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Miles to Go.


The room was small, but it was her room, her own serenity, safety. The mirrors on all of the walls from the floor to the ceiling helped her improve her moves. Helped her move her body in the right ways. The dance needed to be perfect. She needed to get into the Academy to secure her future as a professional dancer. Not all seventeen year olds get the opportunity to have an audition at one of the finest schools in Europe. This was going to be her time to make it.

The spotlights above her head flickered on and off as the storm outside was brewing. She didn’t care though. No storm was going to stop her from going to London. She needed this. Wiping the tears from her cheeks which had fallen from frustration she turned the volume on the CD player up louder, mainly to shut the noise out of the thunder.

The violins sent chills down her spine as they always do when her music begins. She smiled and started to move, not something that was choreographed, something fun and modern- she loved dancing that way. As the beat to her music increased so did her body’s moves. Ballet, Street, Hip- Hop, contemporary dance, it was all there. She knew the dance wasn’t what would get her into the Academy but it was fun. It was what she enjoyed, moving for fun and appreciating the moves she made.

The music finished and so did her dance with a beautiful leap through the air. The next song immediately started playing on her CD and this one was just a track of violins, a piano and a soft voice. She listened to the track once before she pressed replay and started dancing. This dance she could do in her sleep, it was both simple yet complicated. Her dance was telling a story to the music playing, a story about how anyone can be themselves.

I guess that was what she loved about dance, being herself. Being able to express herself in three minutes of music. She wasn't the talking type if girl, she found it hard to make friends. It was not that she didn't want them, she just didn't have time. She sometimes wished that her life was simple but then she realised that she loves to dance. That was why she was here. That was why the audition was so important to her.

"Five more minutes then your Father will be ready," her Mother called into her dance room. Her Mother didn't really understand dance, in fact she was against her going to London for the audition. Just like any Mother, she wanted her baby home so she could look after her.

For the last time, she looked in the mirror and put the finishing touches onto her outfit, some glitter here and there and it was perfect. She sparkled her way to the living room and looked at her Father; he smiled and had the look of love in his eyes.

"Drive safe, the roads don't look safe with these storms," her Mother shouted in from the kitchen, "Oh and darling, do your best."

She ran from the house and down the long driveway to where her Father’s car was. She was screaming from the cold, downfall but only had one thing in mind- her dance.

She fixed her hair in the car mirror, adding an extra hair grip in the places which needed them. She was singing along to the car radio, one of her favourite Pop songs was playing. Still singing she added some red lipstick upon her lips and admired herself in the small mirror.

"Dad? Daaaaad?" she screamed. Her Father closed his eyes and waited for it to happen. It was an accident. A million regrets running through his mind and only one wish- for his daughter to be okay. He didn't mean for this to happen but he knew he was stupid for driving in a storm.

"Leave them smiling," he whispered and her petite body froze, trying to open the door to get out but it was locked. She panicked, tears rolling down her cheeks. He remembered her quote, her motto, her ultimate rule- really it was her only rule. She always followed it.

She looked at his red, puffy eyes and located not even a faded trail of a smile upon his lips. Instead, she found a very weak curve wobbling upwards on his beautifully sad face that looked dark in the glow of events.

The light was getting closer now, she wished it wasn't happening but it was. She closed her eyes, grabbing hold of her necklace, a million prayers running through her mind.

"Please, make this not happen, please," Lexie Malone pleaded.
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Please tell me what you think. More chapters are to come and I promise you that they will get better and longer. Please don't be a silent reader.