Wolf's Love: Taking Away Juliet

Act 3, scene 1,

Act 3, Scene 1, Save You

For the rest of the day we just stayed in my living room. Talking about life and the way things have changed. The years had not been as good to her as they had been to me. When it was time for her to leave I made sure to walk her to her house even though I still felt weak. We walked in silence surrounded by memory. When I felt her warm palm try to take mine I pulled away. I missed her but I wasn’t ready to let someone in again.

When we reached her house she turned to me and spoke for the first time.

“Well it was good seeing you again,” her voice seemed disappointed.

“It’s not like this is the last time, right?” I questioned

She smiled at me slightly and replied softly, “of course not”

“Well when will I see you again,” I asked

She answered in the form of a question, “how about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow would be great,” I said feeling the smile curve up on my face.

She embraced me in a quick hug and went to go inside. I sat there watching as the door closed behind her leaving me out in the cold. Why do I do this? I questioned myself, I am not ready for this at all, and I can’t let her inside. I started on the long walk home letting my mind drift in and out of consciousness I wonder if she realizes what happened last time one of us wolfed out like that. It could have been a lot worse. It was the first time it had ever happened to me personally and it was terrifying. Wolfing out was the equivalent of what the werewolf lore says we do. You get angry shift into a giant monster instead of a wolf and then lose control. It’s a very scary feeling to lose all control like that. When it happens you see nothing but darkness. Some people have reported to be able to see them selves doing something but it looked like they were watching their wolf form from above.

The thought of Jessica shot into my head again. Why did she come and find us if things have been so bad for her. From what she had told me she had never actually gotten over the deaths of our families. The events started going through my head again of that horrid night, spending the whole night curled around Jakes sleeping body watching the entrance to a cave I had found. I remember staying in wolf form for three days to keep Jake warm and to be ready to defend him. At least that was my excuse to him but the truth is I was scared of that thing. I was scared of my own human emotions and what would hit me when I turned back; and it did.

When I finally shifted back to my human form the first thing we did was go back to the stadium. What we found hit me like I had been in a coma for the last three days. It was like waking up from a coma and realizing you had just missed all your loved ones die. The stadium was gone, all that was left of it was a graveyard of metal. We couldn’t even find any bodies of our loved ones under the rubble, just broken concrete and giant shards of fallen metal. I couldn’t have done anything about it and now I see it was the best thing to have done but for that moment and for several years after that I blamed myself.

Finally reaching my own house I opened the door and threw my coat and shoes off quickly wanting to just go lay down and rest again but when I walked into the living room ready to plummet to the couch Jake had taken refuge there.