Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess{10}

(Remus' P.O.V.)
My eyes drooped once again as I made my best attempt at paying attention to Slughorn. I hated the day of the full moon; I always felt horrible and could never pay attention. I suddenly felt someone jab me in the side with their elbow. I looked to my left to see Raven who jabbed her head toward Slughorn. I knew she was telling me to pay attention but it was no use my body didn’t listen to me. After an hour the bell rang and we were released from the awful dungeons.

“What’s with you? Normally you’re the one telling me to pay attention in class.” said Raven as she came to my side.

“Yeah I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I lied.

“Are you felling okay? You’re really pale.”

I could hear the concern in her voice as she asked. I hated lying to her but I just couldn’t bare to tell her and possibly losing her as a friend.

“He’s fine.” James said coming up slapping me on the back making me stumble a bit.

Raven studied me for a moment more and I could tell she wasn’t really buying it, but she didn’t say anymore. We went to Transfiguration next which ended up amusing.
About the middle of class Raven leaned over and whispered,

“Watch this.”

She flicked her wand and the girl in front of us now had bright blue hair. I had to suppress a laugh. She quickly changed it back before the Professor turned back around. The rest of the class Raven would change people’s hair color every time the Professor would turn her back making me and the rest of the class laugh. Professor McGonagall couldn’t figure out what everyone was finding so funny and it was staring to annoy her by the end of class so she assigned us extra work, but none of us really minded. The rest of the day Raven decided to amuse us by changing random people’s hair, during class and even meal times! Everyone roared with laughter when she turned her own hair rainbow colored and started complaining how bad it looked on her. Today was turning out to be pretty nice even though I still felt horrible physically. The guys and I went up into our dorms to put our books away after classes finished when they reminded me of something and my mood changed once again.

“You remember we can’t come with you tonight right Moony?” James asked.

“Yes.” I mumbled.

I always hated it when they couldn’t come with me on my transformations; I always had a worse time with my transformations without them. Little did I know as I slipped out of the common room that this would be the worst transformation I’ve ever had. Because I didn’t notice I was being followed.

(Raven’s P.O.V.)
I quickly followed Remus out of the common room, he was sneaking around and I was going to find out what he was up too. He was moving pretty quickly so I put a silencing spell on my feet so I could keep up with him. He turned a corner up ahead of me and I speed up so I could keep up with him. As I rounded the corner I slammed right into someone I quickly slapped my hand over their mouth knowing it wasn’t Remus. Even in the dark I could make out my roommates bright red hair. I could see the fright in her eyes.

“Quiet, I’m trying to follow Remus. I want to know where he’s going.” I whispered in her ear.

She nodded; I took my hand from her mouth, and raced down the hall with Lily behind me. She must want to know where he was headed too. We finally caught up to him in the Great hall he was just making his way outside when we reached the entrance. The two of us sprinted across the room and were not very much behind him now. Down the stone stairs we went staying just far enough behind for him not to notice us. It was cold and I shivered not having grabbed my cloak.

As we followed him I suddenly realized in what direction we were headed, toward the Whomping Willow. Suddenly there was a loud crunch. I looked down to see that I had stepped on a large twig and it’d snapped in half. Lily and I stopped in our tracks as Remus weald around to face us, his face going pale seeing us there. I could see fear in his eyes as ours met and held. Why is he scared? I wondered to myself.

“W...w...what are you two doing here.” He stuttered.

“We saw you leaving and wanted to know where you were going.” Lilly answered his question.

“You need to leave.” He said, “And now!”

He looked up into the sky; I allowed my violet eyes to follow his. The sun was just setting and his eyes were on the moon. No, he couldn’t be. I thought as I moved my eyes to look back at him. Fear flooded my heart as what I had thought was true. Remus had gone rigged, his eyes locked on the moon.

“Lily run! He’s a werewolf.” I yelled at her.

But my words fell on deaf ears, because Lily was rooted to the spot her eyes locked on Remus as he began transforming into his wolf form.

“Lily run! We can’t be here when he gets transformed!” I said shoving her.

“But we’ll never make it in time.” She said finally coming out of her trance.

I looked back at Remus, he was almost transformed. Lily was right we both couldn’t make it to the safety of the castle.

“You go I’ll distract him.” I shoved her toward the castle.


“Just go damn it!” I screamed at her.

But it was too late Remus was completely transformed and he let out a howl. I stepped between Lilly and a now snarling wolf-Remus. I closed my eyes and did the only thing I could thing of and prayed to Merlin that it was the right thing to do…