Wolf's Love: Taking Away Juliet

Act 2, Scene 1,

Act 2, Scene 1, Becoming the Bull

“Well,” I began, “good luck,” I said, extending my hand out to him. He smiled as he took it and replied; “I’m not going to need it.” He quickly turned around and flipped me over his shoulder by my arm. He stood overtop of me, laughing as I attempted to get up. I could feel his fingers grip to my hair and then, the next thing I knew, I was face down in the dirt. I struggled to get up using the side of the cage as support. I still had not gained back my breath from him flipping me.

I turned my back to the cage just in time to see him land his fist in my face. He caught me with his other arm quickly and fed me a knee to the face, knocking me down to the ground in the other direction. As I was attempting to get up, I felt him grip my shirt and start to pull me up. I played possum and let him start to pick me up. I fell into him. He gripped his arms around me, holding me up. He started to laugh, thinking that he had the upper hand. As soon as I heard the laughter escape his lips, I saw my opportunity. I forced myself out of his grasp and hit him with an uppercut right to the throat. He grabbed the side of the cage, catching himself before he fell, and used it to slingshot himself back at me. I grabbed the side of the cage myself and put my left foot into one of the openings, using it to lift myself up and get enough elevation to feed him a knee of my own to his face. We both collapsed to the ground. We had both had many more fights that day and we were both feeling the effects of them.

I decided at this point it was time to bring out the heavy firepower. As he was on the ground, I closed my eyes and concentrated. I could see the brown face of the wolf in front of me. I knew somehow I still had the energy to shift. I saw the wolf run towards me and I bolted towards it, jumping at it and crashing into it in mid air. I opened my eyes to see I was back in the cage. I turned just in time to receive a kick in the stomach from Mark, sending me flipping over. He then jumped toward me. I cocked my head up and shot forwards, readying to clench my fangs into his neck. His fingers in my mouth and his hands ripping my jaws open stopped my attempt. I fought vigorously with him to grip my mouth shut over his fingers, but I was met with disappointment when I found myself across the cage on the ground again. I got up and growled at the figure across the cage as he started to change shape also. I charged towards him and pounced at him just in time to meet his white fur and vicious claw to the face. Hitting the ground, I turned and swiped him in the back of the leg. I heard a whimper of pain shoot from the wolf. I found his weak point. I thought to myself as I swiftly turned and pounced at his back leg, driving my fangs into it. Mark immediately fell to the ground and started kicking at me, attempting to get me off of him. I kept hold of him until I felt his fangs dig into my tail. I yelped, forcing me to let go of my advantage. I stood back up, ready for him to be right there attacking again, but the sight I did get surprised me.

Mark was crawling away, blood pouring out of his wound like crazy. Looking closer, I could see a white sharp object sticking out of the flesh. Had I caused that?

I could hear screams from all around me. The crowd was in an uproar. I could hear People screaming at me from every side telling me to finish him, to bite his throat out, and a whole bunch of other cruel deaths. I took a step forward, readying myself for the final blow. It would be just a quick claw to the neck, nothing fancy. I just wanted to put him out of his misery here. But as I was just about to, I heard a scream from my side, a child’s voice.

I turned to see the little dark child I had seen at the start of the match, shifting. But this was no normal shift. The child was wolfing out. His wolf form came through and he started to grow. I turned to see the platform hit the ground.

“Alex, get on it now!” I looked up to see my father at the control centre of the lift. I ran to the platform and got on it. The lift moved a lot faster then it did when it took me down. My father pulled the gate away that was separating us and talked to me quickly.

“Take Jake, Alex, and run. Get as far as you can from here. You’re his target.” And with that he ran off, shifting quickly and running around the circle towards the wolf that was now almost too big too fit in the stadium. Realizing what I had to do, I let Jake climb onto my back, and we ran.

I ran through the old dark hallways of our old den, the place were we grew up and called home for the longest time. I looked up and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God, we are going to make it. I kept running, trying to get to it, but I couldn’t. It was getting farther and farther away.

“Alex!” I heard my name called but ignored it. My mind was set on the exit in front of me.

“Alex,” the voice came out to me again. The voice sounded so familiar.
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the beginning of act 2,