Status: Working On It! Copy, and I'll beat you up.© 2010AshTheBash

Forever Now

Kiss The Deejay

Marie's POV
     "My what?" I asked getting up and throwing my robe on. Amelia rolled off of the bed and followed me. I rapidly pulled my hair into a ponytail making myself look decent and then I opened the door. 

Amelia was right. There stood my sister lazily smoking a cigarette in the doorway. The same guy that gave Audrey a ride yesterday was there as well. Wait...say Whaaat?

She pushed past me, smoke lingering and burning my still sleepy eyes.

"He insisted on coming." Danielle said stopping once she saw Amelia.

"Who is she?" Danielle asked.

"Who is HE?" I asked right back pointing at the man. Danielle looked at her man and shrugged.

"That's my boyfriend Ryan." he waved awkwardly lighting his own cigarette.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." he said. 

"I'm Amelia..." Amelia stated. I could tell she was extremely confused.

"She's my new roomate." I said not meeting Danielle's eyes. She raised her eyebrows.

"Wow, that didn't take you long." she scoffed. I clenched my fists. 

"Dani, I wasn't sure if you were ever coming back! I mean you just never came home! What am I supposed to think! And the rent is higher!" I listed. "your little 'anonymous checks' don't cover it anymore."

Danielle put a hand up as if to say 'that's enough.' 

"Okay, I didn't come here to fight. I came here to get the rest of my stuff." By now I was extremely mad. So much for sisters. We promised my mother before we left the countryside that we would always stay together. I pointed a straight finger at a cardboard box on the floor by the kitchen table.

"There. All your stuff. Now get out. When you've got some sense in you, come back." 

Amelia whistled when Danielle and her boyfriend finally left.

"Damn girl, that was rough." I let my hair out of the ponytail.

"Yeah? Well life is rough." I grumbled going back to my room for sleep.

Audrey's POV
     Gustav was already awake when I got up. I just laid there listening to the remnants of whatever song he was listening to on his iPod. 

I had no classes today, no appointments, no nothing. I thought happily turning to kiss him.

"Absolutely nothing." I said out loud. He took his headphones out.

"What?" he asked looking over at me. 

"Absolutely nothing!" I repeated. He looked at me oddly smiling.

"Yeah, whatever you're talking about." he looked down. "And you know you're still wearing your dress right?" he asked.

I pulled up the duvet and looked. I was. I was too tired to do anything earlier this morning actually...

"Oh who cares." I dropped the deep purple blanket and waved a hand. He squinted at me.

"I do." he said menacingly. I realized what he meant and opened my eyes wide.

"Oh no you don't." I hissed trying to escape the bed, but he was too quick for me. He got on his knees and pulled my dress off.

"Agh!!!" I yelled. He balled it up and threw it at my laundry basket. "This is rape!" I said laughing.

"It's not rape if you want it." he challenged holding my wrists. 

"Haha famous last words." I said extremely close to his lips. Luckily the curtains to my window were drawn. He kissed me, pushing me so I was laying flat on my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't help but think about what I was supposed to tell him again. But I pushed it out of my mind  as the kisses became more drawn out and things were getting...well yeah.

I clutched his back, pulling him closer to me as we moved together. When we were finished, I laid on his arm just thinking. What if I just said it? Would he be mad?

I opened my mouth to wake him up again, but my phone rang from the ground where it rolled off. I picked it up quickly not wanting to disturb him.

"Hello?" I whispered wrapping a sheet around me and getting up.

"Hallo spatzi!" my dad answered using the little name he always called me as a child.

"Vati! How are you?" I asked going to the bathroom so no one would hear. 

"As good as to be expected." he answered. There was a lot of noise in the background as if there was a party going on. "I'm at a luncheon right now to celebrate the end of fashion week." my heart stopped. The END of fashion week? Was he coming home?! I sat in the tub.

"Does that mean you're coming home?" I asked putting my foot in the soapdish. 

"Yes of course. Straightaway so we can spend some time together. Your sister's home now I'm assuming, so we can 'hang out', you, me , and Sami." I nodded wearily. How am I supposed to clear out a house full of rockstars? I looked to the counter already seeing the sink Sami and I shared filled with Bill's makeup products.

My dad began to speak with someone in a mix between english and Italian. He purred. Oh God. 

"Hey listen, tell my little mausi Sami I said hi and I'll see you tomorrow night okay?" he said.

"Okay. Tschus Vati." I said hanging up and sliding lower into the tub. Sami walked in through the door that connected her room to the bathroom and the bathroom to my room. She didn't say anything as she padded in yawning and scratching her wild head. Her oversized t-shirt fluttered around her thighs as she plopped on the toilet and peed.

"Er...Vati says 'hallo mausi.'" I said awkwardly. My sister jumped realizing I was there, she almost fell off the potty.

"SHIT DRE! Why are you kookin' around in the tub!?" she hissed. I laughed seeing her eyes wide with fright. She flushed the toilet and rested her elbows on her knees, trying to compose herself. "So he called?" she asked calmly. I nodded resting my head against the edge.

"He's tomorrow." she snorted. 

"So? We're grown!" she said getting up and tousling her hair in the mirror.

"Uh, I AM. you turn 18..." I searched for the date in my head. She grinned at me in the mirror.

"Tomorrow." she put toothpaste on her toothbrush and started to scrub her teeth. I sat dumbfounded.

"Oh yeah..." Then I remembered what I meant to talk to her about. "Why were you so pissed last night about what Georg said." 

"Huh?" she asked, recognition came over her face. "Oh that." 
I nodded waiting for her to talk after she spit in the sink. 

"Bill and I still haven't had sex." She said quietly rinsing her mouth. My mouth hung open. 

"Wait what?" I asked. I mean I wasn't preferably fond of the idea of my younger sister having sex. I just didn't put it past her to corrupt cute little Bill. 

She leaned against the sink tipping her head back as she swished mouthwash and spit again. 

"Yeah. I know I seem like a whore, but I'm not." I shook my head.

"You know that's not what I meant Sami. I mean like why?" she sighed.

"He wants me to wait. Wait until my birthday." my face heated.

" tomorrow." she froze, it was her turn to be shocked.

"Oh SHIT youre right. That's tomorrow!" 

"Uh...duh?" I said getting out of the tub.

"You and Gustav have had sex right?" she asked quickly panicking. I slipped getting out of the tub, startled by her abrupt question. I stood up pulling the sheet around me.


"Is it good?" she asked brushing her hair out roughly, a bit edgy. I thought about it.

"Amazing." I said dreamily standing beside her at the sink. "Absolutely, amazing." she looked at me frightened.

"Give me tips!" Uh...Er...wait I'm not good at talking about that kind of stuff. I thought starting to brush my teeth, amazingly, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" we both said. Sami grinned at me.

"You owe me a soda." I half smiled. It's funny, a few months ago she hated me, and we didn't have such a good relationship. Now, I was 'big sister' again.

"It's Tom. I wanted to know if you had more toilet paper. Georg is having issues. Like big business issues." I had an idea, I pushed Sami into the tub drawing the curtains. I put a finger to my lips.

"Come in!" I said. He strolled in hand out for the toiletpaper. I pounced.

"So what's up with you and Marie huh? What's goin on?" I asked rapidly in English. He didn't understand me so I said it again in German.

"Oh. Nothing." he said looking around for the toiletpaper. Sami burst from the shower, jabbing a finger at him. He hopped back.

"Lies!" She yelled. "I saw you guys out the window last night! You were kissing!" she accused. Toms jaw dropped. I looked at him smugly.

"Okay yeah. We kissed okay? Happy? What's the big deal." he shrugged leaning against the wall. 

"Tom, we all know how you get at times..." I said slowly. "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't break her heart." 

Tom was silent. "I really love her you know, I'm just not sure HOW." Sami cringed beside me. 

"Well make up your mind... And fast." I said tossing him a roll. He nodded leaving the bathroom.

"I still don't understand why I had to be in the tub for that." Sami said turning the shower on. I giggled.

"Haha me neither, I jut wanted to." I said from the sink. Then I felt a bar of soap hit my head. "Ow Sami! What the fuck!"

Georg's POV
     I got out of the bathroom turning the fan on, out of consideration for Tom of course. My phone was vibrating on my bed. I dove for it.

The caller ID said private number. I warily picked it up.

"Hallo?" I answered. There was breathing. "Hallooooo?" I asked again.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend ever again. Or I'll fucking kill you." I heard a deep voice say. I scoffed, probably Danielle's dude. Then I realized, that this chick was too much trouble.

"You can have her." I said angrily hanging up.

Bill's POV 
     We all sat at the massive kitchen table after breakfast debating what to do. I sipped on coffee sitting next to a very bored Sami. She yawned. No one was really awake yet actually.

"So what do we do today?" Gustav asked putting an arm around Audrey.

"Sleep." Georg said putting his head in his arms. 

"I vote Sami gets to choose what we do since it's her birthday tomorrow." Audrey piped in. Why were her and Gustav so chipper this morning? I wondered pulling Sami's feet onto my lap. 

Oh. I thought wanting to laugh. Duh. I looked at Sami who smiled. We might be like that the day after tomorrow.

"Yeah! I wanna be queen for a day." She said putting her nose in the air. I flicked it quickly and she smacked me on the head.
She rubbed her nose. "Stop playin around!" She pouted. "I want to go...swimming! No wait! A waterpark!" she declared. 

Tom hopped up. "Yes! Everyone put their bikini's on!" We all laughed.

"Why don't you call MARIE to come along." Audrey said. Touche! Before everyone went to get changed Sami stopped us all.

"And heads up everyone, party ends tomorrow afternoon. My dad is coming home." We all groaned.

"I slept like a baby in that bed." Georg said pointing to his room. Audrey scratched her back.

"Yeah. Sorry guys."

Following Sami upstairs, I wondered if I had even remembered to pack trunks. She closed the door to her room behind us.

"What do you want for your birthday?" I asked digging through my bag. I peeked up seeing her pull her shirt over her head, her slender back facing me. Did she always have that butterfly tattoo on her hip??

"Nothing. Wait...everything!" she pondered. "I feel indecisive today." she grinned behind her. I sat back on the heels of my feet. Seeing her soft curves stop just at the line of her shorts I shook my head.

How I managed to go so long without doing her? Beyond me...

     An hour later we were all packed into two cabs since Dre's car was still in the shop and Sami didn't have a car. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the biggest waterpark around. Marie and her roomate Amelia said they would meet us after their class.

"Who would name a waterpark 'sonnencreme?'" Tom snorted getting out of the car.

"Who would name their son 'Tom?'" Sami asked defensively. Audrey high fived her. I couldn't help but laugh, it was actually funny. 

We all paid the admission and strolled in trying not to attract too much attention. Okay...that didn't work so well. Before we could even find chairs, I had probably signed about 8 sunburnt backs. Finally it stopped. 

We spread out towels and shed our clothes. The guys and I had simple trunks...Audrey and Sami? Not so much. Audrey had a seashell pink bikini on that made her seem tanner than she already was. But it wasn't her that I was staring was Sami. I actually didn't even get to see the bikini she put on while we were at home.

Sami pulled off her short white summer dress to reveal her moss green bathing suit. The top of it pushed her boobs together. I put my sunglasses on so she wouldn't notice me staring as she put sunblock on.

Audrey took Gustav's hand and dragged him to a waterslide. Georg and Tom just laid in their chairs listening to music. When Sami was done, she got up stretching out a hand. 

"Come on, I want to go on that slide." she said pointing at the tallest one in the park. My stomach fell. Oh God.

She started to walk without me, and I followed. The hot concrete burnt the soles of my feet as I skipped after her. We reached the line and she took my hands squeezing them.

"Aren't you excited?" she squealed psyching herself out. I nodded hearing the bloodcurdling screams of girls going down. Sami pinched my cheek.

"You're not scared are you?" she challenged. I squinted at her putting my sunglasses on my head. 

"No. And to prove it, I have a plan for us to get to the front of the line faster." I said. She looked confused. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, her cute bottom right next to my face.

"Hey!" she hollered beating my back with her fists. I merely walked up the ramp past everyone who stared adoringly. Sami was still complaining even when we were almost to the front. The teenage lifeguard was about to yell at us, but then saw me. She had braces and lots of pimples on her small forehead.

"Hi." I winked setting grumpy Sami down. The girl's jaw dropped.

"You-you're Bill Kaulitz." she stammered. I nodded putting a hand on Sami's bare waist. I pointed at the slide's opening.

"You don't mind if..." I started. The lifeguard shook her head, her blonde braids slapping her freckled cheeks.

"No go right ahead." she motioned. I sat Sami down in the rushing water and sat behind her. Not angry anymore, she looked at me excitedly. 

"You ready?" she asked. I scoffed.

"No are YOU ready?" I asked. She nodded biting her lip. So I pushed off and down we went, the blackness of the tunnel swallowing us.

Sami yelped as a huge wave of water hit us suddenly. 

"Woo!" I yelled, my voice echoing. I clasped my hands around her waist.

"Running through the monsoon! Beyond the world...blah blah blah." Sami sang in an off-key voice, her song bouncing off the walls. Soon we could see the light at the end, the water enveloping us. I put my head above, seeing her way ahead of me climbing out of the pool. I got out too, shaking the water out of my hair.

"That was so fun, I wanna do it again!" she said squeezing water from her curly hair. I flicked water at her.

"Anything you want."

Georg's POV
     I could feel the sun bright against my eyelids until something blocked them and my vision darkened. I opened my eyes looking at Amelia. She smiled at me, she was wearing...yes...a sailorgirl swimsuit. Complete with a little hat clipped to her now midnight black hair.

"Hi." she winked doing a little jig for me. I turned my music off sitting up. Marie and Tom were already deep in a conversation beside us, their heads together as if they were conspiring.

"Hey Amelia." I responded making room for her on my chair. She flopped down beside me slapping a bottle of sunscreen in my lap.

"Cann-st doo, Uhh...cream gay-ben meer?" she asked cutely. Seeing that I didn't understand a word she said, she blushed. "Sorry, I'm trying to practice my German. I know it sucks but I really want to learn you know?" a black tendril rolled from her bun and into her face. It reminded me not now. I thought taking the cap off of the sunblock.

"No you sounded fine." I said squirting some on my hands and getting up. She laid flat on her stomach letting me rub it on her back.

"You should be a masseuse!" she grumbled. I nodded,

"Yeah, except I'd rather be doing what I'm doing now." she turned her head to me raising her shades and looking at me oddly. My face reddened after I realized what I had said. "Er, I mean like my music and stuff." is it too late so say I don't speak English? 

"I get what you mean." she said winking and turning to her back. "Hey, tonight I'm actually having a gig...maybe you and your friends would like to come yeah?" I smiled playing with the cap of the bottle. Before I could answer, Tom turned around putting a hand up.

"Is it like a party?" he asked. Amelia checked her perfectly manicured nails, while Marie laughed behind her hand. It was as if they knew something we didn't.

"Oh yeah." she said putting her cat-eyed sunglasses on and getting up. "It's a scream."
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Haha believe it or not, I'm almost finished! Don't cry! Anywho I hope you enjoyed:)