Nerds Get the Guys

All drugged up

I quickly covered up for Ryan " Those were...from... When be was on he ground after he got ran over, a cat attack him." it sounded fake but it's a quick cover.
Everyone had left the party it was just Ryan and I all alone. I came over to Ryan sitting on his bad and talked tiredly " hey Ry, I wanna show you something." he looked up at me with a hint of scared in his face. I took his hands and brouht him to my old room out to a lucky balcony I scored by applying early. Though only a few stars were visible it was still perfect. Then I got down one knee. " Ryan, my love, will you marry me?" I asked. His face brightened the whole fixing town I swear it. " Yes! Yes! Yes!" he said each yes louder than the previous one.

I fell asleep with his heart beating fastly against my head. When I woke up he wasn't here and he left me a little note that said " I'm out doing something real nice, you'll love it I promise." I loved him or anything he did no matter what. Minuets passed and The door opened, I think I saw Ryan standing there and he injected something in me. I though it was candy or something but it made everything so cheery and I felt like I couldn't be touched.

Ryan started to touch me and I in that high state lived it. I moaned more carelessly than I have had before. All the neighbors probably heard it. Ryan's giggle was different than normal and in fact it made him fuck harder, it never made him, he usually lightened up which is why I tried not to make him laugh.( I'm sick yes this I know.) Ryan let off some rather girlish sex noises " ouh." he would moan. But the sex it was so different, I didnt love it like usual. Then something stranger happened. I though I was seeing double. A slightly more mannish and attractive Ryan came in the door shocked and heartbroken.

For some reason I chased after the second Ryan, it just felt right. But he got away and threw a ring at my face. I had given the real Ryan one of those last night, at the moment all sense came back to me and I cried the hardest a person ever cried that day. The great salt lake mint just have been the result of all my tears.

I lost track of time and soon I ran out of tears to cry. Out of the blue a sweet little teacher lady came up in my room and asked me what was wrong. I told her about Ryan and she comforted me. We became great friends after a few hours of me venting to her. So I asked her " what's your name?" she replied " I'm Claudia, I work at the airport a few miles from here and I saw your fiancé leave a few nights ago." my heart sunk again and I cried into her shoulders pleading " we've gotta get him back."
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I loves you all who reads this :)

( there ya go Claudia <3)