Loser, Loner...Lover?


Name: Katharine Anita Storr

House: Ravenclaw

Year: 6th; same as Marauders.

Appearance: Tall 5’8”, long brown almost black waist length hair that always covers her face (think Violet from “The Incredibles”), large emerald green eyes, a flawless complexion and very pale (doesn’t like to go outside a lot). Curvy, but definitely doesn’t flaunt what she has. Is actually quite beautiful, but doesn't realize it (none of the shy girls ever do).

Personality: Shy, doesn’t like to be the center of attention, very smart and quick witted, loves books rather than human company. Hard for her to open up to people, because she feels she won’t be accepted. Not bothered by people, except for Sirius Black who is one of his favorite targets for pranks. Definatly not a girly-girl, but not a tom-boy either, just wears plain clothes (who is she to impress?)

Blood: Half

Family: Mother was a muggle, father’s a wizard. Lives with father only because her mother died shortly after she started Hogwarts.

Friends: None (hey you don’t like it, you should have read the title first!) Also, because she doesn’t have any friends she has a lot of free time to studying so she is extremely smart. One of these advantages is that she became an animangus in her 5th year.

Animangus: Large black raven with a round, white spot that is partially covered by her left wing. Looks like a little moon.

Other: Is a Prefect and a stickler for rules. Never had a boyfriend, or really any crushes. Doesn't wear make-up or flaunt her appearance in anyway. May be exteremly shy, but underneath it Kat has an evil streak that has shown once or twice in her life.
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I really like this story and have some great ideas for it, but I know it will be better if others' send their thoughts/ideas as well. It will only take a minute, but please?