Status: In a crime mood XD

For the Love of CSI

Beautiful A Nick Stokes Oneshot

Calm down Aims calm down. I kept telling myself as I entered the building. For me it wasn't just the first day of work, it was the day I would see him again.
As I made my way to the lounge area I remembered when we (to quote the All-American Rejects) were just two kids who took the moment when it was there.
I met Nick Stokes when I was ten. Back then he was a sweet naive boy, barely thirteen years old. We met in the winter when our family's decided to get together for a big party. 'Course being kids, we were having a lousy time and decided to sneak out for our own party.
We climbed into my treehouse and listened to music on my small radio. We laughed, we attempted to sing along to songs we knew, we danced, and we just had the time of our lives. When a slow song came on, for all the lovers out there the jocky said, things grew kinda awkward. "Do you know how to slow dance?" Nick asked.
"No." He took my small hands and wrapped them around his neck.
"Just follow the rhythm and me." He whispered. I think it was while we were dancing that I realized I loved Nick, even if we'd only met a couple hours earlier. At the end of the song we remained paralyzed, our eyes locked on one another. We nearly jumped sky high when my mother called out for us to come inside. I was about to open the trap door when Nick leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "I had a great time Amy."
Nick and I became very close after that night. 'Course the age difference ended up biting me in the ass. At age fifteen I had to say goodbye to Nicky who was leaving for college. He came to my house the night before he left. We went into my treehouse and I turned on my radio.
"Amy I don't want to remember you with a sad face, can't you smile just once?"
"How can I when you're abandoning me?" He reached over and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you so much Nicky how am I suppose to go on without you?"

"I love you too Amy. Just remember you'll always have me no matter how far away I am." At last a smile appeared on my face. "Beautiful." Nicky whispered.
"You know how you gave me my first kiss up here?" He nodded. "Well I'm ready to have another first here." I brought his face down to mine and kissed him firmly on the lips. He layed me down and made love to me. I woke up to his naked body touching mine, his arm swung over me.
We said goodbye two hours later and I hadn't seen him since.
**End flashback**
I took one giant deep breath and went inside the lounge. I wouldn't blame Nicky for not recognizing me, after all my hair was now dark purple. "Hi, bitching hair." Said a young guy with blonde hair.
"Um thanks. I'm Amy the new investigator."
"Greg Sanders, if you needa friend, extra hands, shoulder to cry on, some lovin' I'm your man."
"Whoa easy tiger." Said a familiar voice. "Sorry about Greg he's a bit of a player. I'm Nick Stokes." I sighed and turned around.
"I know." I said. "It's good seeing you again Nicky."
"Amy?" I nodded and smiled. He picked me up and spun me around. I met the other CSI's and was given my first case. Working with Nick brought out my inner child. Hell it even brought out the wild child in me. We caught up on what we've been doing with our lives, the good and the bad. "YOU WHAT?!?!" Nicky shouted when I told him I nearly killed myself in college.
"I was stressed out as fuck on a daily basis and just not really happy."
"You could've called me, you know I would've been there for you. The hell were you thinking Amy?"
"I'm sorry, but it was only a one time thing after that I remembered what I have to live for." I smiled up at him. "I still love you Nicky."
"I love you too Amy."
It was like that for the first week. The case we were working was all kinds of crazy. I ran the DNA of a suspect (for the second time that week) just to be sure, because our vic (a woman who was raped) is sure the guy was her attacker. When I got the results back my eyes nearly popped out of my skull. "HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed and ran out the door slamming head on into Greg.
"Whoa what's shakin' bacon?"
"Uh I don't smell anything." I answered. "Do you know where Nick is?"
(authors note if you know where that little shakin' bacon reference is from you are rad and I love you).
"The lounge on break why?" I showed him my result. "Holy shit! You sure this is correct?"
"Um lemme think... yeah I'm damn sure now come on." We bolted for the lounge and when we got there Nicky had his back turned to me so I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. "Nicky you gotta see this." I shoved the results in his face.
"Are you shitting me?" He said loudly.
"Nope. We had him this whole time."
"Wait I thought when you ran his DNA the first time there was no match?" Asked Warrick.
"Yeah well the first time we didn't know about his genetic defect, 'cause he didn't care enough to share." I said still clinging on to Nicky's back.
"Come again?" Warrick asked.
"We're not looking at one person." Nicky said.
"We're looking at two. The guy is his own twin." Grissom told me about the anomoly the other day and I took another blood sample (this time from his left side). It was a perfect match.
"Amy could you get off me now?" Nick asked.
"Oh yeah sorry." I climbed down.
"Don't be." The suspect was arrested and booked for rape and murder in the first degree (we found our vic a couple days earlier in the desert).
I was on my way out when Nick called my name. "Wait up."
"What's up?" I asked.
"There's been something I've been dying to do all week but with this case I never really had the chance."
"Was is it Nicky?" He leaned in and kissed me. It was as pleasant as I remembered it. I kissed back and smiled into it. When we parted Nick brushed my rosey cheek.
"Beautiful." He whispered.
"Good to know you're still a dork Nicky." I wrapped my arms around him. "Do you wanna be with me forever?"
"As a friend, or lover..."
"As my husband?" He kissed me again and answered...
"Yes, I always thought the name Amy Louise Hood Stokes had a good ring to it."
That day ended beautifully and just the same our lives together began.