Status: DONE!!!!!!!!!

Murtagh's New Story

Chapter 17: Oromis and Glaedr

The elf had the most compassionate looking face Murtagh had ever seen. It was the only hint that he was immeasurably old. His long, silvery hair was tucked behind his pointed ears and he was clad in bright white robes.

Murtagh was surprised to hear the respect in Icenia’s voice. He had obviously been her teacher at one point and gained so much of her admiration that she still saw him as a mentor. This man must be great if she continued to call him Master.

Then a huge, golden head pushed it’s way through the door. It had to be the largest dragon he had ever seen. So massive that all it could fit through the doors were its head and neck. Murtagh had once glimpsed the king’s dragon and the rare occasions he’d seen his father’s dragon it had been even bigger than that. This dragon easily dwarfed Morzan’s.

Even inside the dragon’s scales shown brighter than Galbatorix’s freshly polished crown in the sun. Its eyes glittered and sparkled like liquid gold. These two were the last survivors of the Riders of old. Murtagh could not believe his eyes.

“Master Glaedr!” Icenia embraced the new arrival.

Even Aquasari trotted over to greet them. The pair must have been their teachers when Aquasari hatched for Icenia.

The old elf turned to the queen and touched his two fingers to his lips.

“Greetings Queen Izlandzadí”, he said formally.

“Greetings Oromis and Glaedr”, she replied touching her lips.

“I trust you will not mind if we steal Icenia, Aquasari and our new pupils? I am of the opinion that they deserve a much needed rest after their journey”, Oromis said.

“I have no objections. Though I would very much like to have a feast to celebrate our new dragon and his Rider. If it does not interfere with anything you might have planned for him”.

Oromis looked expectantly at Murtagh who had picked up Thorn and walked over to them. Was he asking for Murtagh’s opinion?

“I see no harm in it. Tomorrow evening I think would be the best. If Murtagh or Thorn has no objections”, Oromis went back to him.

Thorn was using his Rider’s mind to understand what the pointy-eared-two leggeds were saying. From what he understood it sounded fun! He wanted to go and squeaked eagerly at Murtagh.

“Thorn has no objections and I would not want to deny you the pleasure if you would like to, my Lady”, Murtagh said respectfully.

Icenia had learned this was typical of Master Oromis. He didn’t like to make all of the decisions for his student. It helped them to think for themselves. This was probably a relief for Murtagh who had been under first Morzan and then the king. He had a strong mind and a stronger will. Oromis and Glaedr would be very good teachers for him.

“Splendid”, Izlandzadí clapped her hands together.

“Now it is time for us to take our leave, my Lady”, Oromis said.

Glaedr pulled his head out of the doorway and the filed out. Oromis turned to Murtagh.

“My name is Oromis and this is my partner Glaedr. We shall be our tutors”, he smiled.

“Well met Master Oromis and Master Glaedr”, Murtagh said following Icenia’s earlier example.

Well met Murtagh, Glaedr said.

His voice was deep and masculine.

“It will be interesting to compare you to Morzan”, Oromis mused.

They were walking in the direction of Icenia’s house.

“You knew him well?” Murtagh asked surprised.

“Yes. I was his teacher. He was my greatest failure”, Oromis said sadly.

Murtagh, for some unknown reason, felt for the elf. Maybe it was because Icenia trusted him so and he trusted her judgment. The old elf seemed kinder than most and that had a great deal to do with it, he guessed.

“From my experiences with him and seeing how highly Icenia thinks of you, I do not think you had anything to do with Morzan’s madness”, Murtagh said.

Oromis looked at him in surprise, as did Icenia.

“I can see already you are very different from the boy I trained so long ago”, Oromis said.

“Coarse I was your favorite student”, Icenia said smirked.

“I cannot say that but you are my most recent and one of my favorites”, Oromis chuckled.

This made Murtagh smile a bit.

After a while they stopped. Glaedr lowered himself to let Oromis nimbly climb up on to his back.

“It is time we leave you. We have much to do and little tome to do it”, Oromis said.

Your training will begin the day after tomorrow, Murtagh and Thorn, Glaedr added.

“Yes Master Oromis and Master Glaedr”, Murtagh said.

Dragon and Rider nodded before Glaedr opened his huge, golden wings. He launched himself in to the air and flew away.

“I like them already”, Murtagh said turning to Icenia.

Icenia smiled.

She was still upset and on edge, Murtagh could see it in her face no matter how she tried to hide it. He would have to ask her what was bothering her though he had a guess. It was what the two elves in the queen’s court had said. In his experience it was best not to keep things like locked up inside, though he did it often and he was sure she did too. Besides she had helped him on so many levels, he owed her so much.
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SORRY! Between Mibba stories and school work my imagination ran out of juice. I tried to write and it sounded wrong. Lord love a duck! It drove me crazy and my poor, little, fried brain still not back to normal. So please bare with me. The next chapter should be much more might take a bit to write but it will be better.
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