Wolf's Love: Taking Away Juliet

Act 2, scene 5,

Act 2, Scene 5, Waiting for the End

“Alex.” I opened my eyes to see Jessica; her baby blue eyes were just as piercing as ever.

“Jessica,” I said confused and drowsy.

“Sorry I woke you but you were thrashing about in your sleep,” she said with concern.

“Yeah, just had a nightmare,” I retorted, remembering the giant wolf.

“About what?” she questioned.

“The day everyone was killed,” I stated, unsure if I was even ready to talk to her about this yet.

“Oh.” Her reaction made me feel she was just as insecure about it as me.

“Yeah,” I stated awkwardly. As I looked into her eyes, I could see the uncertainty she had, so I immediately felt I should be doing something about it. “It’s been a while, Jessica.” I let a smile out. I was happy to see her, though I knew the flashbacks would come with it.

“Yes it has.” She looked at the ground as she continued to talk. “I heard about you and what happened, and I just really wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I am just fine, as you can see,” I started. “I’m a little sore, but I am just fine.” I watched her look at the floor, wondering why she was in such a state of disrepair. “What about you?” I retorted the question back.

She lifted her head to look me in the eyes again. I immediately noticed that she still had the same freckles she did when we were kids. “I have been fine for the most part; things have been better but you live through life.”

“Well, things are pretty much the same here. Where have you been hiding all these years?” I questioned her.

“I have been moving from city to city, not really able to find a place to settle down. So I decided to come here and see you and your brother. I thought that maybe being around old friends would help. I never knew I would walk in on such a bad time for you.” She put her head down. Just then, I got what she was worried about.

“You don’t think that what I did had anything to do with you, do you?” I thought aloud. She looked surprised by this.

“Well I don’t know, did it?”

“Of course not, why would I do that over you? I am happy to see you, not angry,” I stated, setting the record straight.

“Oh. Well that’s good then,” she started, smiling for the first time since I had seen her. “So then, may I ask, what did make you do it?”

I stumbled over the question at first, not entirely wanting to go over it. But I knew I would have to eventually. “Well, my girlfriend of 8 years left me for some other guy.”

“Oh god, what a bitch.” Her upset tone rang through but died just as quickly. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry, you’re right,” I reassured her, “ I am just not sure how to deal with it.” As the words escaped my lips, she put her hands on mine and spoke silently to me.

“Well, I am here for you if you need it.”