Status: finished

The Marauder Princess

The Marauder Princess {5}

I was skipping along side the guys as we headed down toward lunch after having been through Transfiguration.

“I thought class was never going to get over.” Commented Sirius.

“Come on Padfoot Transfiguration is the best class there is.”

“Easy for you to say Princess, you’re good at it.”

I grinned. It was true I was the best at transfiguration of all the Marauders, even Remus!

“Maybe if you tried studying once in awhile.” Remus said.

“Oh shut it Moony.”

I shook my head as the two started arguing about how important it was to study. As we got to the bottom of the Grand Staircase I noticed a group of younger girls gathered together talking.

“What are we going to do? If Brandy can’t play then we’ll lose the game.”

“Shawndee is good enough to beat them on her own.”

“No I’m not!” a girl with long brown hair said.

“You’re going to have to be.”

I stopped in my tracks and the others walked a little farther but stopped when they realized I wasn’t with them anymore.

“Hey Princess what’s wrong?”

“Nothing go ahead I’ll be there in a minute.”

James shrugged his shoulders; they turned and walked on into the Great Hall. I moved a little closer to the girls and noticed they were a bunch of 3rd year Ravenclaws. They were still trying to figure out who was going to be this Shawndee’s partner. As they talked a bit more I realize they were talking about a game of Gobstones. I had played the game back at home and was pretty good so I thought I would offer to help the group.

“Uh if you don’t mind me butting in I can play Gobstones pretty well.”

The group turned to look at me now. One, that I took to be the leader of the group, looked me up and down.

“You’re a Gryffindor and a 6th year why would you want to help us?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “You guys seem pretty desperate for a second player so I just thought.”

“Yeah well keep to your own house.” The girls said coldly.

“Anna!” a girl with large blue eyes cried, “Don’t! If she can play and is offering to help let her!”

“Shawndee you can’t be serious?” the blonde haired girl said.

“Yes! If we want to beat the Slytherin team we need her. I can’t do it by myself.” She turned to me, “Will you still help?”

I could see the pleading look in her large blue eyes.

“Of course. When’s the game?”

Shawndee’s face broke out into a smile. “Tonight at 10 in the Great Hall. I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. I’ll see you there.”

I waved as I walked away from the group of girls and on into the Great Hall. I looked up and down the Gryffindor Table till I found the guys, and then made my way toward them.

“Hey Raven.”

I stopped hearing my named called. I turned to see Blathy leaning back out of a group of boys waving at me. I smiled at him and walked over.

“Hey Blathy what’s up?”

“Why don’t you sit with us, we could use some good company.”

I laughed, “Sorry I always sit with the guys.”

He frowned at me.

“Come on just this once.”

I shook my head my blonde hair bobbing around my head. “No, I already promised the others I would sit with them.”

Before he could protest again I walked away down the table toward the others, I could feel him glairing at me. Boy that guy is pushy. I thought as I sat down and started placing food on my plate. As I ate I thought about the up coming Gobstone game, but I lost track of that thought as I looked over at Remus and noticed how pale he was.

“Hey you okay mate, you don’t look so well?”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

I shrugged it off and returned to eating but couldn’t help noticing how the others keep glancing at Remus with concerned looks. What are they hiding? I wondered to myself. I had always felt they were keeping something from me, because I would sometimes come down and catch them talking in hushed voices and they would stop when they’d see me. When we finished we headed back up stairs to get the books for Potions, I stopped Remus about half way up.

“What are you guys hiding from me?”

His eyes wavered. “Nothing why?”

“Remus don’t lie to me. I know you guys are keeping something from me.” I said narrowing my eyes, “I’ll find out one way or another.”

He swallowed hard. “We’re not hiding anything.”

He then brushed past me looking paler then before, I shook my head and followed. The rest of the day things were a bit strained between me and the others, which made me very upset. I couldn’t imagine what was so important that I couldn’t know. They even went up to bed early, to get away from me. It didn’t make me to upset there cuz I had to get down to the Gobstone game anyway. I made my way quickly down the staircase and on into the Grand Hall glad not to have seen Filtch. As I entered I saw a large group standing around. I looked around and found Shawndee.

“Hey you’re here!”

“Yeah I told you I would.”

“Well I thought maybe you wouldn’t; because older students have promised me things before and never kept their promise.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

A greasy haired boy walked up to us. “Are we going to play or not?”

I glared at him. “Yeah and we are going to beat you.”

“Yeah right.” Snape sneered then walked off.

“We have to beat them.” I said turning back to Shawndee.

She nodded and motioned for me to follow her; we made our way to a table where Snape and another boy sat. Seeing the other black haired boy my determination to win doubled.

He grinned at me as we sat down. “So throwing your lot in with 3rd years now are we Towsley?”

“Shut it Regulus. Let’s just get this game over with.”

With that Shawndee and Regulus pulled out their Gobstones and the game began. I was surprised how good Snape and Regulus really were at the game, but Shawndee was just as good! I wiped blue gunk out of my eye as I got sprayed when Regulus made a point, but Shawndee turned about and made a point and a green Gobstone sprayed Regulus. I laughed seeing him spit and wipe his face. The game was now tied! Whoever made the next point won the game and it was Snape’s turn. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, if he made a point the Slytherin would win and if not the Ravenclaw team would have a chance. Snape made his move and there were loud cheers, from the many Ravenclaw supporters! He had missed the shot! I could see the perfect shot to make and win the game for the Ravenclaws. The crowd once again was holding its breath as I moved to make my shot. I shot my Gobstone…

It seemed like it happened in slow motion, the two Gobstones connected and the one went flying out making the point we need to win! The red liquid hit Regulus smack in middle of the eyes! Which made everyone burst out laughing and cheering, Ravenclaw had beaten the Slytherins! I was tackled by Shawndee and the rest of the Ravenclaws plus a few other Ravenclaw supporters. I toppled over making everyone fall over, me ending up at the bottom of a large dog pile. When everyone got off I had to laugh as the Slytherins walked off very angry.

“Told you we’d win!” I hollered after them.

From that day on Shawndee and I were partners in every Gobstone game that went on at Hogwarts, which was very funny!