Status: Done. :)

Have You Seen This Girl?

Forgive Me I'm Trying To Find;

Alex was tired. Tired and drunk from the last few days he’d spent on a complete waster. His normal happy-go-lucky persona had all but disappeared, his cheeky smirk that his lips help nearly every moment of the day was no-where to be found and his bright face had changed to one of pasty white skin and dull brown eyes that had been glazed over from the amount of alcohol that had poisoned his system. What is it that made this normally ecstatic young man so desperate to drown his sorrows? Her name was Sunday, Sunday Harmer and she was the bane of Alex Gaskarth’s existence. His world revolved around her and nothing more, she was simply his life. This is their story.

Remembering Sunday ♥

Alex was standing in the clearing of woods where he and Sunday had made many memories, many that we’ll get into later. He’d parked his car at the edge of the woods and had walked, can of Carlsberg in hand to the clearing where he now sat, pulling his jacket around him even tighter to try and kill the chill of the early morning breeze that was attacking him. He took a swig of the luke-warm beer that was in his hands and thought back to the first time he’d seen her, he could remember everything like it was just yesterday.

Starbucks coffee was something that Alex lived for. Every morning he would go out of his way, no matter where he was, how hungover he was or how much bitching he would receive from his band mates, just to get his coffee fix. This morning had started out like any other morning. He’d woken up stupidly early, showered, dressed and left a quick note to his parent’s to let them know where he’d gone in case they woke up and worried that he’d been kidnapped during the night and was now the centre of a huge hostage case where his kidnappers would demand $50,000 just for his release. Or maybe Alex was just over-reacting.

It was a normal, sunny, Baltimore summer day and like Alex had done every day that week so far he walked up to the line that was waiting to be served by the teenage barista, except today wasn’t like any normal day. As Alex rooted around in his pocket for his wallet he noticed a girl sitting at a table drinking coffee on her own whilst her head was buried in what looked like the newest copy of Cosmo magazine. Alex tried to shake the sudden attraction he felt towards this girl and ordered his usual; a skinny latte to go. As the young girl handed him is coffee he started to walk in the direction of the door but as he neared the young girl he’d seen earlier he couldn’t help himself. He went up to her and cleared his throat, waiting for her to look up and talk to him.

“Uhm, hey.” Alex said, smiling a little, “Mind if I sit with you? You seem a little lonely.”

“I’m used to sitting on my own.” She replied and went back to her magazine.

“Can I sit here anyway?” Alex asked, desperate to know more about the pale skinned, cheery red haired girl sitting in front of him.


Alex took a seat across from her and sipped at his coffee, immediately regretting doing so after burning his tongue. He hoped he’d hidden his immediate pain from the pretty girl sat in front of him. Alex took his blackberry from his pocket and set it on the table, hoping that one of the many actions he was making would stir a conversation from the girls lips, that were painted in the same colour as her hair. A few more minutes passed and out of nervous habit Alex ran his hand through his dark brown hair.

“I hate it when people do that.” The girl across from him spoke finally, “It’s something that I can’t tolerate.” She brought her hand to her face and scratched her cheek slightly, Alex noticed the pretty false nails she had applied, they had white tips with pretty hearts at the corner.

“Sorry, I picked it up from my friend Jack, he does it all the time.” Alex told her, her eye’s locked with his and they almost took his breath away. They were the most unique colour he’d ever seen, almost aqua but with specks of pure grey. They just added to her astounding beauty.

“Well you can tell your friend Jack that he’s got one of the most annoying habits in the world.” She smiled for the first time, which just like her eyes, took Alex’s breath away. The girl put her coffee cup down and folded the corner of the page that she was reading in her magazine and closed it, revealing the cover to Alex which confirmed to him that she was in fact reading the new issue of Cosmo magazine.

“Why do you poison your mind with that shit?” Alex asked, smiling at her.

“If I actually read this magazine for more than I do, I would have taken real offence to that question.” The girl spoke, feigning shock, “I actually only read it for the make-up tips and the sex advice, I enjoy laughing at other people’s misfortune when it comes to their partner not knowing what to do with his dick.”

Alex only laughed at what she said and the pair drank their coffee’s together in a comfortable silence.

“Well I should be going.” Alex told her as he picked up his phone, “If it’s alright with you, I’d like your number so we could see each other again.”

“Well, I don’t give my number to guys that I’m not on first name basis with.” She smirked, pointing out the fact to Alex that they didn’t even know each other’s names.

“I’m Alex.” He spoke, extending his hand for her to shake but took it back when she gave him the weirdest look, “Alex Gaskarth. And I’m guessing you don’t do handshakes.”

“You got it; hugs are my thing Mr Gaskarth.” She smiled which in turn made Alex smile, the way his last name just rolled effortlessly from her mouth made him smile even wider, “I’m Sunday Harmer.” She opened her arms to try and lead him into a hug, which he gladly accepted.

“Well Sunday, that’s a pretty name for an even prettier girl.” Alex mentally slapped himself after the corny line left his mouth, Sunday barely giggled and pulled at his arm. She produced an eyeliner pencil from her pocket and quickly wrote down a series of number that were her phone number.

Alex smiled to himself as the memory flooded his mind. Up until now he’d tried not to think of the times he’d had with Sunday, he knew that if he thought too long and hard about his times pent with Sunday then he’d probably end up crying his eyes out, which was unusual for Alex. He never cried. Not when his favourite pet died, not when his grandmother died and he was certainly persistent that he wouldn’t cry over a girl.

Remembering Sunday ♥

After Alex had finished the luke-warm beer that he didn’t enjoy one bit, he just hoped that it would numb the aching pain in his heart, he threw the can carelessly to the ground and headed back to his car. It was true that Alex should never have been driving under the amount of alcohol flowing through his veins but at that moment he couldn’t really care if his car crashed and he ended up dead. At least he’d be that little bit closer to her, even if he had no idea where she was or what she was doing.

Alex’s room was the place, next to the clearing in the woods, that held the most meaning and memories. After crashing through his front door unscathed from his drunken 10 minute drive back from the woods, he passed his parents who knew so much better than to get involved in anything of Alex’s business. He threw himself onto his bed and buried his face in a pillow, immediately regretting doing so as the scent of Sunday filled his nostrils. That sweet scent of cherry blossom shampoo that wafted from her hair every time she moved which mixed with the musky scent of her perfume and often the scent of cigarette smoke, which usually Alex despised, but if it was what Sunday smelt of then Alex knew he had to begin to worship it, just like he did with her.

Alex rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling that was covered in pencilled drawings that he’d allowed Sunday to make early one morning when she complained about not being able to sleep. Alex had handed her a pencil and she’d stood on his bed for ages pencilling a drawing on his ceiling which he was very tempted to paint in – it would be one of the only solid memories he’d have of her now that she’d disappeared off the face of the earth.

“Alexxxxxx.” Sunday whined from his side, dragging on the ‘x’ on the end of his name just for emphasis, “You dragged me out of bed to make me watch the sunrise, which was very romantic, but you’re dragging me in the completely opposite direction to my house, which you’d promise you’d take me back too.”

Alex could only smile at the red head next to him, it was true that he’d promised to take her straight back home after he’d shown her what he wanted to show her, which turned out to be one of the best sunrises that Baltimore could offer, but he never planned on letting her go home. Sunday was always one for following plans to the dot which was something Alex could never tolerate. If you made plans and expected to follow them to the dot then more often than not you’d end up disappointed. He wanted to help her get over her near-fear of doing things outside of what was originally planned, and he was doing this by taking her back to his house to watch a movie. It didn’t sound much too some people, but to Alex and Sunday it would be a huge break-through if it actually worked.

“Alex seriously, just take me home.” Sunday started to beg and even started to pull on his hand, but Alex was having none of it, he knew he had to go through with this for the sake of his mental health in the future is himself and Sunday were to have one together.

“How about no?” Alex teased as he tugged on her hand to lead her down the street that his house was on, “You’ve got to snap out of the habit of wanting to follow plans right to a dot, it’s not healthy.”

“It’s worked all my life before you came in.” He heard Sunday mumble from his side; Alex chose to ignore her comment because he knew she didn’t really mean it.

As they were walking down the street though, something changed in the girl next to him. Alex wasn’t really sure what was happening until it was on top of him like a pile of bricks. Sunday let go of his hand and ran in front of him and turned around so she was facing him, walking backwards. She had a small smile on her grin and said nothing as she turned around and began to run, shouting to Alex that she was racing him to his house. Alex smirked, knowing that the head-start she had given herself meant that she was indeed going to win, but he picked up his pace to a run anyway merely missing out on being first.

“I win!” Sunday mocked him, jumping up and down on his porch, pointing at Alex who was doubled over trying to catch his breath, she moved closer to him as he stood up and stretched onto her toes so she could reach his ear, “Now you’ve got to give me my prize.” She whispered seductively into his ear, opening the front door to his house.

She walked through the kitchen and living area and stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited for Alex to catch up with her, he was trailing behind trying to work out what had actually gotten into the girl he was followed to his room. Alex stopped when he reached Sunday who still had a smirk on her face; she pulled on his hand with a devilish grin and led him upstairs. She pulled him into his room and closed the door softly, knowing that his parents would still be sleeping in the room next to his. She pressed her lips firmly to him and began pushing him towards his bed. The back of his knee’s hit the edge of his bed which resulted in him sitting on his bed with Sunday straddling his lap with her lips on his, her hands running down his chest and his hands rested on the small of her back, occasionally pulling her closer into him.

Alex could remember that everything after that moment was a blur, he could vaguely remember kissing down her body and being flipped over halfway through so Sunday could be in control like she always had been with their relationship but that was all he could remember of their first time together, that and the fact that he’d let her draw pictures on his ceiling after that he was now staring at debating on filling in her pencilled marks to feel like her had a piece of her left. Alex sighed and pushed himself from the bed, he knew that at some point he would have to find out exactly what had happened to her and the only way he could do that would be to go back to her house to see if her parents were back in town.

Remembering Sunday ♥

After a warm shower that morning Alex had changed his clothes for the first time since Sunday had gone missing. It had been a mixture of heartbreak and complete apathy that meant Alex had not changed his clothes, but after his Mother had pointed out two days prior that he smelt much like a wet dog, he knew it was about time he tried to pull himself together. He dressed himself in a pair of black jeans, a plain black shirt and a red hoodie before slipping on some vans and heading out of the house, shouting a quick goodbye to his parents who were more than concerned for their son’s welfare.

They’d noticed a huge difference in him since Sunday had disappeared and they could relate to why, they knew he’d been in love with a girl who had told him so many times before that she didn’t believe in love, his mother could tell however, that he was determined to called her bluff. Alex was going to make her believe in love whether it killed him and she knew just how much her disappearance had affected him, it was like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders which was something she knew her son couldn’t handle, any decision more important and pressing than deciding what he wanted for dinner would cause Alex to have a nervous breakdown. The fact that the love of his life was missing was taking its toll and all his parents wanted to do was tell him the truth, they knew exactly where she was and why she’d gone, but her parents had sworn Alex’s to secrecy, Sunday had told her mother that she wanted Alex to find out for himself where she had gone and Alex’s parents weren’t ones to break promises.

As Alex walked to Sunday’s house he passed the park where his whole spree of heartbreak began and on passing it he just wished that when he walked passed it to get back to his home that he’d figured out what the hell was going on.

Today would be one of the biggest days of Alex’s life if it went as he planned it to. Alex had been thinking of this day for a few weeks, the day he would try and overcome all of Sunday’s fears of love and ask her to marry him. It may have only been 8 months since the pair first met in Starbucks but Alex knew that Sunday was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, that in itself being a huge feet because Alex didn’t like commitment, Alex liked having fun and messing around, but somehow, this girl who didn’t believe in love had shown him exactly what it meant and felt like to be in love with someone, someone beautiful and funny and completely down-to-earth.

Alex had told Sunday to meet him at the park at 5 on the dot, he was playing to something she loved – being on time and following her plans through, he knew that she wouldn’t be able to say no if he told her a few days in advance and reminded her every day and then an hour before she was meant to meet him. The only thing that was odd was that she hadn’t replied to the text message Alex had sent her at 4 telling her that he’d see her in an hour. He decided it was probably nothing and carried on with his plan as her would have if she’d replied to his message.

He bought her flowers as well as the ring he was hoping she would say yes to and would adorn her finger until the day she died. All Alex wanted from now on was to make her happy, he wanted to spend the rest of his life helping her to believe in love, he would do everything he had to, even if it involved risking his life for her because he knew that one day, he’d manage to do what he’d set out to do since their first date – to convince Sunday that he was only one for her.

Alex perched himself on one of the swings at the park, the children were long gone which meant he could sit in peace with a bunch of flowers in his hand, putting his hand in his pocket every now and then just to make sure the ring was still there without receiving looks from disapproving parents whose child wanted a go on said swing. Alex pulled his phone from the pocket on his hoodie and checked the time 5:47. Sunday was almost an hour late, which was so unlike her that it worried Alex. He immediately dialled her number and held the phone to his ear waiting for the girl to pick up, which she didn’t. It went straight to voicemail.

“Hi, Sunday here, I’m not able to answer my phone right now, so leave a message for me and I’ll call you back when I can.”

Alex smiled only momentarily, he remembered how he had to teach her how to change her voicemail like that, he quickly sobered when he heard the tone though.

“Hey babe, I was just wondering where you are?” Alex began, “I know you’ve probably just forgotten or something, although I’ve been reminding you all week that we were supposed to meet.” He felt a sudden lump appear in his throat, but he swallowed it down and carried on, “Just call me when you get this to let me know you’re okay, I’m worried about you. I’ll wait here for another hour and if I’ve not heard from you or you aren’t here then I’m coming to look for you.” Alex hung up the phone and buried it back in his pocket, not before he checked to make sure that the volume was on the highest setting so that when she did ring, if she did, he wouldn’t miss her call.

An hour passed by like a year to Alex, but as soon as the clock on his phone told him that it was 6pm he got up from the swing and started in the direction of Sunday’s house with a whole host of scenarios playing through his head, some included Sunday being raped on the way to meet him, Sunday being kidnapped on the way to meet him, Sunday being killed on the way to meet him and Sunday being forced into a relationship by her pushy parents which meant she could no longer see Alex and would be forced to live a life with someone cruel and distant who would treat her like shit. All of which Alex realised were far too elaborate but at that moment in time all thought of rationality were gone from his brain and replaced by those of dread and fear and horrible things that could have happened to Sunday that would have prevented her from getting to the park to meet him.

As Alex rounded the corner to her house he saw that her parent’s car wasn’t in the drive and all the lights in the house were off. It seemed odd to Alex because Sunday’s mom didn’t work and her dad finished work at half past three, so at 6 he should have been home. The family rarely went out for dinner either and if that was the case then Sunday would have definitely told Alex where she was going. He climbed the four steps to Sunday’s front door and knocked pretty heavily, waiting for someone to open the door, hoping that Sunday was in and just sleeping or something. After waiting a few moments with no answer he knocked again before giving up when that knock offered nothing either.

He set the flowers down on the porch and went to one of the neighbouring houses, he was careful to knock a bit less forcefully on this door than he had on Sunday’s, knowing that someone was inside, he didn’t want to scare the crap out of them.

“Hello, can I help you?” A young woman’s voice said from behind Alex he’d turned away from the door just in case Sunday’s parent’s or even she herself came back to the house.

“Oh, yeah.” He spoke, turning around, “I don’t mean to be a bother but I was wondering if you’d seen this girl. From next door, Sunday Harmer?” He asked, running a hand through his hair.

“Oh, sure, I know her.” The woman spoke, “Her family and she moved away today, I think.” She gave a sympathetic smile to Alex, she could see he was upset by her words, “They’ve left a lot of stuff behind though, maybe if you come back tomorrow they might be back for their other stuff?” The woman was trying to keep hopeful for Alex, she could see that he was desperate to find the girl from next door.

Alex quickly thanked the woman and walked away from her house as she closed the door behind him, He stopped at the end of her drive and contemplated leaving the flowers outside Sunday’s front door, quickly deciding against it, he swiftly picked them up and walked back to his home. As it began to rain Alex passed a small bin at the end of his road and in a fit of desperation he stuffed the flowers into the bin, gave it a swift kick of frustration and walked on slowly, welcoming the complete drenching the rain was giving him.

He couldn’t understand why the hell Sunday wouldn’t tell him she was leaving town, he could understand why she’d be scared to tell him, but Sunday was always a practical girl, someone who would tell him anything, no matter how bad the consequences were for either of them. She would have told him no matter what, and even if she’d not had the balls to tell him face to face, she would have sent him a text, written him a letter or even phoned up – she had done none of those things, which led him to believe that something wasn’t at all right about the story he was given by the lovely next door neighbour.

As soon as Alex walked through the front door his mother started fussing over him, trying to get him to take his wet clothes off and have a warm shower, Alex was having none of it though and ignored his mother for most of the evening.

“Alex Gaskarth, will you please take a shower, I don’t want you ill!” She scolded him as he sat down on the sofa, his clothes still dripping wet.

“What’s the point Ma?” He mumbled, “Nothing is worth anything anymore.”

“What the heaven’s has got into you, boy?” His father spoke, putting his newspaper down to look at his son.

“She gone.” He whispered, causing his mother to gasp and his father to completely discard the newspaper he was reading, “She moved away and isn’t coming back.” He began to raise his voice, only so his parents couldn’t tell that he was going to burst into tears at any moment, “I loved her so much and I was going to ask her to marry me today and this is what I get back. It reminded me how cold the world is.”

With those words Alex walked to his room, trying not to cry just yet. He closed the door to the bathroom and took every piece of clothing he was wearing off. He turned the water on in the shower so that it was scalding hot and stepped underneath it, welcoming the heat for about 30 seconds until he completely broke down, he backed up against the wall and slid down coming to rest in a crouched position, his head buried in his knees and for the first time since he was 5 and his parent’s told him he was moving from England, he let the tears flow.

Remembering Sunday ♥

This was it. The moment of truth that would tell Alex everything he needed to know about Sunday and where she’d gone, what she was doing now and why she’d left without a word. Her parent’s car still wasn’t in the drive when he arrived at her house but by then Alex couldn’t have cared less whether they were in or not – all he cared about what getting the truth. As he stepped onto the safety of the porch it began to rain – just like it had been doing every day since his visit to the neighbours in search of an answer – in short bursts on and off it had rained constantly and the sky has been grey without a trace of sunshine or blue sky. It was kind of ironic in a sense that the sunshine had been ripped from Alex’s life, so it too had been ripped from the sky.

Alex lifted the welcome mat outside the front door and noticed that the flowers he’d left three days prior were now gone which gave him a new sense of hope that he would open up the door and find Sunday sat in front of the TV eating potato chips and watching re-runs of Friends. He fumbled around under the mat until he found the key to the front door which Sunday left for him; she said it was easier for him to just let himself in than make someone get up from what they were doing in the house to open the door to him.

He put the key in the lock and turned it, pulling it out and hastily opening the door to let himself in. He closed the door behind him and took a second to take in the house – for a family that was meant to have moved away they sure left their house with a lot of stuff behind, everything that he could remember was as he’d last saw it two weeks ago – the TV and living room furniture was still there, along with everything being left in the kitchen, on his way up the stairs to Sunday’s room he noticed that every single one of the pictures of her growing up were still hung on the wall and every random painting on the walls in-between the doors of the second level of the house were still there.

Alex knocked twice on Sunday’s door before entering, hoping he would hear her voice telling him it was okay to come in, but he knew he was being just that little bit over-optimistic. He walked in and closed the door and surveyed the room – everything was exactly the same, he knew she’d not moved when he saw her laptop sitting on her desk along with the soft pink bunny that she’d had since she was 6 – she wouldn’t have left town without taking those two things with her.

Alex was still scoping through her room for signs of where she could have gone when his eyes settled on an envelope on her bed. He sat at the end of her bed and fingered at the envelope that had his name messily scrawled on the front of it. He peeled the top open and emptied the contents onto the bed which consisted of two photos and a thick folded wedge of paper which he unfolded and began to read.

Well, where do I begin? I’m going to assume that by the time you read this all will be done and you’ll probably be sat wondering what the actual fuck is going on, am I right? So, let’s imagine that I am right and you want to know what is going on – well here it is.
I’m gone. But not in the sense that people around here have probably told you – I bet you asked the neighbours and they told you I moved away, right? I won’t sugar coat this any longer because it’ll just hurt more if I carry on dragging it out. I’m gone in the sense that pretty soon I’ll be buried in a grave, six feet under the stars because I’ve killed myself. I don’t really know how to explain why because it’s just too difficult to put into words, but I’ll try.
I know what you’re planning to do when we meet up later today – you’re going to ask me to marry you and I’m going to have to say no because Alex, you know how much I don’t believe in love and I would rather die than see that beautiful sparkle in your eyes fade when I tell you that I can’t marry you. I never wanted to ever hurt you through any of this Alex but now I’m pretty sure this is the only way out I’ve got left.
I know this is probably the most selfish thing I’ve ever done because I don’t have a reason other than that I don’t want to hurt you ever and even doing this is going to hurt you more than I could imagine. I’m about to do something so terrible and yeah, I am terrified because I know I’m not ready to leave this world behind but whatever it is that I do to myself, I know that it’ll be better than hurting you. You could do so much better than me Alex, so much better and I know you will, over time, that burning pain that you feel right now in your heart will go and you’ll be able to find someone so much more beautiful than me and someone who will give their heart to you – I’m not that girl Alex and I never would have been.
What I’m about to do is selfish and I hope in time you’ll forgive me because that’s all I want, your forgiveness for leaving you alone in this harsh world – but look at it like this. I’m going to be keeping an eye on the world, so many thousands of feet off the ground, at home in the clouds towering over your head, looking out for you. I promise, if heaven does exist and I’m allowed in – I’ll be your guardian angel, okay?
The two pictures I’ve left are your two favourites – both of which I hate but I’m not going to be around to look at them – don’t worship them too much though, okay? I want you to move on eventually.
Just remember that although I don’t believe in love you’ll always be the person who meant the most to me in the whole world. And remember, I’m watching you.
Goodbye Alex <3 x

As Alex ran his hands over the sheets of paper he couldn’t help but notice dried marks on the paper where it was obvious that Sunday’s tears had fallen from her perfect face and stained the page. Alex had to furiously wipe his away so that he didn’t stain the paper. He set the letter down and picked up the two photo’s she’d left him. One was of the two of them in her swimming pool outback which his friend Jack had taken with a disposable camera at one of Sunday’s summer barbeques, the other was one that he’d taken of them whilst they were laying on his bed watching The Day After Tomorrow. Both pictures meant the world to Alex because they were the only pictures he felt showed how much he truly loved Sunday. He put the letter and the pictures back into their envelope and put the envelope into his jacket pocket when he felt the ring box that held Sunday’s engagement ring in. He took it out and opened the box, looking at the simple silver ring. He closed the box again with a sigh and looked around her room, wiping the stray tears that still fell from his eyes.

He quickly and roughly pulled a sheet of paper from her notebook and quickly scrawled a message to her parents that read If you see her body before her funeral, make sure this is on her ring finger, I want a piece of me with her, no matter what or where she is. He made sure that he left the ring box and note where her parents would find it and left the house, his hand firmly wrapped around the envelope with her letter in.

Alex got home to find his parents had gone out. He went to his room and took off his jacket, opening the envelope and took out the photos. He took two frames from his desk that had a picture of him and Jack from when they were at kindergarten together and another of him, Jack and his two other band mates Rian and Zack from their first show together and replaced them with the two photos of him and Sunday. He then took two candle’s that Sunday had gotten him to make his room smell ‘more like a room than a pigsty’ in her words and lit them, placing them next to the two photos on the desk. Then, he knelt down, balled his hands into a tight fist and prayed. Something he’d never done in his life.

“So, hey God, I’ve never done this before but I know this is the only time when praying to you will be any good.” He began, sniffing a little, “There’s this girl and she’s driving me you see, she’s beautiful, kind, caring, gentle, carefree and the most selfless person I know and a few days ago she killed herself all because of me.” Alex took a deep breath to stop himself from crying, “I want you to look after her, okay? I don’t want her to feel alone up there in heaven, because it’s a big place from what I’ve heard. Make sure no one bullies her or anything and make sure she’s the most beautiful angel up there because she sure was the most beautiful girl down here on earth.” He moved his hands to wipe away the tears that had started to fall, “She was my everything and I want her to know that no matter how selfish she thinks she’s been by doing this, that I understand completely. Look after her and make sure she knows I love her.” He was about to finish when he thought of something else, “Oh, and tell her to wait for me up there because as soon as my time here is finished, I’m coming to get her to show her how to love someone.”

Alex stood up and blew the candles out and sat on his bed, letting his mind wander to all the times he had to remember with Sunday when the thought struck him that caused him to completely melt down. That was all he would ever have of her anymore – memories – yes, they were all good, there were no arguments for him to feel bad about, but he would never be able to smell the unique scent of her hair again, he would never be able to kiss her lips, touch her perfectly smooth skin of cuddle her at night again because she was gone and she was never coming back. All Alex could do was remember her, all he would be doing for the rest of his life would be Remembering Sunday.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope it's not too long, here's all 6,239 words. I was going to cut it off but i couldn't find a good place to cut it off.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (Although it did make me cry 3 times toward the end.)