To Fathom


Yes, actually, I can read minds.

The first real psychic vibe that I had was around 3 years ago when I was walking around the city, buying peaches for mom and dad.


Yes, I was going around the “small” town of Baltimore, Maryland to buy my parents a basket of peaches for their anniversary.

I don’t remember why. Maybe because I was simply just feeling Georgian that day. Or maybe I was watching too much Paula Dean and was craving one of her butter infested peach pies.

I got a ride on the bus with the cash I freely took out of my dad’s wallet without him noticing.

“I’m going for a walk!” I shouted into the house.

I took the silence as a yes and walked on.

And when I arrived at Fells Point, I began asking around where the nearest market was. I asked millions of people, but they told me the market was no longer in season, considering it was October.

I kept on asking anyway. Back then I was a really determined girl and I would do anything to get my peaches.

But I ended up buying them at some weird grocery store with a strange Norwegian lady shouting at her son.

It was then when the son came out of the closet did I have my first ever psychic vibe. He looked about a year older than me.

I was 14 back then, and my puberty hormones were running amok.

His blonde hair was swept to the left side of his face, and his muscled arms were lifting boxes filled with antiques. He was tall and lean, and he had stunning blue eyes.

He winked at me when his mom wasn’t looking and hurried up the stairs with the boxes in his hands.

Hot mess. I heard him thinking.

And that was my first ever psychic vibe. I hurried home with the peaches, excited with my new powers. I read all the people on the bus, which I remember perfectly.

Two gay men were checking each other out, filled with desire to rip each other’s clothes off. An old lady was reciting her grocery list over and over. A husband and wife were thinking nasty thoughts about separation. Their son was playing with his toy, pretending it was a dinosaur. The bus driver was thinking about Adriana Lima.

I was so thrilled about it. I can read minds! This is soooooo fun!

It’s not.

It’s almost like a curse.
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new story!!!!!
I'm really excited for this one. I'll have the second chapter up by tomorrow.