Wolf's Love: Taking Away Juliet

Act 0, Scene 0,

Act 0, scene 0, Polygraph Right now

The moon’s full light was above the forest, bringing light to all the creatures that laid in wait for their nightly hunt. The owls came out of their nests, the bats out of their caves. Even the simple racoon was leaving the forest to hunt the garbage of the city night in peace. In the general household, even the average house rat would be out to find its next snack or the snap of death. The alley cats meowed and the playful dogs barked at the noises. The night was silent for the most part, but still very much alive. But there was one creature not alive anymore, dead inside. Moving with speed and efficiency, it pulled all of its strength into one purpose; not killing the nearest person to it.

It slammed a door behind it and started to walk at abnormal speeds down towards the same forest that so much life spent time; unaware of what was coming towards them. To the average eye, the creature looked like a human like a normal 24 year old, like it couldn’t harm anything. Its long, bushy blond hair flew in the wind as its pace quickened into a run. Its blue eyes were taken over by a pitch-black shade, just like poison was consuming its body. It reached the forest and jumped into the trees, being engulfed by darkness. But for this creature, darkness did not scare it. With extraordinary sight, its eyes could clearly cut through the darkness. As it sped threw the forest, it quickly ripped its clothing off of its body, readying itself for its real skin to break loose.

Its stomach turned and its bones began to break underneath the pressure of the immense change happening inside its body. Its hair began to change its colour; the pure blond went black, and the stubble on its chin grew longer. Its arms grew to legs and its hands into paws. The fur spurted out of its body like in infection claiming its flesh. Its teeth began to sharpen and its mouth grew into a snout. Its transformation was complete. It fell to its four new legs as the wolf shaped creature continued its run and its quest for blood. From the top of a small cliff, its sight fell upon a brown bear attempting to retreat to its home for a night’s rest. The wolf let out a howl of warning to the animal, but the drowsy bear ignored it and continued. Annoyed, the wolf jumped to the ground in front of the bear’s cave, not allowing it to pass. Face to face, the bear and this wolf shaped creature were exactly the same size. The abnormally large wolf growled as the bear slowly backed away to try to retreat. With a quick swipe of the bear’s paw, it turned to run.

When the wolf recovered from the strike, it pursued its prey. The bear’s huge presence was its downfall tonight as the wolf quickly caught up and dove on the bear, ripping at its back with its claws and knocking it to the ground. Before the beaten brown figure could even reach its feet, the wolf took a bite out of its left arm, ripping and tearing the skin so it could no longer move. The bear weakly tried to kick at the giant wolf, but he could not get it off. When the wolf finally released the bear, it rolled to its belly to attempt to run but was hindered by its injury. Taking its opportunity, the wolf pounced at the bear yet again, driving its fangs into the back of the bear’s neck. The wolf held on and shook its head about wildly, tearing the skin off the back of the bear’s neck. Blood dripped through the creature’s fur and dripped down to the dirt ground below. Soon, the whole creature’s body tumbled under the weight of the wolf’s presence. The wolf cocked its head up and howled into the night in its victory, but the howl was not one of happiness. It was of sorrow and rage.

Just then, amongst the shadows a figure came out. His short black hair glistened in the moonlight, sweat dripped from his face, exhaustion emanate in his facial features. His worried green eyes turned calm again when they centred on the giant wolf feeding on its prey. All he could do was let out a sigh of relief and speak to the creature

“Can we please go home now?”
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part one in my play like recreation of Wolves Love thanks for reading.