Let Love In

Taking Chances

I sat down on one of suitcases, trying to zip it close. I couldn’t believe that I was going on tour with the guys. At first, I was excited but then I remembered I needed to run it through my parents before I could confirm it. I can make my own decisions, but as long as I was under the roof of my parents, they still needed to approve things.

“I need to ask you something,” I told my parents once I stepped into the kitchen. Right after rehearsal, the guys dropped my off and I told them I would let them know if I could go or not. I was scared to ask my parents since I’d be gone for a long time, but it was either now or never.

My parents turned around and looked at me, waiting for my question.

I gulped, gripping the counter in front of me. “The guys are going on tour and they invited me to go along with them,” I whispered the last part.

“You said you’ve always wanted to travel the country so I think this would be a great opportunity for you. You’ve got my approval,” my dad smiled. He was always the cool, laidback type. My mom on the other hand…

“What are you going to do? I mean, there’s really no point in going.”

“They said I could sell their merchandise like t-shirts, bracelets, and sweaters.”

My mom thought about the idea for a minute. I could only hope she would think it was a good idea like my dad.

“I guess you better start packing and practising your marketing skill if you want to be able to have people buy their merchandise,” she finally said.

“Really? I can go?” I said with excitement.

“Just make sure you bring me something back,” my dad joked.

“Thank you so much!” I gave each of them and started packing for what would be an adventure of a lifetime.

I huffed, setting my suitcase on the ground. I looked at my bedroom on last time. My closet was just a little less than half empty and my room was tidy than I’ve ever seen it. It was going to be awhile before I saw my room once again.

Once I put everything in the tour bus and said goodbye to my parents, I was finally free and on the road. Our first stop was Los Angeles, but the guys insisted on staying in Santa Monica for From there, we would travel around the country clockwise.

I made my way to the bunks, trying to figure out which was mine.

“Yours is right there,” Cameron pointed to the bunk in the middle. “It’s right across from mine.”

I threw my small bag of items into my bunk and successfully climbed into it. It wasn’t as small as I thought it would be. In fact, it was actually cozy.

“Are you going to organize all your stuff or are you going to join me and watch TV?” He asked. I looked at the time on my phone that read 5:30 p.m. Everyone was either in their bunk or near the front of the bus talking. I debated on the options and decided to organize my stuff later.

“I get to choose what we’re watching,” I said sliding off my bunk.

We sat down on the couch in the back lounge and flipped through channels. Before I could find a channel to settle with, I fell asleep on his shoulder.


“I’m full,” Zach plopped onto the couch in his and Michael’s hotel room. “I can’t even look at food.”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to order a slice of pie. Anybody want anything?” Michael began to dial on the phone and pressed it against his ear.

“A slice of apple pie sounds really good right now,” Nathan licked his lips at the thought of pie.

“Pie would be great,” Zach chimed in.

“You just said that you were full,” Cameron pointed out.

“Hey, I always have room for pie.”

I sat down on the couch beside Zach and was quickly joined by Cameron. There wasn’t much to do since it was late, so I turned to Cameron, hoping he’d have an idea.

“So, what do you want to do?” I asked.

A sly smile crept on his face and turned his attention to Zach who smirked. Clearly, they had something in mind that I didn’t know about.

“What?” I looked at them, turning my head from side to side.

“You’re thinking of what I’m, right?” Zach continued to smirk at Cameron.

Cameron nodded his head slowly and took my hand. “Let’s go, Emma. I have an idea.” He ran towards the door, still holding my hand and into the hallway.

“I sure hope you can hold your breath for a long time.” Zach called out before closing the door. I gave Cameron a look, hoping he’d tell me what Zach meant by that and where we were going.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” he smirked as the elevator doors closed. My heart began to race, making me more nervous with every beat. I looked at our hands that were still intertwined and my breathing became uneven. I knew this feeling. I always got this feeling whenever I really was falling for someone. I knew I had to let go in order to stop myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to. Instead, I squeezed his hand a little, hoping he’d let go. He turned his head, beaming at me and continued to hold my hand. The elevator doors open and we stepped out into the hallway. We continued to walk down the hallways until we stopped in front of a door that led to the hotel swimming pool.

“You and I are going for a late night swim.” He opened the door, holding it for me and waited until I stepped in.

“Cameron, I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to be here.” I stood where I was, debating on whether I should stay or go.

“Come on, Emma. This is your first step into breaking out of your shell.” He took my hand again, leading me towards the pool. Windows that reached the floor to the ceiling surrounded the room. The water glistened in the moonlight and was quite still and blue.

Cameron started to remove his clothes leaving him only in his boxers and dove into the pool. His head popped out of the water and shook it a little. “Jump in, the water’s great.”

I bit my lip, looking around to see if anyone else was there. “We’re gonna get caught.”

“Emma, just get in the water, please.”

I sighed, turning around so my back was facing him. I began to remove my clothes, feeling my cheeks become warmer and warmer with every piece of clothing I removed. I could tell he was watching me, I mean what kind of guy wouldn’t watch a girl take her clothes off. I turned around, feeling self-conscience. I sat down, putting my feet in the water.

Cameron swam up to me, rolling his eyes. “Really, Emma?” He took both of my hands and pulled me down.

I arose from the water, giving him a dirty look. “I was going to go in, you know.”

“You were taking too long,” he beamed at me.

We swam around for a while, laughing and smiling. That’s when I heard the door open and footsteps coming closer and closer.

“Someone’s coming,” I whispered.

Cameron swam towards the corner and I quickly followed. “Hold your breath,” he told me. We held our breath and sunk down. Cameron pulled me close, our backs against the wall and tried to make sure we were unable to be seen. I looked up, trying to see if the mysterious man was anywhere near us. Just then, a man stood right above us at the corner of the pool, overlooking the pool. His lips moved as he spoke and continued to scan the room. He put his hands on his hips and inspected the pool once more. We waited for 15 seconds more before arising from the water. I gasped for air, breathing in and out deeply.

“I can’t believe we almost got caught,” I said while getting out of the pool. I squeezed out all the excess water from my hair and started to put my clothes back on.

“It was fun though, right?” He asked, pulling his shirt down as he put it on.

“Yeah,” I smiled. I’ll be honest; I would’ve never done anything like this. It was something that was too risky, but with Cameron I would. It was like he wasn’t trying force me to do anything, but rather trying to help me step outside my comfort zone. He took my hand just like he did earlier as we walked out, leaving the moonlight to reflect on the pool.
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I really liked typing this chapter. I haven't quite typed up a cute scene for this story yet, so it was nice for a change to actually type one.
I just want to say hello to my new subscribers and thank each and every one of you. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy typing it. I'd love your feedback. :)