Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess {2}

As I looked out the window the 4 boys started talking about different things. I felt really out of place. Of course it was nothing new to me, I felt this way at home. Finally James and Sirius started talking about some pranks they were going to play on this person called Snape. I turned my head slightly to listen. One was quite funny and I giggled out loud gaining their attention. Opps I thought.

“What’s so funny?” James asked.

“Well I was um…listening to you talk about the prank you were going to pull. I thought it was funny.”

James’ face broke out into a grin. “Well that’s only the second time I’ve heard that from a girl.”

“Yeah.” Commented Sirius and Peter.

I smiled. “Well I caused a bit of trouble back at my old school.”

I could see a mysterious light in James and Sirius’ eyes.
“Like what?!” Sirius asked.

I started to tell them a few things I had done at my old school, but of course I didn’t tell them my best ones. I wanted to save them. As we talked I couldn’t help but think Maybe these guys aren’t as bad as I though

(Remus’ P.O.V.)
I sat listening to James, Sirius, and Raven talk about pranks. I found it amusing that she liked pranks. She was really neat in my opinion. She looked over at me suddenly and for the very first time I noticed her eye color. It was an amazing violet! It wasn’t very often you found someone with that color of eyes. I found myself staring at her, even after she’d turned back to James and Sirius. I stared for a few minutes thinking how beautiful her eyes were before I was brought out of my thoughts by Peter.

“I would quite staring if I was you.” he whispered to me.

I mentally shook myself, and nodded my head to let him know I had heard him. Then suddenly a new thought found its way into my mind. I knew I had gone pale because a few minutes after the thought had come into my head…

“Remus, you ok mate?” Peter asked

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I managed to get out.

The truth was I didn’t feel fine, I felt sick. One word was going threw my mind. The one word that haunted my every day and would for the rest of my life. Werewolf! I began think about the fact I was a werewolf and wondering how she would react if she knew. Would she be like James, Sirius and Peter? Or would she be like the thousands of others that hated werewolves? Thousands of different things began going through my mind and though I would have liked not to have thought them I did. I could see the discussed look on her face as she looked at me. But then I could see the understanding look she gave me. Darn it quit it! It’s not like it really matters. She’s not going to ever find out. I thought. But no matter how much I tried I could get the images out of my head. I couldn’t understand why it mattered to me so much. It’s not like she was my friend or anything like that. I heard the conversation change to Quidditch. Which isn’t something I’m to interested in so that didn’t help with my thoughts being on ‘my hairy little problem’ as James liked to call it. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn’t notice when Raven moved to sit next to me.

“You’re awfully quiet.”

I looked over at her after she said this. “Yeah sorry. I’m just thinking about something”

She gave me a smile. “Oh. Worried about going back to school?”

“Yeah.” I lied.

“It is kinda nerve racking heading back to school.” She said in a worried type voice, “Especially when you don’t know anyone.”

“Well you know us.”

“I meant friend wise.”

“I’m sure you’ll make friends easy. I mean look how quickly you fit in with us.”

When I pointed this out she seemed to think about it. “You do have a point.”

She glanced over at James and Sirius for a moment and then to Peter.

“I didn’t really think I was ever going to like them. But their not half bad.”

“Yeah, after you get to know them their great. Their always there for you if you need them.”

After that we started talking about things just like we were old friends. A tall girl suddenly appeared at our compartment door. She had long brown hair in a braid and brown eyes hidden behind glasses.

“You guys better get into your robes. We’re almost there.”

“Alright.” James said.

The girl disappeared and every one of us moved to get our robes.

“Who was that girl?”

“That was Kelly a fellow Gryffindor.” I told her as we headed to the changing room.

Soon the train began to slow and I could tell Raven became more nervous by the minute. She shifted from side to side as we waited out in the hall with all the other students. Next thing I knew Sirius had his arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t be so up tight”

I noticed how she gave him a weird look then shoved his arm off her. She never said anything. The train finally pulled into the station and everyone started to get off the train. When we got of a booming voice could be heard over the chatter of the students.

“First years First years over here!”

“Uh I take it I’m supposed to go with the first years. See you guys later.”

I watched her walk off and joined the first years.

“She’s cute.” I heard Sirius say.

“I’d leave this one alone if I was you Sirius.”

“I agree with James.” I said, “I think this one is a little more then you can handle.”

Sirius just gave a shrug and said no more. We got onto the carriages that took us up to the castle. We got up to the castle and headed into the Great Hall to find our seats. After everyone got seated Dumbledore started his beginning of term speech.

“Welcome back everyone! It’s good to see you all again. It’s time to begin another year at Hogwarts but first I believe we have some new students that are waiting to be sorted.”

At that the first years were brought in with Raven among them, sticking out like a sore thumb.

“Ah our new 6th year.”

Murmurs began going through the whole school at that.

“Quite! Miss Towsley please would you come up. We would like to sort you first.”

I watched as Raven stepped out from the group of 1st years and walked up and sat down upon the stool. The Sorting hat then was placed on her head. She sat there for a few moments with it on before…


The hat was pulled of her head and she stood up smiling. James and Sirius jumped up and started jumping up and down yelling.

“We got the new hot girl!”

I smiled as Raven walk over to our table to us. My smile widened for as she passed by she smacked James and Sirius in the back of the head. She ended up sitting down next to me.

“What was that for?” Sirius whined.

“For trying to embarrass me. Duh.”

I laughed gaining glairs from James and Sirius. The 1st years were now being sorted. I watched that waiting eagerly to eat. Finally we were able to eat and we all piled our plates. But I didn’t get a quite meal. A food eating contest started! And between Sirius and Raven! I never would have guessed that a girl could eat as fast as Raven could. For the first time I could remember someone actually beat Sirius!

“Wow! You beat him! No one’s ever beat Sirius!” Peter exclaimed.

“That’s cuz he’s never been up against me.” She said wiping her mouth off.

After everyone was full we were dismissed to go to our dorms. I stood up and called out…

“Gryffindor First Years come with me.”

“That includes me?”

“I take it.” I said.

It only took a few minutes for every first year to have gathered. I began leading the way to Gryffindor Tower telling them a few things on the way. After 7 flights of stairs we reached the Tower and entered the common room.

“The boys dorms are to your left the girls are on the right.”

Everyone now went their own way.

“This place is awesome. It’s nothing like my old school.” Raven said

“That’s cuz we’re here.” James said now coming up to us.

Raven rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face.

“I’m off to bed.” She said.

“Night then mate.” James said.

Raven had a shocked looked on her face when James called her mate. Then her smile widened.

“Yeah, night mate.”

Then she disappeared up the girl’s dorm stairs. And that how we became friends with Raven.