Status: Active but Slow(:



The next morning I woke up to the sunlight flowing through the window, I must have forgotten to shut the curtains last night. I didn’t really have anything important today, so I decided to stay in bed a little longer that usual. I was dozing when my phone went off, I had forgotten that I brought it with me, I also need to take note of changing my number. I waited until the ringing had haltered before getting out of bed and checking who had called. I had no intention of talking to anyone from my hometown, it would just make it harder to get away. The call I had received was from my mom, I shook my head in disgust, why would she bother to call me? She never cared before so why now? I switched my phone off before placing it back in its place in my bad, before walking towards the bathroom to take a shower.


It had been a crazy six months since I’d spoken to Dakota last, it near enough killed me. I could only remember the look on her face when I told her Mandy and I were engaged, it hurt to know I had let down my best friend, let her suffer alone, anything could have happened to her since then, I hadn’t seen her at all. My stomach dropped, what if her parents took it too far this time? What if she’s--dead. I had to talk to her, I had to make sure she was okay. I gazed at the beautiful creature that laid beside me, Mandy. I had given up everything for this girl, including the most amazing thing that had ever happened in my life, Dakota. I quickly and quietly got out of the bed, pulling my boxers on, then my jeans before rummaging around for a clean top. It was only 8:30am so Mandy wont be up for another hour or two. As I slowly made my way down the stairs, I grabbed my keys which were in the small bowl beside the door and grabbed a jacket of the banister before heading out in the warm air and down to my car.

It took around fifteen minutes to arrive at Dakota’s home, her car was gone but I didn’t really let it register in my brain that she was probably out. I parked my car on the curb, before slowly walking towards the front door of her house, I knocked gently three times before taking a step back waiting for the door to open. A few minutes later the door slowly opened to reveal Mrs Brooks.

“Can I help you James?” she said in an irritated voice.

“Yes, Ma’m is Dakota here?” I asked her politely, though I had to bite my tongue from saying something nasty.

“No, she’s not here. I woke up this morning to find her gone, along with most of her clothes, her car is gone too, I have called her too, no answer” she spoke snootily before slamming the door shut.

I stood in place, gazing at the white door in front of me, She had gone? She’s all alone out there and it’s my fault.

What had I done?
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