Status: Working On It! Copy, and I'll beat you up.© 2010AshTheBash

Forever Now

Back In The Saddle Again

Sami's POV
The bus went over a bump in the road that almost made me roll off the bed. I opened my eyes rubbing the sleep from them. Where Bill was lying next to me was empty, depressions left in the pillows and blankets. I sat up stretching and looking at the scenery change as the bus sped along the Autobahn.

I had been on Tour with Tokio Hotel for a few months now. Those months were some of the greatest times of my life. Bill and I had grown extremely close and were pretty much exclusively dating. We had traveled to America(I had never been there and it was WICKED cool), Asia, the Middle East and much of Europe.

I reached over and grabbed the new phone Bill got me and flipped it open. It was so fucking hard to use, I barely used my house phone back in Hamburg, let alone this shit.

I had missed calls from my dad and Audrey, my mom never called anymore. I'd be surprised if she was still alive. As I scrolled to Audrey's name so I could call her back, Bill came in dressed and toweling off his hair.

I put my hair into a bun and got on my knees to kiss him.

"Your phone kept ringing all night." he groaned. I laughed. "it better not be another man, or I'll have to punish you." he winked going for his makeup bag

"haha in that case, yes, it is. Since you haven't 'punished me' yet." Me and Bill haven't had of that sort yet. I find it kind of odd that we're able to stay in the same bed every night and not get to that point. One thing I haven't told him yet was that I technically never had sex with anyone before. At school, I had a rep for it, but it was all rumours.

Bill wiped some excess liquid eyeliner away.

"You know that would be a bad idea Sami." he muttered wiping his fingers on a tissue. "you're so young!"

I folded my arms.

"I'm going to be 18 soon Bill, stop acting like my sister." he started to mousse and gel his hair ignoring me.

"We're stopping in Venice for a few hours and then moving on to Rome for our concert tonight." I pressed my lips together getting off the bed and wrapping my arms around his lean waist.

"Do we go back to Hamburg? Soon?" he smiled reaching behind him and tickling my sides.

"Homesick?" he asked.

"Audreysick." I mumbled against his back.

"Well, we go back actually in a week and a half or so, ill have to check again." Gustav barged in without knocking. It didn't matter, it's not like Bill and I were doing anything anyway.

"We're stopping soon." he said in between bites of a sandwich.
Before he left, he came back in looking at me shyly. He still wasn't quite used to me. "Have you talked to Audrey?" he asked playing with the lock on the door. I shook my head.

"She called last night. Why? Haven't you talked to her?" I asked sitting back on my haunches. He twisted his mouth thinking.

"No, she won't return my calls." Hm. That's weird, she's completely into Gustav, he's all she talked about last time I spoke with her.

"I'll call her back and see what's going down." I said. He nodded closing the door. Bill turned around and kissed me.

"Just wait until you're 18." he said enclosing his lips around mine.

Audrey's POV
My sister never called back. I bounced my leg as I sat on my dads couch debating whether I should go see my mom. It was summer now and I was completely and utterly bored. Ever since Tokio Hotel left town, all the hype of Germany had died. I started taking colleges classes for musical history and my next class wasnt until 3 this afternoon. There were a few surprises, actually one REALLY big one...but I wasn't really ready to think about it again. I made a mistake, one that nobody knew besides my dad, and hopefully next time I saw Gustav I'd be able to tell him. But not now.

I laid on the couch wishing I was completely naked, it was hot as SHIT in my dads house and I had every window open. He had gone to fashion week in Milan and left me here.
The phone rang and I sprang for it clicking the talk button.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Audrey?" it was my mother. I sighed Sinking to the couch.

"Hi." I Said dully. In the back of my head I was kinda hoping it was Gustav, but I wasn't ready to talk to him just yet. We had been so strong for a while and I didn't want to rush things. I wanted to feel like I missed him, and I kinda did...a lot.

"Audrey, I haven't talked to you in so long! How have you been?" her voice was shaking as if she were nervous.

"Fine. Did you get the money I sent you?" I asked picking at my nails. Since I left my mother's house, I had gotten a job at the local zoo selling souvenirs. All the money I made, I sent to Sami when I could reach her, and my mother.

"Yes dear. Thank you so much, I'm afraid these days that the money I had saved wouldn't be able to pay for the upkeep of this house you know?" I nodded turning the TV on and muting it.

"Yeah. Well, I-"

"I'm thinking of selling it. The house I mean." she blurted out. My head spun.

"But I grew up in that house. Sami was born in that house." I said biting my lip. My mother groaned.

"Oh I knew you'd be angry!" she said, "but Audrey I can't! It's too much to pay for. And the property tax went up!" I closed my eyes wishing I could dream up a plan. Then I remembered all the beatings, hitting and screaming that went on there. I opened my eyes.

"Fine, sell it."

After getting off the phone with my mother I went to my room to get dressed. I opened the door smiling at my spacious sunny room. I don't think I'd ever get used to it. It was decorated with rich purples and pinks and golds that my dad brought from a shoot in Morocco.

I went to my closet pulling out a soft navy tank top and shorts. I might as well kill time before class instead of sitting around the house waiting for the phone to ring.

I grabbed my wallet and backpack going out. The sun blazed down as I got into the little volvo that my dad got me for my 20th birthday.

Maybe I'd go over to see Marie for a bit. I thought putting my shades on and switching on the radio. Love and Death came on and my stomach twisted. I remembered Rich.
The gun, the screaming, the blood, there was so much of it. I shuddered, feeling bile rise in my throat as I turned it off.

I Pulled into Marie's complex parking And got out of the car. She was actually outside playing checkers with her elderly neighbor on her patio. I smiled, she had finally grown her hair out and stopped wearing so much makeup.

"Hey! Marie!" I hollered running up the stairs. She looked down, her new nerdy glasses perched on her nose. She grinned.

"Come on over! I was just thinking about you." I went into her apartment going out to her patio. Her opponent, old Russell Peterson pulled over a chair for me.

"Marie thinks she's gonna beat me, but I have a trick up my sleeve for spring chickens like her." he winked. Marie rolled her eyes.

"So, did you hear the good news? About Tokio Hotel?" Marie asked pushing her red checker diagonally. I sat back in the lawnchair folding my hands in my lap.

"No. I haven't spoken to Gustav in a few days." I answered twisting a curl around my finger. It was sweat drenched. Maybe I could shave my head...I thought.

"Well that's too bad for you." she grinned to the board as Russell kinged himself. "Because they're coming back, soon." she said. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Really?" I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice. She nodded making a rapid movement on the board.

"Tom told me." her face flushed.

"Your new beau eh?!" Russell exclaimed accusedly. Marie smiled slyly.

"No Russ, nothing will ever come between you and me." she joked. Satisfied, Russell let her take her conquered piece.

"What's really going on between you and Tom?" I asked. Her lips twitched as she tried not to smile.

"Nothing! Really! I swear! We're just good friends!" she said as she conquered Russell's king. She won. As Mr. Peterson packed up his game, Marie took me aside.

"Danielle is also coming back." she murmured tucking a blonde hair behind her double pierced ear. I gasped, her sister had been missing for months but we finally found out that she had been living with a new boyfriend in a really sleazy part of town.

"why? She can't just disappear and then expect to be welcomed back like that." I hissed as Russ kissed Marie's temple and left. She shut the door.

"I know! But she called me last night crying and apologizing. I mean what am I supposed to say? No? She's been sending me her portion of the rent! I just don't know how she gets the money!" she said throwing her her hands up frustratedly. I shrugged trying hard to pay attention to what she was saying. But I was too distracted.

It had been months since I last saw Gustav, I wondered if he had changed...if he still meant what he said last time he saw me...

Marie snapped in my face, I jumped.

"Hnuh? What?" I said looking around. Damn, I mustve zoned out.

"Did you hear what I just said?" she exploded. I dug my toe into the carpet.

"No, sorry Mar, I was just thinking." she rolled her eyes going to the kitchen.

"Did you want some tea?" she asked. "or a piece of my schwarzwälder kirschtorte?" she was referring to the famous chocolate German dessert my Oma had always made for me and my sister as children. I nodded sitting at the kitchen table.

"What I was SAYING, was that I put an ad in the newspaper for a roommate." I almost spit out the tea that she handed me.

"WHAT? Mar thats dangerous!" I cried realizing that I actually just burned the inside of my cheek as well from not waiting for the tea to cool.

She sat across from me blowing steam softly from the top of her cup as she slid me the plate of cake.

"Audrey, I get really lonely here. Danielle's been gone, and you know I don't have many close friends." she paused, "and Tokio Hotel never stays long. I mean when, Tom, comes, he'll be rehearsing a lot." she blushed everytime she said his name. I decided not to tease her.

"Well, at least let me be here when you finally pick a candidate." I said taking delicious bite of the cake. She smirked.

"I already met her. She moves in tomorrow."

Tom's POV
I debated calling Marie for the fiftieth time. I loved hearing her voice. I immediately regretted leaving her behind in Germany.

I mean don't get me wrong, I love being free! Especially when these cute little fan girls get wild and crazy at our concerts, Marie just...gets it. But I don't like her like that.

Our bus drove past a 'welcome to Venice' sign.

I didn't like her...right?

Georg's POV
I burped loudly. Me and Gustav pretty much drank our weight in soda the whole drive and I felt extremely sick.

"come on man, we gotta get off this bus." he said hiccuping. I groaned not wanting to move.

"I think I'm gonna die dude." my chest hurt, almost like when my girlfriend dumped me a few months ago. Ouchhh. After she found out that I cheated on her, she basically cursed me halfway to hell and dumped me.

So much for being a rockstar. From time to time I would think about Danielle, but not in that way. I mainly felt bad that I never really apologized. Apparently Tom had a thing with her sister and I was too scared to ask about her. Oh well.

I ambled off the bus with Gustav taking in the bright Venice sunlight.

"You smell that breeze?" I asked spreading my arms out. Gustav covered his face.

"Yeah, it smells like you forgot deodorant again." he muttered.
I sniffed. Ah shit. I did.

Audrey's POV
My cell rang as I was driving to my class. Not looking at the caller ID I picked up.

"Hallooo?" I answered cutting in front of someone.

"Finally, you finally pick up." It was Gustav. My stomach knotted.

"Yeah. I've been...busy." I instantly felt bad, he didn't do anything wrong. He chuckled on the otherside of the line.

"You're like a soccer mom now, driving around everywhere. Before you used to walk slash run." I laughed realizing that he had probably just heard me honk at someone.

"haha errr, yeah. I'm a maniac behind the wheel now." he always knew how to make me laugh. "I really miss you." I admitted parking in the lot of the campus and getting out.

"Really? Because for a second there, I thought you didn't." he joked. I headed for the front door cradling the phone between my shoulder and ear while I dug my I.D. From my bag.

"I really did. And you're coming soon right?" I dropped my badge on the ground and leaned over to pick it up. I saw a pair of guys puma's walk up and stop. My eyes trailed to the face as I stood up. There, holding the door open for me was probably the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen.

"Yeah, I told you I'd come back for you." Gustav said jovially.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hooray! I have gotten a few request to put part two up and I can guarentee that there will be a LOT of drama...but not too much haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! If I see that part two isnt doing too well, I'll stop but otherwise i'll try to keep writing:)