
This is the place...

This is the place where I would spend my time. I would watch the Sun rise every morning, slowly growing larger after the horizon set it free from the dark. I watched it all day as it made an arch above me, only to meet the horizon once again. I never understood why the Sun would go back down into such a dark place. I never understood why the Sun would leave me in the cold black of the night. I took refuge in the stars, then, because I was angry at the Sun for those dark hours.

This is the place where I would lay each night, counting the stars that shimmered above, wanting to reach out and grasp them. I could never do it, which bothered me and made me doubt life. I didn't know why the stars were so selfish, always shining and floating and flying, something which I'd never be able to do.

This is the place where I met her. I visioned her and she came true. I'll never forget that day, because I thought the Sun had vanished while hanging in the center of the sky. The reason the light went out is because her face replaced the position of the Sun as she leaned over my own face with a confused expression. She smiled at me. The long hair caressed the border of my face. She laid beside me, watching the Sun fall into the Earth once again, then proceeding to count the stars silently until the Sun arose, then she'd leave.

This is the place where she'd visit me every day when the Sun was in the dead center of the sky. She'd do the same thing each day, lying beside me, waiting for the stars to come up, then she'd leave when the Sun emerged from the far land to my left.

This is the place where she broke that routine one day. After lying down beside me, she stared at me, not saying a word. She craned her neck, her face coming closer to my own. Her lips touched mine. Her soft, red, warm, moist, delightful lips enclosed mine. I don't remember how long the moment lasted, but it felt like eternity. After that, she left before the Sun had even set.

This is the place that she never returned to.

This is the place where I still wonder what happened to her. I didn't know what her life was. I didn't really care, actually. I just wanted her to lie with me forever on these soft blades coming from the ground, forgetting life and watching the sky.