Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess {17}

(Raven’s P.O.V.)
I laid my head down on the table; I was in the back of the library with Emily, Kelly and Shawndee. We were supposed to be doing some of our homework we had let pile up on us but of course I wasn’t. My mind had drifted off like it had a tendency to do as of late. If it hadn’t been for either Emily or Kelly basically doing my homework I would most likely be failing my classes at the moment.

I couldn’t help but think about the past week. It had been the worst in my entire life and that was no joke. It was horrible having the guy’s glairing at me or just plain ignoring me. Well it was mostly James and Sirius that were glairing at me and it tore at my heart seeing that. But the worst of all was the look that Remus gave me when we would happen to see each other. It was a mixture of sadness and disappointment, and it felt like someone stabbed me with a knife and was twisting in my gut every time I would see that look. A sigh escaped me lips. As I remembered that I had almost gotten to talk to Remus once after one of our classes, but thanks to Sirius who rushed him off I didn’t get to. I was suddenly brought out of my gloomy thoughts as a hand waved in front of my face.

“Earth to Raven.” Shawndee said.

“Uh sorry what did you say?” I said sheepishly.

She rolled her eyes.

“Leave her alone Shawndee she doesn’t feel well.” Emily said looking up from her homework.

Shawndee of course had no idea about me being a Death Eater, so she didn’t know about my fight with the guys.

“Right and she hasn’t for the past week.” Shawndee said sarcastically.

“You’ve never been sick for a week before?” asked an obviously annoyed Kelly.

“Well yeah but I stayed in bed the whole time.”

I stood up, gathered my things, and walked away ignoring my name being called. I couldn’t stand sitting there with Shawndee acting the way she was. I know she wasn’t meaning to upset me but she was. Shawndee was one of the only friends I had left so I just needed to get away from everyone for awhile. As I walked down the hall I didn’t really pay attention where I was going or who was walking past me till someone spoke to me.

“Hey Raven what’s wrong?”

I looked up to see Blathy standing there leaned up against the wall; it was almost as if he had been waiting for me. I looked back down at my feet.


“You can’t fool me you know.” He said moving away from the wall, “I know some things up.”

“Well I don’t really feel like talking about it.”

I started back down the hall but he stepped in front of me. I looked up at him to see that he was frowning.

“Why is it you never want to talk to me about your problems? Or hang around with me and my friends?”

I could hear the annoyance in his voice and could tell I had upset him. I shrugged and attempted to go around him, but he wasn’t about to let me go that easy. He grabbed a hold of my arm in a tight grip.

“I know that those so called friend of yours aren’t talking to you. Why can’t I take their place?”

I was both shocked and angry, “No one could ever take the place of the Marauders.” I hissed.

His grip tightened as I tried to pull my arm from his hold on it.

“Let go.” I said with a glair.

“No, not until you see that I’m just as good as any of them.”

“You’ll never be anything compared to them.”

I knew I had made him furious by the look on his face. He brought back his hand and I knew he was going to slap me; I quickly shut my eye and waited for the sting. It never came though.

“You’d best let her go or I’ll break your arm.”

My eyes shot open glad to hear Emily’s voice. I looked over to see that Emily had some how managed to sneak up, grab Blathy’s arm and twist it back behind his back. Blathy gave a growl and released my arm reluctantly; Emily then gave him a hard shove into the wall.

“You ever come near her again Blondie and you’ll regret it.”

With a nasty glair Blathy turned and took off down the hall muttering.

“You okay Raven?”


“Good, that guy is a total creep.”

I nodded to show that I agreed and we headed off toward the common room. Me and Emily sat talking for some time before Kelly returned from visiting with Andrew. She started to join our conversation when suddenly there came a tapping at the window. We looked up to see an owl. We all looked at each other confused, but Kelly went and let it in anyway. The owl flew over to Emily and dropped the letter it held in its beak onto her lap. Emily blinked down at the letter, she rarely ever got mail. She hesitantly opened it up and began reading it silently. After she seemed to have read the letter she had a raised eye brow and an amused look on her face.

“What’s it about?”

“Oh nothing.” She answered and quickly put the letter in her pocket.

(Emily’s P.O.V.)
I lay in bed waiting for the rest of the girls to go to sleep. I was deep in thought, should I go or not? The letter had asked me to meet some person down in the Great Hall tonight for a dual. I smiled, I knew I would win hands down there wasn’t a person in this school that could get the better of the Gryffindor Demon as I had become known as. Well except maybe Raven, but that was to be expected from a Death Eater. They were trained to be excellent fighters. Oh and Dumbledore and the teachers, but they were grown-ups so they didn’t count. I could now tell that the girls were asleep so I got up and slipped out the dorm room door and on into the common room.

I looked around to make sure the guys weren’t down here. I didn’t see them so I continued out the port hole, into the hall, down the stairs, and on into the Great Hall. When I entered I noticed a lone figured sitting on the Slytherin table. The figure turned toward me and smiled, I couldn’t see the face other wise because whoever it was, was wearing a hooded cloak. First mistake never ware anything that can hinder your vision or movements. Must be and amateur dullest I thought to myself. Oh well all the easier for me

“Didn’t think you’d show up.” He said.

“I never turn down a challenge.” I smirked.

He pulled out his wand and so did I.

“Let’s get this party started shall we.” He said.

“Yes lets.”

With that the spells started flying and I learned that this guy was no amateur dullest. He could fire spells as fast as Kelly, Raven, and myself, even with the cloak covering his face. What I didn’t realize is that me and this guy weren’t the only two in the Great Hall! There was three of us there and I was so focused on the guy I fighting I didn’t notice him coming up behind me. That is till I felt an intense pain fill my body, I screamed out. I’d never felt anything like this kind of pain before. I dropped my wand as I fell to the floor in pain.


The pain stopped almost immediately as whoever it was cursing me wand when flying always from him.

“Two against one isn’t fair Alan.” Raven’s voice said.

“You should know I don’t play fair sister.”

I made myself get up; the attention of the two guys had turned from me to Raven now. Dirty bastards I hissed in my head.

“Well it doesn’t matter I’m here to even the odds.” A smirk formed on Raven’s face.

“Sorry sis that’s not the plan. Accio wand”

The black haired boy’s wand flew over to him and the two that had been standing there disappeared.

“Dang it.” I growled.

Raven sprinted across the floor to my side, “Are you ok Emily?”

“Yeah I’m just peachy.”

“Are you sure? Alan hit you with the Cruciatus Curse.”

“I told you I’m fine. It’ll take more than that to stop the Gryffindor Demon.” I smiled at her.

“Okay if you’re sure.”

I nodded at her and we started making our way toward the Gryffindor Tower. Me trying to not let Raven know I was a little sore from being hit with the Cruciatus Curse.
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Ok 3 guess to who was the other guy dueling Emily.