Status: Working On It! Copy, and I'll beat you up.© 2010AshTheBash

Forever Now

Stereo Love

Marie's POV
     I wasn't used to seeing Tom. It was so weird, seeing his ever smirking face, his lazy way about him. It was especially weird since I still wasn't used to his cornrows. Actually I'm not gonna lie, it was extremely hot. I pretty much fell into his arms. At least that's what Amelia said.      
That night we went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I was so nervous being around Tom, I barely said anything. Down the long table Sami and Bill Sat together, Audrey and Gustav were together and Georg found a place next to Amelia. Didn't he already screw himself over once? I thought angrily remembering my sister.

Tom grabbed my wrist pulling me to two chairs dangerously close to eachother snapping me out of my reverie.

"Nowhere to run now." he teased pulling my chair out and sitting next to me. I grinned at him.

"Youre the one that ran, going on tour and leaving me here." I pouted. I tugged on one of his braids. " so how was the tour anyway?" I asked playing with a napkin. He leaned back in his chair folding his hands in his lap.

"I could have kids in almost every country." he said half smiling at me. I felt a twang of jealousy, but I laughed anyway. It's not like he was my boyfriend or anything.

A waitress came by and took the whole tables orders, her eyes flicking to Tom every once in a while. She had the longest black hair I had ever seen before, it swished behind her as she walked away. Tom's eyes followowed like bait on a fishing line. 

"Well..." I said trying to get his attention. He didn't seem to hear me. Audrey was at the tables end sitting in Gustav's lap. She caught my eye and shrugged, mouthing sorry. 

I narrowed my eyes, turning to him.

"Well, I think it's cute you're going around fucking for fun." I said boredly sipping on my little cup of saki. He raised his eyebrows, putting his arm behind my chair. 

"Hm? Well I think it's cute that you probably did nothing special these past few months." even though he was joking, I still felt a bit hurt. I fumbled for something to say back, and Soon I could hear a lie rolling off my tongue.

"Actually, I have a boyfriend." I stammered.

"Really?" he asked interested. There was a twinkle in his chocolate brown eyes. "Well what's his name? Do I know him?"

I nonchalantly smoothed out my miniskirt.

"His name's..." my eyes roamed for inspiration. They landed on a fork. "Ching. Ching Ho." I lied. He seemed to believe it because he slowly removed his arm from behind my chair.

"Huh." he said thoughtfully. "Ching, well, where is Ching?" his face was a bit crestfallen. I immediately felt bad and then I remembered the waitress.

"Yeah he's a pilot." I rambled clasping my hands. "So dreamy, I met him at the grocery store a few months ago and I was too scared to tell you. I didn't want to jinx anything." Tom tapped a finger on the table. I could tell he was irked.

"Next time he's on the ground, you know where to find me." he grumbled as his food was set before him.

Bill's POV
     I finally felt...chill. These weeks, months on the road were looooong and boring. Well not that boring since Sami was there. She sat next to me chatting amiably with her sister. She paused occasionally struggling with her wooden chopsticks. Gustav drummed on the table with his. 

I plucked the sticks from Sami's hand. 

"Hey!" she whined trying to take them back. I swiftly picked up a piece of chicken with them and put it in her open mouth. 
She chewed still pretending to be angry. She stabbed at more pieces with a lone chopstick.

"What would I do without you?" she asked absently going back to her conversation. I leaned back in my chair watching her talk animatedly with her mouth full. 

I could remember a time when I'd be interviewed and I would say that there was no one special in my life. Not to be mushy, but I actually felt like I found that person. She smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish and burped louder than any guy I knew. But I liked it. 

I think she was what I was looking for.

Audrey's POV
     Gustav walked me outside after dinner. I was kinda sad I was going home to an empty house. We stood outside waiting for everyone else, just talking.

"Who was that guy you were with earlier?" he asked laughing. "he looked like a fucking basketball player who also programs computers." I burst into laughter.

"UGH! Dont get me started, I HATE that guy." Gustav already knew my car broke down and I had been given a ride, but he didn't know how I knew my benefactor. I laced my fingers through his, watching a police car cruise by. "He's in my Musical History class, and I have no idea where he came from. He just showed up and I think he was sent to make my life hell." 

"Need me to kick his ass?" he asked seriously. The scary thing is, I knew he could...and would.

"Nah." I said pressing the toe of my shoe to a pebble. Now was the perfect opportunity to tell him what I had been meaning to tell him. It was pretty big and I didn't want to keep It to myself forever, though I wished I could. My heart slammed in my chest. The guilt of what I did was in a constant rotation on my frontal lobe. 

"Hey Gusti, I..." I trailed off examining his serious face in the light of the restaurant sign. I couldn't bear it if I had hurt him, or disappointed him. My chin wobbled as I struggled for words. "I...I'm really glad you're back." I sighed. 

He smiled ear to ear, "yeah me too." 

The rest of our entourage spilled out of the restaurant followed by their guard Tobi and their other guards. He took my hand leading me to them. Amelia Talked to Georg as we passed them. She put a hand on my arm stopping me. For once she didn't have much makeup on.

"Hey girl, I've got to get to a gig of my own tonight so I won't be able to make yours." she said regrettably in her thick accent. I couldnt trace where it was from. I still didn't even know what she did for a job, she never told Marie and I. Maybe she was a pole dancer...? Then I looked at the big cutesy bow that was perched on her head. Nah.
I smiled at her. "It's okay Amelia, I understand." she waggled her fingers at me and made a Deejaying motion like she was spinning a record.

"Knock 'Em dead!" she said turning back to Georg and exchanging info. 

"Come on, let's take you to your gig." Gustav said winking. He actually remembered, I thought warmly climbing onto the bus.  It started and the bus lurched with movement. I felt sick. How could I manage to not tell him what I did? I couldn't even think about it as he went to the bunks, dug out a tape and brought it over to me.

"I...uh, I made it for you." he said blushing. I gingerly took it from him grinning. 

"what is it?" I asked hoping for a hint. He shook his head looking at his shoes.

"You'll just have to listen and see." he said going over to where everyone else was playing poker. I stuck the tape in my purse following him.

Tom was getting crazy, downing beer after beer. Bill dealt the cards evenly. A mischievous glint in his playful eye.

"Deuces wild." he drawled setting a place for me and Gustav in the big circle. Sami rolled her eyes.

"Do you even know what that means?" she asked stroking his bottom lip with her nail. He scrunched his nose, thinking.

"Nein, I heard it on some poker show." he said. We all laughed.

"How about we play a little strip poker." Tom slurred. Marie looked embarassed. She whispered something to him and he shot her a dirty look.

"You don't have to take YOUR clothes off. Youre 'taken' now." he said loudly. There was an awkward silence as Marie's face turned about 7 shades of a flushed red. Wait...Marie had a boyfriend? Since when?

"Deal in, let's play, strip poker I mean." I challenged, tonight was an interesting night, why not live a little?

"Now Someones talkin!" Georg said.

We began to play and the heat was on. No one wanted to lose and all the guys wanted to win. Tom was the first to take something off, his hat (of course). The bus stopped and I think we had arrived, but it was only 9:40 and we had plenty of time before midnight. The lamp burned down on all if us daring 'who's it gonna be?' 

To my misfortune, I was the next to go. Gustav's Jaw locked as I put my cards facedown so no one would see and thought of what to take off. Shoot. My shoes and socks were off already...I shyly wiggled out of my shorts. Good thing I was wearing the boy cut kind of underwear. They were white with hello kitty on the back. The guys hooted laughing, Marie and Sami hid their mouths trying not to laugh.

"Heh...that's...cute? Dre." Georg scoffed. Even Gustav couldn't help but laugh. I sat down quickly. I didn't want to play anymore, but I was already in.

The game was pretty slow for a few minutes and then Bill was next in line to strip. We all pumped our fists and yelled as he confidentaly, ripped his shirt off. 

"I bet you see that a lot!" Georg yelled accusedly at Sami over the noise. Her face clouded over but quickly recovered as she saw Bill do a little shimmy in her face.

"AGH! My eyes! Mein Shones Auge!" she said swatting at his thin torso.

"You know you want this sexy all up in your face!" he said going back to the game.

"I wish." she grumbled hiding behind her cards. Luckily, I was the only one who heard this. Hm...I'd have to talk to her later...

The game was getting intense as the clothes started to fly. Soon, Georg was sitting in his boxers and socks, Tom was wearing an undershirt and his jeans and Gustav was the only one fully dressed. He was so chill! About everything! I shivered as a draft from the window blew in. I was now braless under my tank top and I was getting scared. Right when I was about to have to strip once again, Gustav pointed out the time.

"err, it's almost midnight, don't you have to get dressed?" he asked blushing. If he was trying to protect what was his, he was doing a good job. I nodded rapidly standing up. Tom threw his hands up.

"WHAT!! that's bullshit!" he cried throwing his cards down. Bill who sat with his hands behind his head and only wearing his boxer briefs (he was VERY well endowed by the way) shrugged.

"Another time I suppose." Sami smacked his chest. "Not for me! That's Gustav's business!" he whined. I retreated to the bathroom, hearing everyone laugh at me one last time for my childish panties.

I stood in the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I was always nervous before I spun at big clubs. There was a knock on the door. I spit out some water that slipped into my mouth.

"Who is it?" I asked, straining my ears.

"It's me," Gustav replied. "You forgot your clothes." i opened the door, taking the clothes from him. He leaned in the doorway.

"Huh, I've never seen those panties." he commented. I crossed my arms. 

"Oh so now YOU'RE gonna make fun of me." I frowned. 

"Actually no, I think they're some of the most adorable panties I've ever seen." I laughed shutting the door in his face.

"Go away! They're not adorable!! They're vicious!" 

I changed my clothes slipping into a 70's-like flesh coloured mini dress with a neckline that dipped to my belly button.  I put a bit of makeup on and just a bit of perfume. Giving myself the once over, I walked out to find everyone waiting for me. 

Tom whistled. "You need to hide your girlfriend tonight Gustav. From me!" he said putting his shades on even though it was dark out. Bill clapped his hands now fully dressed. 

"Come on people! I've gotta party!"

Georg's POV
     we get into the club and pretty much EVERYONE and their mother turns to look. Okay yes...we're Tokio Hotel. So what. Just dance. Everyone split their separate ways. I didn't have anyone to 'split with' so I just followed Audrey and Gustav.

"Hey mind if I come? I want to see how it's done." I said over the already pounding techno. She shrugged letting Gustav carry her heavy bag for her.

"Yeah! I've actually got a little surprise for you all." she said slyly weaving through the crowd to the DJ platform. Gustav and I followed her up a flight of short stairs and onto the platform that raised high above the ground. 

She knuckle bumped the The blonde deejay and he packed up his things. She pulled out her records winking at us.

"Laptops don't get the REAL sound." she said setting up and wagging a finger at us. We watched intrigued as she put the left side of her headphones on and started a track, her nimble fingers dropping the needle and twirling along the smooth circle. It was 'That is My Name' by Akcent. We looked out onto the packed dancefloor seeing everyone dancing close and pretty much losing it.

"How do you do it?!" I asked incredulously. "You're Amazing!" she didn't hear me over the music, she was too into what she was mixing, a look of concentration sitting on her dark brow. Gustav put a hand on the small of her back and said something to her. She nodded smiling and saying something.
He came up to me.

"I told her we'd be back in a little bit. She said listen out for our surprise." I nodded and we descended the stairs drifting into the crowd. I could barely move and could barely see anyone. I definitely FELT someone though. Some girl was grinding on me. I debated just walking away and then Figured...
Naaahh whatever. We danced to song after song, suddenly I heard a familiar riff. Listening carefully, I realized that laced into 'Call on Me' by Eric Prydz was 'Dogs Unleashed.' I put my hands up trying to get Audrey's attention. She looked up seeing me and waved wiggling her eyebrows. 

This mix was AWESOME! I thought quickly putting my hands down. It bumped into Someones drink and vodka went flying everywhere. I turned around moving away from my dance partner to apologize.

"Hey man I'm sorr-" I started. Then I realized that it wasn't a 'man' at was Danielle. She looked startled.

"Danielle?" I asked pushing another girl off of me. Danielle looked around helplessly shoving her way through and trying to escape. Listening to the fading end of our surprise song I followed her out. Her hair now only reached her shoulders and she wore too much makeup, but it was definitely her.

I lost her for a second but soon saw her disappear out of a side door. I ran following her. She stood outside looking for something.

"Hey! Danielle! Hold up!" I yelled. Her shoulders sagged as she turned around. She was still as beautiful as when I last saw her.

"Why did you run?" I asked. She glared.

"Did it ever occur to you that 'hm' maybe I didn't want to SEE YOU?!" she asked furiously. I mustve shown surprise because she quickly covered her face and sighed. "Look Georg. I didn't want anyone to know I was back in town just yet. I wanted to lay low okay?" she reached into the neckline of her sequined shirt and pulled out a black cigarette. I lit it for her as she looked at me cautiously.

"Why wouldn't you want to see me? I mean shit, what we had was MONTHS ago." she blew smoke out of the side of her mouth tapping ash to the wet pavement. It mustve rained while we were inside.

"Georg, I wanted a fresh start. None of that old bullshit." she scratched her eyebrow with her thumb. I suddenly felt lonely. I actually missed her. Putting a hand on her arm, she jerked away. 

"Don't touch me." she hissed. The emergency exit door opened and the same tall guy with glasses I saw earlier today came out seeing Danielle and I. He gave me a hard look.

"Is there a problem here babe?" he asked coming over to us and wrapping an arm around her hips. I looked at Danielle who looked frightened.

"No." I said for her sake. "There isnt."
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Lol truckin along! Still trying to keep the suspense up! Any suggestions? Comment or inbox me!:)