Status: Working On It! Copy, and I'll beat you up.© 2010AshTheBash

Forever Now

All The Things She Said

Sami's POV
     Bill and I danced like there was no one around. Drink in hand I didn't notice anything else. Bill pulled me closer to him by the belt loops of my jeans.

"Hey did you just see Georg run out?" he asked close to my ear. I shook my head sipping more, my head swam. 

"Hey I love this song! My sister is AWESOME!" I yelled. Okay maybe I was a bit drunk...I looked into my glass. "Awe! I'm out!" I pouted. Bill laughed taking my cup.

"I think you're finished." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're not my dad. Stop acting like one! I mean my dad doesnt even act like one..." I rambled. I felt nauseous. Bill could tell too, he put a hand on my shoulder steadying me. But I saw doubles of everything.

"I haven't drank this much-" I hiccupped, "Since that one night in Moscow..." I tried to finish.

"Yeah with the Russian dancers." he finished leading me to the bathroom. 

"They were HOT! I mean REALLY HOT. Do you remember Anastasie? I love Anastasie. She gave me her number Bill did you see?" I muttered pushing on the door to the unisex bathroom. 

"Mhmm." he answered.

Girls stared and winked or tried to talk to Bill as we made our way to a far stall. But he politely declined. I yanked my arm away and went into the toilets locking it behind me. I fell before the potties...oh sweet salvation, and vomited half my weight. 

When I was done, I could finally see straight and couldn't help but cry. Bill knocked on the door.

"Hey Sami, open up. Are you okay?" I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, spitting out the sour taste.

"Yeah." I croaked. 

"Can you unlock the door?" he asked softly. 

"No," I wailed, "I look horrible." I heard him sink to the floor on the other side of the door. I scooted over so our backs would be facing eachother.

"You never look horrible." he said exasperatedly. I sniffed, flushing the toilet with the heel of my shoe. 

"Bill, I know why you treat me like a kid. It's cause I'm embarrassing isn't it?" I said softly tracing a carving of a dick in the wall. Bill snorted.

"If you haven't noticed, you're kinda dating a guy who paints his nails. And wears more makeup than you." he joked. But it didn't make me feel better.

"Hey," he continued, "I love you." 

I raised an eyebrow. Wait...HUH? love? Big love? Whoa. Hold up. I saw a hand creep under the door. I jumped realizing it was his. I placed my hand in his warm one.

"Is it time to go home?" I asked slowly.

"Tourbus home? Or your home home?" he asked. I remembered the big bed with the massive amount of pillows my dad purchased for me before I went on the road.

"Home home." I sighed.

Tom's POV
     Okay, I wasnt jealous. I thought watching Marie sway to the music. A guy came up behind her and she laughed, her shirt catching the strobe lights.
Okay maybe just a little jealous. I mean I had girls all over me, and hey, that was cool don't get me wrong. but seeing Marie with other guys was just...annoying.

Hours had gone by and finally I could see Audrey packing up her things. Everyone in the crowd protested when another Deejay took her spot. She really WAS good I thought as Marie stumbled up to me with her new 'friend.' 

"Hey Tom, this is Kurt." she said laughing as she hung onto the buff blonde dudes arm.

"tag!" he shouted. The girls dancing on me drifted away. I tipped my chin to him.

"Sup." Audrey came over her headphones around her neck and Gustav by her side.

"Let's go." I said heading for the exit.

     Everyone on the bus was silent. I stared out the window at the black morning. I felt homesick, I was tired of sleeping in random beds, or on this damn bus. 
We pulled up in front of Audrey's dad's huge estate. It was sprawling with balconies and turrets. 

"Oh Mein Gott..." Bill said slowly. "You guys are fuckin RICH." the bus stopped with a jerk and everyone got up saying their goodbyes. 

"Onto another night of hard beds." I groaned rubbing the crick I had in my neck.

Audrey pulled Gustav's sweater on gathering her stuff. 

"You guys can stay with me and Sami." she shrugged.

"Uh, wouldn't your dad get pissed?" Gustav asked yawning. Oh god that would be amazing if we didn't have to stay in a hotel again.

"He's out of town for the next few weeks."

"Good old dad." Sami said sarcastically grabbing her bag of clothes. "Let's go guys." she said sleepily leading the way off the bus.

Audrey let us in turning on the lights. Everything was white. Literally. The couches. The pillows, the paintings. There were flat screen TV's and cameras everywhere. Sami immediately ran upstairs.

"Sorry I couldnt be more cordial guys. But I'm tired as shit and smell like barf." she called behind her from the top if the marble stairs. She turned around looking at Bill obviously.
"um, are you coming or not?"

Bill winked at us before going upstairs.

"That's my girl." 

Audrey zipped up her sweater and kicked off her thigh high platform boots.

"We have spare bedrooms right off the kitchen."She said setting her things by the stairs. Marie stayed by the front door while we followed Dre.

"Uh, I have to get home to make sure Amelia got there okay." she said waving as she opened the door. Audrey looked concerned.

"Are you sure? There's plenty of room." she offered. Marie shook her head slowly. "I've got an art class later today." 
Audrey dug her phone from her bag.

"I'll call a cab." she said dialing. I joined Marie at the door.

"Ill wait for the cab with you." she looked at me unsurely but then walked out. I couldn't help but notice Georg looking at her strangely. He was pretty quiet the whole time.

We stepped out into the thickly warm night. I shoved each of my hands under my armpits

"Last time we were together it was freezing out." I commented as someone turned the porch light on for us. Marie scratched her arm uncomfortably while we waited out in the rounded driveway.

"I lied Tom." she confessed. About wha- oh yeah about Ching. I thought smugly. I was going to say something sarcastic, but I saw her hurt face.

"Why?" I asked kicking a rock. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Tom, you bragging about all these girls you have makes me want to tear my hair out for crying out loud." she said. I suddenly felt like a huge douchebag. 

"Yeah...I'm sorry, sometimes I'm a..."

"An asshole? A fuckwit? A panty sniffer?" she finished. I smiled at her.

"Yeah, a panty sniffer. I think I'm just trying to impress you or something." she slapped my face softly. 

"Yeah well don't try too hard. We're friends remember?" her voice broke at the last part. I played with my lipring. Oh fuck it.

"Friends my ass." I muttered leaning in for a kiss. She put a hand between my lips and hers.

"Er are you gonna fake on me again? Yknow? Like kiss me then diss me?" I laughed against her palm.

"Shut up Marie and let me kiss you." 

Georg's POV
     I laid awake in the spare bedroom I was to share with Tom. He still wasn't back and I was freaking out.

Who was that guy?! Why didn't she want anyone knowing she was back?! Did her sister know? I tossed and turned contemplating these questions. 

Before I left Danielle and her new man, I gave her my new number and now I stared at my phone, willing it to ring.
Would she call? I wondered thinking about the last time we were together...and not fighting. 

I put my music on turning Metalica as high as I could take. Soon I was asleep.

Marie's POV
     I got home breathless, still reeling from that kiss with Tom.
Shit...that man can KISS. I thought tossing my purse on the couch. 

"OW!" I heard from it. I jumped.

"Who is that?" I asked grabbing a cup from the kitchen table. Amelia sat up from the couch quickly. Her lips were painted a fire truck red and her eyes were adorned with thick black eyeliner and snow white false eyelashes. Even her hair was a different colour and she had ice blue contacts in. I wasn't that surprised though. I've seen Bill on a bad day...nuff said.

"What do you have in that bag? Bricks?" she asked groggily rubbing her head. She eyed the cup, amused. "Um are you going to assult me with that?" I've never seen her dressed like this, I mean I was usually asleep by the time she got home!

"Er are you braindead?" she asked getting up. My jaw dropped. She was wearing a red latex miniskirt and a matching bustier with all sorts of buckles and chains on it.

"Okay. Explain please? Because I'm confused." I stammered sinking to a kitchen chair. She looked down.

"Oh this." I nodded. For once, I needed a cigarette. "I'm in a band, or a group I should say. Angelspit." 
I could hear the hands on the clock ticking as I processed this information. 

"We play industrial music. From Austrailia." she tried, pulling a big black bow made of hair from her head. OHH!! I had a friend who listened to that kind of stuff. At least she wasn't a prostitute. My landlord already hated me, he would have LOVED to hear about that info...

"Yeah. That's cool." I said getting up and patting her shoulder. "Nothing shocks me anymore." I said dreamily stumbling to my bedroom.

The next morning I awoke to Ameila shaking me. I cracked open one eye.

"Whaaat?" I whined. Was this going to become a routine? I thought sadly sitting up. Now makeupless and wearing sweats and a tee she pointed to the door.

"Some girl kept knocking..." she said slowly. I flopped back down on the bed covering my head with a my stuffed bear Edgar.

"Tell her we're not interested and I already have someone to help me with my income taxes." I mumbled. Amelia hesitated.

"She said she was your sister."
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Hope you enjoyed!!:)