Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess {16}

I could still feel the cold wet tears running down my cheeks as I listened to whoever it was that walked up behind me. A cloak was suddenly around my shoulders and I turned to see who had come out here with me. When I looked up I was looking into a set of smiling brown eyes and a pair of grey-green. I blinked up at Emily and Kelly a couple times before Emily broke the silence.

“You’re going to catch your death out here.”

The two of them were wrapped up warmly in their sweatshirts and cloaks, where I did have a sweatshirt on but it was now soaked from the snow. All I could do is stare at the two of them. Why had they come? Why did they care if I got sick?

“Why are you here?” I finally managed to get out.

Kelly smiled. “You’re our friend.”

“But I’m a Death Eater.”

“That hasn’t stopped us from being friends with you for the last two months has it?”

My eyes widened, they had know! But how could they have, I’d been careful not to let anyone see it. They must have seen the look on my face and decided to explain.

“We live in the same dorm remember. It’s kinda hard to miss a bloody skull tattooed to your forearm.” Emily said the last part sarcastically.

“Then why didn’t you say anything? And Lily didn’t know.”

“It doesn’t matter to us what you are, and if you haven’t noticed Lily is a bit dense.” Kelly chuckled

Emily nodded and then held out her hand to me. I looked at it for a moment and then renewed tears came to my eyes. This time though it was because I was happy, I at lest still had two of my friends. I took hold of Emily’s hand and she pulled me to my feet. I hugged first her and then Kelly.

“Now look what you did. Our clothes are all wet.” Emily joked.

We all laughed.

“Come on now, let’s get back inside. I hear they’re serving hot chocolate in the Great Hall.”

“Alright! Hot Chocolate makes everything better!” said Emily enthusiastically

I nodded and the three of us headed back to the castle looking forward to the hot chocolate. But as we went neither Kelly nor I noticed how Emily looked uneasily around us, scanning the grounds. Her piercing grey-green eyes hardly missing a thing, not seeing anything she turned around and started talking to us again. Little did Emily know that her normally keen eyes had missed something tonight. For a pair of green eyes watched the three of us walk up and on into the castle.

(Blathy’s P.O.V.)
That was close. I thought as I watched the girls enter the castle. Hittlet must have sensed I was there. My eyes narrowed angrily, that girl was too smart and had ruined everything. Everything had been going as Alan and I had planned it up until those two girls showed up! When I had found out that that Little Miss Perfect Raven was a Death Eater my shock knew now bounds, but then I realized I could turn it to my advantage. I could get back at her for humiliating me in front of the Team and rejecting me so many times.

((Flashback at Hogsmeade))

“How could she choose him over me?” I muttered to myself as I walked down the street.
I was angry, so angry that words couldn’t describe it. How could she turn me down for that pathetic loser Lupin? And also humiliate me like that in front of the entire Team! I kicked a rock that was in my path angrily. I now come upon a group of Slytherins who were talking. I knew most of them because of them being on the Slytherin Quidditch Team. I stopped to listen when I heard Raven’s name mentioned in their conversation.

“She sure doesn’t act like one. Protecting that Lupin like she does.”

“She’s a Death Eater though. Just look on her arm and you’ll see the mark.” Malfoy grinned with satisfaction. “Just wait till her parents find out how she’s been acting.”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard! Raven a Death Eater!

“How do you know this Malfoy?” Fogle asked.

Malfoy smirked, turned his left arm over, and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a skull and snake tattooed on his forearm. I couldn’t believe this, there was Death Eaters at Hogwarts! And Raven was one of them at that! That was when a plan formed in my mind. I smiled and then walked up to Malfoy who quickly pulled his sleeve down hiding his Dark Mark. I asked to talk to him and he agreed to talk with me. We went to the Three Broomsticks and I told him what I wanted. His eyes sparkled with an evil light as I told him. He agreed to help me because he wanted to get back at the Marauders for what they had done to him.

((End Flashback))[/color/

It hadn’t been long after that Hogsmeade trip I had met Raven’s brother Alan. He was nothing like Raven; he was much more cold hearted then her. Which was a nice change, we had become fast friends. When Alan had gone to see Raven I had watched the whole time knowing that Black would put all the pieces together and figure out she was a Death Eater. With that knowledge he would turn all the others against her and she would be alone, all but me! I would be the one for her to cry too, I would be the one there for her when there was no one else. But that had been foiled because of the two meddlesome girls. A growl escaped my throat.

I would have to get rid of those two girls for my plan to work, especially that Hittlet. She was way to smart and would make things to difficult for me. But the question was how to get rid of them? The knowledge of Raven being a Death Eater didn’t make them turn there backs on her, so what would? My mind began working as I finally moved from my hiding spot and moved back toward the castle. I smiled, I would talk to Alan and Malfoy one of them would surly have a plan that would work. I would win over Raven if it was the last thing I did.

(Raven’s P.O.V.)
Emily sat a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. I could see the steam rolling off the top of it. I just looked at it though not making a move to take it up and drink it.

“Come on, dink up.” Kelly said from my left.

I just continued to stare at the cup of warm liquid. “I just don’t understand how…”

“You either shut up and drink that or I’m gonna poor it down your throat.” Emily threatened.

I looked up at her wide eyed knowing very well Emily would do what she was threatening. So I quickly too up the cup and began sipping at it, glad for the warmth it brought I hadn’t realized how cold I had actually become till now. Emily and Kelly had also started drinking theirs as well seeming quite happy. Out of the blue a younger boy come up to Emily and held out a large sack to her.

“Here are the Galleons for the next Quidditch match Boss.”

Emily quickly snatched the bag from the boy almost ripping the poor boys arm off.

“How many times must I tell you we don’t do business in the Great Hall!” she hissed at him.

The boy looked scared as she got up from her seat and quickly ran past him and to the doorway. She turned to look at everyone whose eyes were now on her.

“You all saw nothing!” And then she disappeared.

Kelly and I chuckled. I told the boy that I would take care of things when Emily came back and that he could go. He left and not much longer Emily returned. Her face red from frustration or anger I wasn’t sure which.

“That boy is in so much trouble!” she said a sitting back down.

“Come on Em. give the kid a brake. He’s new after all.”

“You’re way to forgiving Raven.”

I smiled, but it didn’t stay to long.

“Looks like we better get back to the common room.”

My heart dropped, I didn’t want to go back. I didn’t want to deal with seeing the looks on the others faces. Especially Remus’. The others must have seen the look on my face and sensed what I was feeling. They put their hands on my shoulders.

“You have to do it sometime Raven.” Kelly said quietly.

I nodded knowing it was the truth but I still didn’t want to do it. A few minutes later we were up in the Common Room sitting next to the fire and I was fast becoming tired. My eyes drooped as I stared into the fire, wondering where the guys had gone. I let my eyes close and drifted off into the darkness of sleep.

(Kelly’s P.O.V.)
I looked over to see Raven slumped down in her chair and fast asleep. I smiled. Emily seemed to notice at the same time.

“Should we wake her to go up stairs?” I asked.

Emily looked down at her then answered, “No, let her sleep while she can. Who knows if she’ll sleep much from now on.”

“True. And what are we going to do about the guys?”

A sigh escaped Emily’s lips, “I don’t have a clue to be honest Kelly.”

I stared at Emily for a moment; for that was the first time I had ever heard those words come from her mouth. Emily was always the one to know what to do when the rest of us didn’t, so this wasn’t good at all. Emily pulled out her wand and gave it a wave making three blankets appear, she then walked over and covered Raven up. After that she handed me one and then went and snuggled into her chair.