Killing Loneliness

Chapter 31

It was a few weeks into the north american tour, and I was having the time of my life. Our opening acts were doing amazing, and each night as we performed the crowd would go wild. Along our way we had the change to meet the bands that I had looked up to.
You name them, I was friends with them now. Avenged Sevenfold asked us to tour with them the next year, Papa Roach asked to do a song with us and CKY said we were amazing. We were at a party after a big show in some city, I couldn't remember where, but I sat there talking to the drummer of CKY.
“It's so amazing to meet you, you guys ar eby far one of my favorite bands!” I felt like a fan girl talknig to them.
“Oh thanks, you guys are great!” Jess shook my hand and stood there talking to me for a while. After about 10 minutes he stopped and looked at me.
“You're her aren't you? You're the one that got Bam so hung up on,” Jess had a confused look on his face as he looked me over.
“Uhm excuse me?”
“Didn't Bam tell you I was his older brother?” Panic started to run threw me before I could say anything.
“I – Uh – u-” I felt my face go red, as I looked around for a way out.
“Don't worry, I won't tell him I saw you tonight. But he's been miserable the last month, telling me about this girl named Ashleigh who he wants to send the rest of his life with,” Jess smirked as he looked at me. “You're just as pretty as Bam discribed you,”
There was that tugging and retching feeling in my chest again. I nodded and tried to smile.
“Yah, I guess thats me,” I looked down at my drink and swirled it around. I looked back up at him and drank my drink in one gulp. I was going to need a few more of those if CKY was joining us for a few dates.
We talked for a little longer, before he said he had to leave. I thanked him for telling me how Bam was doing and for not mentioning that he had seen me. Even during the most exciting time of my life Bam was on my mind.
I was headed to the bar when i bumped into someone. The drink that was in their hand spilt all over their shirt and I yelped as we colided. I appologized like crazy and looked up into the face of an incredibly good looking man. I told him to follow me and that I'd give him a shirt to make up for his soaking wet ruined one. He followed me out. When he looked at the shirt, he smiled and asked if I was in the band. My cheeks flushed red and nodded. He told me how much he loved the band and how his band would have loved to have toured with us.
His name was Jay, he was the guitarist of a band called Addiction. And man, was he good looking. I introduced myself, and we stood outside, near my van talking about music and other things. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and I didn't want to stop him.

Weeks had passed and I was starting to fall in love with Jay. Him and his bnad had joined the tour and were with us every minute. Jay made me laugh like no other in the world. I didn't care about going out with him, I was perfectly contnet on sitting with him and just talking. Music was taking over both of our lives and together we couldn't get enough of it.
I was walking back from an interview onto my bus. There were flowers out side of my bus. I picked up one of the roses and opened the door slowly.
“Hello?” No one answered me the first time, but when I called out I heard Jays voice from the back. I followed to the back of the bus and found a table filled with roses and flowers. Jay sat there with another flower in his hands and took anoher step closer to me. My stomach fluttered as I saw him there.
“Ashleigh, darling, come here,” Jay took my hand and lead me intot he back of the bus more.
“Y- Yes?” I looked around at everything. There were candles lighting up the room with my favoirite smell, vanilla.
“Darling, marry me, please?” Jay got down on one knee infront of me and looked up with large eyes. He took a small black box from his pocket and opened it up. There was a beautiful ring inside with a small diamond on it. Tears ran down my cheeks and I leapt up and said yes. It seemed so soon but, I ws just so happy.
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Oooo! whats gonna happen! i know! .... i think i had a little to much sugar...
OK! let me know what ya'll think! I'd really appreciate it since i'm planning on atending the UCLA writing program