Let Love In

Save You

I should’ve known he was following me. How could I be so stupid? I knew I should’ve told the guys about all the creepy encounters with Jonathan, but no, I had to be so guarded and secretive about everything. And so here I was, tied to an uncomfortable chair with a bandana covering my mouth to muffle every scream and cry for help. I watched him taunt me, continuously circling me with a devious smile. I wanted to die right there or anything to get me out of the same room as him. I knew what he was going to do to me and I just wasn’t ready for it.

He grabbed a chair and sat right in front of me. “We have some unfinished business to take care of,” his smile refused to remove itself from his face.

I tried to speak, but my words were muffled by the bandana. He cupped his ear with his hand, “I’m sorry, what’s that? I can’t hear what you’re saying.” He laughed at me as he arose from his chair. “Now, I’ll be right back. Don’t you move your pretty, little ass.”

As soon as he shut the door, I began to cry. I felt completely helpless and I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. I closed my eyes, wishing things would just rewind, but instead I pictured what had happened at the night of the party.

“Here you go,” Jonathan handed me a red cup filled with what smelt like alcohol. Never in my life had I had alcohol. I had alcohol only once but that was because I had been approved by my parents. I looked around the room, every person carrying the same cup as mine. The music was booming through the entire house and it was so hot that I nearly suffocated. I turned my attention back to Jonathan who gulped down his drink in mere seconds. I hesitated, not wanting to bring myself into trouble but wanted to fit in. I brought the cup to my lips and drank it as fast I could. It burned my throat, but the cheers of the crowd made it all feel better. That for once, I felt like I belonged.

“Yeah!” Jonathan cheered. “Atta girl.” He handed me another cup and clunked his against mine, “Drink up.”

I gave him a weak smile and repeated what I had done. Somehow, the cups continued to come in, one after the other. By then, I had lost count of how much I had. I could barely make out the cups that were in front of me. Were there 5? I couldn’t figure it out as they continued to multiply in my mind. I felt Jonathan’s hand intertwine with mine as he led me upstairs.

“Where are we going?” I whined.

“Somewhere quiet,” he whispered in my ear.

I tried to re-collect everything that happened as I figured out what was going to happen. I jerked my hand back, nearly knocking over a guy behind me who was talking to his friend on the stairs. “Jonathan, I-I don’t think I’m ready for something like that,” I stuttered.

“Of course you are,” he grabbed my wrist, gripping it tighter and dragged me up the stairs. I looked back down the stairs at those who glared at me for knocking them over and nearly making them fall down the stairs. I tried again to pull my arm back, but it was no use. He had a death grip on me and I knew that in the back of my mind he wasn’t going to let me go. We entered a bedroom that was almost dark and quiet. I held onto the door frame, hoping he’d get the message again that I just wasn’t ready. Instead, he pulled me forward, flinging me onto the bed. At that very moment, tears began to spill from my eyes. His lips came in contact with my skin and I did the only thing I knew would get him off me: I kicked him square in the area where the sun never shines as I watched him bend down, clench his stomach and speak colourful words. Fire was burning in his eyes as he raised his hand and came in contact with my cheek. I brought my hand to where he slapped me and stared at him. His expression immediately fell. He told me he would never hurt me in any way, especially physically.

“I-I’m so sorry, Emma, baby,” he sputtered, trying to apologize.

I ran. I don’t know how considering the amount of drinks I had, but I ran. The one who I loved had hurt me. And at that moment, I knew that I could never trust anyone.

I closed my eyes, the flashback bringing me to tears. It was his entire fault. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be pushing people away. If it wasn’t for him, maybe I’d actually trust people, maybe I’d actually open up to those who cared. He made me break down these walls for him, only to find that he made me build much more than I once had.

I gasped at the door slamming shut and at the sight of Jonathan giving me the same devious smile. I breathed in and out deeply, my heartbeat accelerating with every step he took towards me.

He bent down in front of me so we were at eye level. “We’ve got some unfinished business to take care of.”

I shook my head no. Pft, as if that would make him change his mind.

He walked behind me, untying the rope that held me down but had a firm grip on my shoulder so I couldn’t escape. He untied my hands, freeing them from the rope that dug into my skin. “Now I expect you to keep your mouth shut once I remove the bandana, you understand?” He told me in a husky tone. I shivered at the sound of his voice.

As soon as he removed the bandana, I tried to scream for help, but my cries were muffled by his lips crashing into mine. I tried to push him away, but he was firm on the ground, not moving an inch. In a matter of seconds, I found myself being flung onto the hotel bed, his body crushing mine. Right then, I wanted to melt away into a puddle and just disappear. My life was over.

Then, I heard the sound of a door being flung open. I heard voices and footsteps and soon I could feel a huge weight being lifted from my body. I looked up from the bed and saw Jonathan being tackled to the ground by hotel security. It all happened so quickly that I didn’t hear someone calling my name.

“Emma,” Zach said in relief.

I looked up and saw the guys standing by the door and I ran to them, holding onto whomever I crashed into and sobbed into their chest. They had saved me.

“Hey, it’s okay. We’re here now. He’s not going to hurt you,” I heard Michael.

I glanced at Nathan, whom I was holding on to, as he rubbed my back trying to soothe me. Zach and Michael joined the hug, acting as walls to protect me. At that moment I felt safe, like they would be there, but the most important person was missing: Cameron. Cameron was nowhere to be found.
♠ ♠ ♠
They saved her! But of course, the one person who always saves her isn't there at a time she needs him most. If you thought the drama ended there, wait until the next chapter.
My writing is getting kind of sloppy, so don't be surprised if the last couple of chapters aren't as descriptive or well-written.

I think I've gained some new readers so hello to all the new readers! Thanks for giving this story a chance. Anyway, feedback is always wonderful so don't be afraid to drop a line. Thanks!
