Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess {20} rated PG

(Sirius’ P.O.V.)
James, Remus, Peter, Emily, Kelly, Lily and I raced down the stairs as quickly as we could. When James’ cloak went flying out of the dorm we quickly followed it, we had gotten to the bottom just in time to see Raven disappear out the porthole.

“Where is she going?”

“I don’t know Padfoot but I don’t like it.” James said, “Remus go get the girls.”

Remus quickly did as James said, moments later Emily, Kelly, and Lily joined us.
They didn’t like the idea either so we all quickly left the common room having looked to see where she had gone on the Marauders Map. When we got to the Great Hall we saw several others there with her and they didn’t look like they were getting along.

“Lily and Peter go wake the teachers.” I ordered.

They nodded and disappeared down the hall.

“Look Blathy’s out there.” Remus said.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and Raven was trying to fight several Death Eaters at one time.

“Lets go!” Emily yelled.

Next thing I knew it was an all out brawl between the Death Eaters and us.

(Raven’s P.O.V.)
When Remus and the others came running in I felt my heart drop. How on earth could they be here! Then it came to me, the boys must not have been asleep when I summoned the cloak. A spell flew past my head and I knew that I had to stop worrying about the fact they were here because I couldn’t do anything about it now.

I needed to pay attention to the fight that was at hand. Alan began fighting with me, my father was fighting with Sirius, Blathy was fighting Remus, and I’m not sure who the others were fighting. I shot spell after spell at Alan and he did the same to me.

“You’ve gotten better little sister.” He grinned, “But not good enough.”

He suddenly disappeared. My eyes widened at this because you weren’t supposed to Apprate in Hogwarts. Then it hit me he hadn’t Apprate he’d used and invisibility spell on himself! Dang it! He always was good at non-verbal spells

My eyes darted around watching for him and that’s when the pain began. An intense pain like no other, even though I had been hit with the Cruciatus Curse many times I could never get used to the pain. I tried not to scream out but it didn’t work the pain was to much, I screamed out. I could hear Alan’s cold laugh over my scream.


Alan went flying away from me. I looked over to see who had sent the spell at Alan, I saw Remus smiling at me. I mouthed a thank you to him and began fighting again with Alan. Then my worst fear happened. I heard the two words I never wanted to hear in this fight.


A scream followed. My head snapped around to where the scream had come from. My eyes filled with tears at the sight I saw. There laying on the floor motionless was Kelly with a cloaked Death Eater laughing over her. James though stood on the opposite side of the Death Eater so I knew Kelly must have given her life for James. And I knew that laugh, it was Lona’s laugh!

I was suddenly hit smack in the stomach with a spell sent my way by Alan. With my cheeks still wet with tears I began fighting back once more. After about two minutes I was able to finally stun Alan. I turned to survey the scene before me once more. Fear swept over me once more when I found Sirius being back into a corner by my father. I knew that my father would kill him if he got the chance. I made my way quickly toward them ducking under spells and people.

“You best say your prayers boy because your not going to see the light of another day.” My father said with an evil grin.

He then raise his wand ready to deliver the spell that would end Sirius’ life. I dodged another spell I was determined not to lose another friend tonight!


But before the spell could hit Sirius I got in between my father and him. So with a flash of green light and a scream I took my last breath of life.

(Sirius’ P.O.V.)
My eyes flew open as I heard the scream from right in front of me. I stared at the ground where Raven lay dead. My throat constricted and I couldn’t breath, Raven had just stopped me from being killed. My body began to shake as I look back up at Raven’s father. He to stood there just staring at his daughter with shocked eyes.

That was when the teachers, Lily and Peter came running in firing spells. Raven’s father snapped out of the trance he was in and began yelling for the Death Eaters to retreat. The Death Eaters began running out of the door and into the Forbidden Forest. A few moments later I watched in a haze as Remus ran over, dropped to his knees and scoop up Raven. I looked over to see Lily with her arms around James from behind, both of them were crying. Emily was just standing in the middle of the Great Hall looking between Raven and Kelly’s lifeless body’s in a horrified shock.

“I’ll kill those bastards if it’s the last thing I do!” Remus suddenly screamed.

I jumped because I had forgotten he was there. Everyone was looking at Remus now shocked at his out burst because he wasn’t a violent person. Well unless he was in his werewolf state. James made he way toward us and placed his hand on Remus’ shoulder.

“Of course we will mate. They will pay for what they did.”

We all nodded. Dumbledore was now there with a couple of the teacher who took Raven from Remus.

“I’m sorry my boy.” He said to Remus.

(The Next Morning)
Everyone was gathered in the Great Hall and were waiting for Dumbledore to give his speech. I looked over to the Ravenclaw table to see Andrew with his arm around Shawndee who was crying. We had been able to talk to them and tell them the story and the horrible news before they heard it like everyone else was going to. Dumbledore walked up to the podium, looking much older then he ever had.

“Some of you know already I see but others of you don’t. But last night Death Eaters got into Hogwarts because of one of our students. The Death Eaters were driven out but not before two other students were killed.”

Gasps went threw the students that hadn’t known. Emily who was sitting next to me squeezed my hand tightly and I squeezed it back. Dumbledore held up his hand for silence.

“The names of the two students that are no longer with us are Miss Raven Towsley.”
For the first time since I knew her Emily burst out crying. I pulled her closer to me. I could sense that Remus was trying his best not to brake down as well. I could hear Shawndee crying as well Lily.

“Also Miss Kelly Reineke.”

A few of the other students began to weep now.

“These two girls were both brave and loyal, true Gryffindors. And though they are gone they will never be forgotten.”

I looked over at Remus who was looking down at the floor with the saddest look in his eyes that I had ever seen. I knew he was now half dead inside without Raven and it was my fault she was gone. If only I hadn’t let Raven’s father back me into that corner she would still be alive right now. Though Remus had told me he didn’t blame me for Raven’s death, that he blamed Blathy I still felt that it was my fault. And as for Blathy, he had disappeared along with Lona and the rest of the Death Eaters.

“The two girls will be given awards for Special Serves to the School.”

There was a loud burst of cheering from several of us students.

“Now let us give one last toast to these brave and heroic girls.” Dumbledore said raising his goblet.


James and the others looked at me with a weird expression but then smiled. Then they chimed in as well.


As we all said it together I even heard Shawndee and Andrew join us. Later that day Kelly’s parents came to the school and took her body back home with them. But Raven’s was buried here on Hogwarts grounds out toward the Whomping Willow beings it was her own father that had killed her. Everyday until we graduated the others and I would go out and visit her grave just to let her know she was never forgotten.