A Rose for the Darkness

^*::-Part One!-::*^

You sat on a big plane with tons of other people, two of these people included you friends, Sara, and Cory. You finally decided to leave your sister's home and find a new one in Japan. She always told you that you were never any good, so you just walked out one day, taking over half the family savings. Sara grunted and turned her head to look at you.

"Look at all these happy freaks, people can't be that happy without being on drugs," Sara stated while looking at the happy people that were chating on the plane like they were having a gay old time. Cory scuffed and looked at Sara with a hard stare on her face.

"Well, they're more normal then you will ever be, you should be nice and we might get more friends," Cory shouted at Sara, Sara automatically stood up to defend herself.

"Like I want to be friends with any of these losers!" Sara screamed at Cory over you, your right eye twitched lightly, you didn't like having someone scream over you. Well, you didn't like people yelling period.

"Will you two just shut up and sit down," The tone of your voice didn't ask that of them, it demanded they sit down and shut up! Sara pouted while looking at you then sat down with a heavy huff.

"Sorry Konami, but you know it's true," Sara whined at you causing you to tap you foot; you hated it when people whined especially to you. Yeah, I know you hate a lot of things, but really it was like a bug buzzing around in your ear; annoying. You let out a sigh and looked at Sara in her eyes sharply.

"And I agree with you but now the two of you have people looking at us,"

Looking over your shoulder you saw a bunch of people on the plane looking at the three of you with angered eyes. Your eyes narrowed as you looked at them.

"Do you have a problem?" You hissed while crossing your arms. Some of the people looked away with fear written on their faces while others tried to look confident; it really wasn't working you could see the light panic in their eyes. A light smirk crept to your lustful lips.

"I didn't think so," You said coolly while turning your head and looking at the seat in front of you.

"You should be quiet, all of you, we don't care what you think," said some random kid in the row to the right of you. With a light sigh you leaned back in your seat; here we go!

"Why you little fart-bag, how dare you talk to us like that, I should rip your head off and have my bird eat it!" She screamed at the kid, unbuckling her seat she was an inch from jumping on the kid and strangling him to death.

"Sara sit you ass down you moron, leave the dam runt alone," You harsh voice sent chills up Sara's back, gulping she sat down. Sara said nothing else but smirked at the fact that she got the little pipsqueak to cry and run to mommy. Boy, Sara just loved kids....
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Hahaha, okay so I'm breaking my story up to make it longer, I didn't know I had so much in one quiz, so I made it smaller!! Haha! Anyways, hope you liked it! ^_^