Status: Working On It! Copy, and I'll beat you up.© 2010AshTheBash

Forever Now

World Behind My Wall

Sami's POV
     After a day of shopping and lounging we finally had to leave Venice and travel to Rome for the concert. We arrived there just in time for the soundcheck. This was always a boring time for me since the only thing I could do was sit and watch...or eat all the food they had set up backstage. I like that part the best actually. 

I sat in the audience watching and tapping my foot to 'Dogs Unleashed.' I screamed obnoxiously so it would be more realistic. Tom shot me a dirty look as he hit a really good riff. 

"Dont hate me cause you ain't me!" I yelled putting my booted feet on the chair in front of me. I took out my cell finally deciding to text my sister back.

'Hey.' I started. A few minutes later I got a hey back.
'U nvr called!' She added. I sunk into my chair.
'Wht was so important Tht u had 2 call me like 5 times 4?' I asked. 
'I wanted to know when u were coming back. And I had 2 talk 2 u. About house.' I stared at my phone confused. About house? The American show?
'wht house?' I asked typing rapidly.
'mom selling house.' I frowned. Why would she do that? That's the house I grew up in. I was instantly in a sour mood as I snapped my phone shut.

When the soundcheck was finished, I met Bill backstage. He was piling food onto a plastic plate. He smiled at me and then sobered after he saw my face. 

"What's wrong?" he asked so his bandmates wouldn't hear. I shook my head. He put the plate down and led me out of the room into the dank hallway. In the dim light I could see his concerned expression.

"Tell me. Are you okay?" he asked winding his arms around my waist. 

"my mom's selling the house I grew up in." I sniffed. 

"The same house you came from a few months ago?" he asked. I nodded chewing on my thumbnail.

"I don't know why. I mean I feel sad but at the same time, I'm certain I don't  want to go back."

"Then don't." he said simply. 

After the concert was finished, Which was AMAZING by the way. I tried to make myself as invisible as possible when all the fangirls with backstage passes started to stream in. They were pretty much clawing at Bill and Tom, I felt a twinge of jealousy when a girl requested that Bill sign her boob. 

She was short blonde and busty and pretty much put her chest in his face. I was steaming. Gustav came over and stood next to me.

"Hey, you look pissed." he noted following my glare. "oh don't mind them. These girls are crazy y'know, besides, I think Bill really likes you." he smiled.

That was probably the most Gustav had ever said to me. I smiled at him softly nudging him with my elbow.

"Yeah you're right. Speaking of liking, did you get to talk to my sister?" I asked watching Bill press the sharpie to the girls chest and write.

"Yeah, she seems so distant lately." he said pulling his cap down lower. Maybe she didn't want to rush into things? Or maybe her feelings changed? But I didn't voice these opinions.

"Audrey gets moody sometimes you know that." Gustav spun his drumsticks as a brunette girl boisterously approached him for his autograph. She shoved her notepad at him.

"Can you make to my Cousin Rosalina?" she asked in broken English eyeing me. "You are his girlfriend?" she asked folding her lanky arms. I smiled challengingly. 

"Nope, I'm Bill's girlfriend." her mouth dropped.

"Whatever, he probably not really like you anyway. He is rock star." okay, somebody better hold me back because I was about to roll this girl into a cannoli in a few seconds. I clenched my fists.

"Well you wouldn't know since you don't sleep in his bed every night." I answered smugly leaning against the wall. Gustav looked extremely uncomfortable. The girl was handed back her notepad.

"But he hasn't SLEPT with you has he? Bill's good guy, you? You not look so good." she retorted. My face mustve shown my shock because she flounced away to go fuck up someone elses day. 

I shakily took out a cigarette from my bag. I couldnt even hold my lighter steadily. Gustav took it and held it over the end of the stick.

"Well, I may not understand girls very well...but that was harsh." I rolled the cigarette between my fingers and took in a swallow backing away from the wall and casually walking past the prepubescent girl. She was holed up at the snack table. And as I brushed past I clipped the back of her arm with my cigarette. Oops... I thought smiling as she yelped.

Audrey's POV
     Turns out hot dude was in my class. The whole time I could feel his emerald eyes boring a hole in the side of my head. It made me uncomfortable, but at the same time, I was curious...who was this guy?

"Make sure you read pages 50 through 120 tonight and give me a breakdown on how the classical music of France gave way to the reformation." my senile professor Mr. Haemker clipped. I packed up my things not paying attention to the mystery guy sidling up to me.

I looked up, jumping, he frightened me for some reason. His chunky glasses sat on his nose.

"Howdy." he said stuffing a hand in his pleated slacks. I raised an eyebrow. He must be American. I stood up, he was a couple of heads taller than me. Damn...

"Hallo..." my English was okay, not as good as my sisters but it was okay. He leaned over picking up the badge that I dropped...yet again.

"You should keep an eye on your stuff." he joked putting it in my upturned palm. He kinda reminded me of Rich. My heart ached.

"I'm Ryan by the way. Ryan Devoirs" he put out a hand. I cautiously shook it and started to turn away.

"Do you have a name?" he asked as I headed to the door.

"Nope." I responded quickly closing it behind me. My heart thrummed in my chest as I raced to my car. Who was this guy? And what did he want from me?

Marie's POV
     The day after I spoke with Audrey, I awoke to the sound of pounding on my door. I covered my head with my pillow. Then it came louder. I looked at my silver plated old fashioned alarm clock. It was only 8 in the morning.

"Too early!" I groaned tugging my robe on and climbing from bed. The knocking continued.

"I'M COMING!!!! damn!" I hollered stomping to the door and flinging it open. There on my porch stood an Asian woman of medium height wearing very smart glasses and her hair was done up in a white blonde bouffant. Her eyes had no makeup but her lips were lined with red and she came bearing a big black trunk, an army sized backpack and a purse.

"Uh...I'm not interested in what you're selling, it's kinda early in the year to be taking orders for girl scout cookies right?" I asked pulling my silk robe tighter around me. Maybe I COULD spring for some thin mints...

The woman giggled outrightedly.

"I'm Amelia Tan remember?" Oh smack! The girl who answered my ad in the paper. I combed my hair with my fingers stepping aside and letting her pass.

"Yeah! Shit I'm sorry, I just, my mouth is...yknow!" I blabbered helping her bring her trunk in. Her outfit caught me off guard, combat boots and black lace? Very nice!

"I like you already," she winked inspecting my apartment. "so where do I stay?" the night before I had cleaned out Danielle's old room and made it as anonymous as possible for my new roommate. I ushered her in letting her get a feel for the nicely sized room with the big bay window and queen sized bed. She sniffed.

"Does...someone smoke?" she asked. I blushed, I forgot to febreeze...

"My sister did." I said embarrassedly. She turned to me and grinned.

"Good, because I do sometimes too." 

Hmm...I think we could get along...

Audrey's POV
     My car broke down on the side of the road. WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK?! I thought standing uselessly on the side of the autobahn. 

I went around front popping the top and looking under the hood. Maybe I just needed a jump? I thought inspecting. I didn't know much about cars, but it could Be the extremely hot weather that caused my car to go on the fritz. I really needed to get to where Tokio Hotel were going to be waiting for me. Marie and her new roommate Amelia were probably already there! I was trying to surprise Gustav, but it wasn't working so well.

Maybe its a sign...I waved my arms at the cars, but most of them probably didn't see me since they were going like a hundred miles per hour. I started to sweat and the pavement was reflecting heat. 

A Ford Fiesta veered off the road and slowed to a stop behind my car. Finally! I thought checking my watch. I put a hand over my brow so I could see over the glare of the sun. 

A tall man strolled out wearing khakis and a black v-neck. Wait...was that...Ryan? He strolled over pushing his raybans on the bridge of his nose. I could only see my mirrored image in them.

"Fancy meeting you here." he said, a smile playing on his lips. I looked around. Really? Was this the only help I was being given? For the past week Ryan had pestered me in class and was an absolute pain! Now he's going to act as if I OWED him! Great!

"Yeah. I uh, can I get a jump?" I asked putting my sunglasses on. He shook his head.

"Nope." I looked at him.

"what do you mean, 'nope.' why'd you stop then?" I asked waving my hands around like a nut. He laughed at my frustration.

"I don't have jumper cables! But I'll gladly give my beautiful classmate a ride." he said nodding to his car. I rubbed my arm. It could be HOURS before someone stopped. But then again, this guy was a CREEP! I guess I'd just have to take a leap of faith.

I sighed reaching into the passenger seat and grabbing my purse.

"Hold on lemme just get my Deejaying stuff from the trunk." 

When I had gathered all my stuff and locked the doors I followed him to his...festive green car and saw a woman with her hood on and shades planted firmly on her face sitting in the front seat. She looked as if she didn't want to be noticed.

"I hope you don't mind sitting in the backseat." he said climbing into the drivers side. I got into the back. "My girlfriend gets...territorial." he continued starting the car and speeding off.

There was something familiar about this girl. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Her pale translucent skin, her jet black hair. I wondered about it the whole ride to my destination. I also wondered why Ryan was such a douche and flirted with other girls when he HAD a girlfriend.

When we got there, Ryan chivalrously offered to walk me to where the bus was. His girlfriend grunted a decline. I sped along ahead of him as we started walking, hoping Gustav wouldn't notice the piece of eyecandy strolling behind me.
Oh who cares, the only thing that matters is him.

Gustav's POV
     I played Audrey's tape that she gave to me for about millionth time as we drove back to Hamburg. I'll never forget listening to it for the first time. I was heartbroken that she wanted to stay behind, my chest tight. Sami cried for a whole night, it wasn't until later that night that I remembered the tape Audrey had given to me. Luckily, I had a portable tape deck.

I put the tape in shutting it quietly so I wouldn't awake Georg who was in the bunk underneath mine. Putting my headphones on I pressed the play button. There was a snap crackle, the rolling of the tape, and then music filled my ears. She had remade the whole set she spun at the club when we first met. 

I covered my mouth so the guys wouldn't see me smile as i remembered this. Looking out the window I started to recognize all the same buildings and shops. We were getting closer.

The music wafted around my head like a constant stream, I didn't even notice it was on anymore. Sami, sat beside me switching on the TV. I removed my headphones.

"Hey." I said. She smiled, and I could understand why Bill liked her so much. She was gorgeous. Her moss green eyes twinkled.

"I know you're excited." she said turning the volume up on some Brit TV show so no one would hear us. Bill, Tom and Georg were playing cards at the table. I tapped my foot in response. Some girl got bitch slapped on the show.

"Well, I'm excited to see her too." she said playing with a small cushion. "Does she know we're coming today?" she asked.

I shook my head playfully. 

"Nah, at least I don't think so, I wanted to surprise her." and I actually did have an actual surprise for her. A few days ago, I made a tape for her that had a collection of drumbeats that she could use for her Deejaying. Everytime I thought about her, I had this funny feeling in my chest. It wasn't bad, it was nice actually. 

Sami and I sat in silence watching a soap commercial. Soon, the bus rolled to a stop. Wait! This was too quick! I was nervous. Sami squeezed my arm and got up grabbing her purse. 

I flipped out my phone dialing Audrey's number. It was about 3 now and she should be going into class now, so I texted her.

'hey Dre, we're in Hamburg. You're gonna see me right?' I started getting an immediate answer.
'of course:) actually, look out the window.' I grinned turning to look outside at the curb right next to the window. 

There she was, standing awkwardly as usual her tan arms wrapped around herself. Same old Afro, same old soft smile. I saw Sami emerge and run to Audrey tears streaming down her face as she hugged her. I got up and walked out into the sunlight seeing Tom's friend Marie and another girl I had never seen before...she had an...interesting sense of style. There was also a tall guy with dark features and glasses. But all I could really notice was Audrey. 

Seeing me, she slowly let go of her sister, shyly looking down at her converses. Sami walked away leaving us to stand there.

"Hey you." I said softly stepping foreword. She looked at me cautiously, and then threw her arms around my neck. I could feel hot tears on my shoulder.

"You don't know how much I've missed you." she whispered. I picked her up and spun her around. Bystanders on the sidewalk pointed and whispered excitedly at us. It was only a matter of time before the paparazzi got a hint as to where we were.

I put her down looking at her. "You shouldve came along." I said. "it was...awesome, but it could have been better." she looked confused. 

"why." she asked worridly. I ran a thumb down her jawline.

"Because you weren't there dummkopf." I teased. She playfully poked me in the ribs. Then came the moment I was waiting for. 

She kissed me. Her lips softly pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in. I could hear hooping and hollering behind us from everyone else.
"Get a room!" Tom yelled loudly. I put a hand behind me flicking them all off. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha don't worry, this isn't the end. I just wanted to end a chapter on a good note for once. Okay y'all, get ready for some big surprises! Because I should be putting up Ch. 3 within this week!
And aren't you guys just ITCHING to know who THA BUCK this Ryan guy is??? Lol
I had a few people from the prequel and this story ask me where I get my chapters from and it's actually whatever song has been stuck in my head and is...sorta relevant to the story;)