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Miles to Go.


". . . She can't even dance!"

". . . She's pathetic!"

". . . She hasn't even auditioned!"

". . . She's a murderer!"

"Lexie?" her Mother was holding the crying body in her fragile arms. She felt her heart break as Lexie kept screaming- never had she saw someone so upset.

"Momma, I'm so so- sorry!" Lexie cried, it was nearly impossible for her to breathe. All her Mother said was simply, "it's going to be okay."

She was lying in her Mother’s arms for seconds, minutes, hours maybe. Just lying there and crying. Eventually she fell asleep.

Her dreams weren't much nicer than reality, she was better off staying awake.

His eyes were closed, why would he close his eyes? Why couldn't he move the car? I need my Father, I need him home. I love him, I need him. He smiled at me then, his beautiful red lips, curved into a spectacular smile. "I love you my Darling," he whispered, his lips moving to make another sound but nothing came out this time. Nothing was beautiful about this scene, his eyes were squeezed closed, his hands were holding onto whatever he could grab and my screams were filling the small gap between us. Then came the light.

"Lexie sweetie," For the first time in a long time Lexie had slept longer than 5 minutes and her Mother had to wake her up. All she wanted to do was rest. But even dreams hurt.

"What is it Mom?" She croaked, her voice unable to support her hurt. She pushed her hair out of her eyes, and attempted to sit up.

"You have a letter," she smiled, handing Lexie a brown envelope. On the top of the envelope there was a logo with the words 'London Academy of Fine Arts, LA'. Lexie couldn't believe get eyes. The academy she had dreamt of going to for years had sent her a letter.

Her Mother smiled, she had already opened the letter so she knew the outcome. Lexie opened the letter and read the first few lines, she was shocked at the words. She was unable to move or speak- speechless, I believe the correct term is. She had to blink a few times to stop herself from crying- not that it helped. She simply rolled the paper up into a ball and threw it into the trash. It was a joke, it had to be.

Lexie got out of her bed, left her bedroom- maybe for the first time in a long time. She just walked, not caring where she was going, she just needed to think. Needed to start believing. She left the house, not even bothering to put any shoes on. There were fields surrounding her house so she just walked over the grass, it was cold and wet and was horrible to be walking on but it was refreshing to her anyway. It reminded her of when she was a child. The days when she didn't have a care in the world- care free.

The wind blowing in her hair made her smile, for the first time in a long time. She was beautiful. The sun, glistening down onto her skin made it glow and made her hair glitter.

Shadows sinisterly rose out around the tree she was heading for. She kept walking up the hill, wanting to get to the tree. Lexie felt like a princess, walking up a million steps to get to the highest tower, the place of safety, the place of a dream. The newly formed shadows slowly approached her from behind but they didn't scare her- Nothing could scare her. Too much had happened.

"See that house there?" my Father pointed at a beautiful house. It was white and small, just looking innocent among the luscious earth around it. The chimney smoking black from a newly lit fire. A huge grin set across my face as I nod, looking up at my Father's beautiful features.

"Well, one day, that house will be ours. We will be happy and you will have everything. Nothing bad will ever happen to you, I promise," my Father stopped talking so he could pull me onto his lap and kiss my forehead.

Her eyes shot open, the screams starting again. She couldn't help but look down to the perfect house, there was nothing perfect about it. No fire, no beauty, no life. Just dullness and darkness. It wasn't what Lexie wanted, it wasn't what her father wanted.

Hours might have passed by this time because the perfect blue sky was now being turned into darkness. The sun was saying goodbye as the moon welcomed the sky. Lexie sat underneath her tree, watching the sun set, watching the birds fly to their nests as they rested for the night, watching children saying goodbye to their friends as they returned home for a lovely welcome from their family. Lexie couldn't help but feel happiness for all of those beings; if only she could be happy herself.

Only illuminated by the few house lights and the lights on the motorway which is far away, Lexie stood up. She looked over the cliff and down the steep slope. She made a move, nearly falling over the cliff but she jumped back with such grace and high manner. She was dancing the dance she showed her Father when she was only ten years old. Last time she danced on this cliff, last time he smiled, last time he cried. Now he wasn't here to smile or cry. Humming to herself, trying to do something for herself for once, she thought. She thought about the academy, about her Mother, about her own life, about how little friends she had. Then, her Father.

It's been three weeks since a car got stuck on a road junction due to a fallen down tree. It's been three weeks since England had it's worse storm ever. That day, everything seemed perfect. It was after all, just another day. The only thing that was different, was Lexie. She trained for hours, trying to get her dance routine right. She trained for days before, even in front of her Father.

Since Lexie got her dance studio, age hated to perform in front of her Father. But that day she did. She stood there, goofing around, smiling, giggling, having fun with her Father. Then she danced a few routines for him. They were of course perfect, all of her dances were. She would never be able to dance in front of her Father again.

"Lexie? Turn that music down!" my Mother shouted. I had been dancing for hours. Only one thing on my mind, I had grew obsessive over it. Trying to get my audition routine right. I've never wanted anything so badly.

I turned the music down but I was still dancing, my voice even joined in now. I loved to sing when I was dancing- I guess it made me original, unique even. Not every ballerina does the things I do. 

I heard the front door open so I danced my way to the living room, giggling as I twirled. I felt like I was 5 again. Running into my Fathers arms and he still spinning me around, even though I have just turned 17. It was the same routine every day. I'd dance, Mother would moan, Father would come home. 

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. His eyes reflected the same happiness back, they were glowing. "How's the practice going?" he asked, sitting down and turning football on. I sat next to him and cuddled up to him, loving his warmth and comfort. This was what I wanted to do forever.

Lexie woke up in her Mother's bed with fresh tears streaked down her face. Some time last night, her Mother fetched get from up that hill and brought her back home. She was finally asleep so there was no need to wake the resting soul- it did need to rest.

"Why did you throw this is the trash?" Lexie's Mother sat down on the bed, placing some hot chocolate on the bedside table first. She looked into Lexie's eyes, looking for some sign or guidance to go for- there was nothing.

"You've dreamed about going to this academy for years, since you was a little girl even. You didn't even audition Lexie. You got accepted. You need to go," she frowned, still trying to see any part of emotion in her torn up daughter.

"Mom, Dad's dead, don't start acting like the mother who cares. It doesn't suite you," Lexie glared angrily at her Mother, not even thinking about taking the words back. Instead she got out of her Mother's room and relocated back to hers.

Lexie Malone is now the heartless, Fatherless, bitch
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Hi there :')