Status: (: Completed

My Vampire

The begining of forever.


"Walking alone at night again, aren't you?"- i shivered as soon as i heard his cool voice coated with thick german accent. " Why do you care?"- I spat at him. "Of course i care"- He moved closer to me.I stepped away from him. "Leave me alone"- i whined. He disappeared. I sighed in relief. But then again...
"Oh no, princess"- He whispered. He was behind me. Now he was so close i could feel his cool breath against my neck. I felt his fangs sinking deep into the flesh of my neck. And that's when everything faded away...

*End of Flashback*

**Present Time**

"We're going out tonight"- I heard him say. "I'm not going"- I mumbled. " Oh yes you are."- he said not even bothering to look at me. " I'M NOT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!! " -I yelled. He slowly turned around. Uh oh. I made it. I pissed him off. His eyes were so red, redder than blood. He charged at me and pushed me against the cold castle wall. He shook me like i'm some rag doll. Then he spoke, queitly and so.... deadly -" You are coming with me and that's final". The moon was already.


We were walking down the dark streets of Hamburg. There was no one in sight. Light fog was everywhere. He was quiet. He always was during these hunts. I wanted to tell him that it's useless; we will never find a victim in these hours of the night, that is , until we saw a young woman probably in her early twenties. He noticed her in a heartbeat, and of course, approached her. I hid in the shadows of the big houses. "Good evening beautiful"- he spoke his silky voice echoed through the night. "G-good ev-evening sir "- the young woman stuttered. "My lady may i ask why are out alone in this time of the night"-he asked her. The woman looked away in embarassment. Then she spoke. "I was b-banished! From my own home!"- she cried. What a sad sight i thought. He smirked evilly. "Do you need a place to stay?"- he asked her and flashed her a totally fake smile which supposed to be warm and kind. "Yes! Sir you are so kind but i can't be a burden to you!!!"- poor woman she doesn't even know in what she's getting into. Oh no no miss. You won't be a burden at all!" - he took her hand and led her into an alley with the moon as its only light. The sound of cries and cracking bones filled the night. She was dead.


Dawn. I was lying in my bed. I should've been sleeping. But i couldn't. I started thinking about my life now. My old life was gone. And all the memories with it. He stalked me for years. Why? I always wanted to know. I never asked him why and man, i was begining to feel impatient to know the answer. The black curtains were moving. Maybe it's the wind. But they were moving for quite some time... until i saw him standing by the door, staring at me with those brown eyes. Nothing was said. Then he finally spoke. " You should sleep"- he smirked. "I can't with this question running in my head"- i answered no emotion whatsoever. "Why do you always keep going against my will?"- he said thoughtfully. "Because you DON'T own me or control me"- i snarled at him. "Haha wanna bet?"- he smirked evilly. That evil smirk. It sent chills down my spine. "But you know, i love it when you do that, maybe that's why i made you mine"- he licked hir lip ring. I couldn't resist, and i finally asked the question that's been bugging me a long time. "Why were you stalking me? All those years?". Then silence. "Because i love you"- he finally said . I was staring at him like he had three heads. "You heard me princess- "But.... How? Why?" i was so confused. He looked at me sadly and began his story. "All my life, i wanted to find someone who's real. Someone who will make me feel happy and content all at the same time. I never succeded in that. I never found someone. I just kept having those whores for one night. Just one night. So i can fill something inside me. But with the time passing i wasn't satisfied with that. One night i promised myself that that'll be the last whore in my life. But.. it turned out that she was a vampire. I woke up,feeling the eternity running through my veins. I had became a vampire. I had all the time in the world. I made a decision. I'll try again and find that someone, that someone who will be my true love. I had eternity. I found you. My mission was accomplished. It's now... Forever you and I."- he finished kissing me on the lips. I didn't move. "Why me?"- i asked him staring in his eyes. " I don't know. Something inside me told me that you're the one."- he shrugged. I smiled at him gently. I actually smiled!
"Will you go in the eternity with me?"- he asked me. "Yes"- was all i could ever say to him.
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