled to the floor, his blood pooling around him.

Gasping, Liam fell to his knees, clenching his bleeding hand. His sword remained in place, through the king’s chest.

Ryu and another soldier that Liam didn’t know rushed into the room, both panting. “Is it…?” Ryu questioned through heavy breaths.

Liam nodded faintly, “Yes, it’s over.”

The soldier stared at the still form in the pool of blood then looked to Liam “Our king, what have you done to our king?!”

Liam forced his drained body to stand “I am the king now. I, Liam Heten, stand here now as king of the human race.”

“Liam…Heten.” He paused a moment then fell to one knee “Yes, Prince Li- no, King Liam. Welcome home my lord. Liam Heten, son of King Peter and true heir to the throne, welcome home, my king.”

Adam smiled as he closed both books. “They did it. They fulfilled their birth rights and brought peace to worlds full of war.” He turned to Caiden, “Let’s leave them to their own fate, whatever that may be.” He and Caiden stacked the books away back inside the wardrobe. Closing its doors Adam smiled “What shall happen next is up to them and them alone. To the both of you, live long and in peace.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The end of our little co-author story! This one was by far my favourite out of the assignments given to us!
PS, co-author is tarakatie