Cracks in the Ceiling

Chapter Nineteen

I slammed my foot hard on the accelerator and took off down the main road, I could see her car swerve onto the street as she came up after us. Leato was screaming in my ear to slow down but I didn’t listen, all I could think of was that I had to get her off my tail. The ear-splitting sound of cars pulling to a halt, smashing glass and metal crumpling under pressure, I knew that was my fault and as I looked into my rear-view mirror I could see her face, those serious eyes as she followed us mile for mile not faltering in her pursuit.

I took off through the back streets of Adelaide not far from the Parade at Norwood, I had a feeling that the crowds would be the only thing that would keep me out of lockup at that point. I pulled down a few side streets making her lose us in a small amount of distance before I pulled up an alley way and jumped out of the car.

"Pete! Where are you going?" Leato called out to me as I took off behind a medical center.

"Im running and if you don’t want to get caught I suggest you do the same man, see you at the rendezvous point with Jared later okay?" with that I took off down the street as Belles car pulled up behind the Ute. I heard the car door open and her running after me, I kept my pace jogging out on to the street knowing that she would be right behind me any second. I tried to ignore the tightness in my chest as I ran down another side street and down an ally beside the Orange lane markets, for a second I turned and looked behind me to see if she was still following me, I had to admit I was surprised, I hadn’t thought I would lose her that easily. I stepped back into a small alcove to catch my breath.

"You know, you're not an easy man to catch up with." Her liquid cool voice slid over my skin wrapping itself slowly around me lulling me into a sense of security.

"What can I say, I'm a busy man. What can I do for you Belle?" I tried to play it cool as she pulled out her handcuffs and played lazily with the catch. I allowed a small smile to grace my lips as her face turned pink.

"You know I'm going to have to bring you in Pete, we can't just have you running the streets, what would my boss think?" I stepped up to her as she stepped back and with just a little bit of an arm touch I had her pressed back against the wall. I leaned in close to her, breathing in her very essence before I leant down and kissed her fully on the mouth.

"I can't let you catch me Belle, I have too much to live for, and too much I want to do. Plus, if you caught me, I would never get to see your face again, you would just leave me to rot in that cell, wouldn’t you?" I leaned in close to her ear and nibbled on her earlobe bringing a small mewing sound before I took a step back and took off back down the street.


I watched as Pete disappeared down the laneway and knew that this was bad. We were being followed and all I could do now was head to the meeting spot, I couldn't let the thought cross my mind that he wouldn’t make it, Pete was if nothing else smart, he could get his way there no matter what.

I took off down the alley and jumped into someone's backyard as Detective Paige sprinted from her car and off to follow Pete. I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled a jumper off the washing line and threw it on, taking off down the driveway and out onto the street. Keeping my head down as I turned the corner and a patrol car sped passed. As long as I made it to the main road, I knew I would have a chance to blend in.

There was only one place left in Adelaide where I knew I would be safe and it took all of what I had left in me to get there. Sirens blaring around the streets of Norwood, if I wasn’t quick enough I wouldn’t make it. Before too long Pixies house manifested in front of me and I was able to breath a short sigh of relief.

"Leato? What are you doing here? Your face is all over the news, man. Where is Pete?" I was fired with questions as I was ushered into Pix's house. I didn’t say anything as I walked into the lounge room and collapsed on the couch taking a moment to calm my nerves. He hovered over me, a concerned look in his eyes and I knew that I wouldn’t get away with keeping silent too much longer.

"Leaton. What the hell were you thinking? I mean, you're a smart guy, what the hell possessed you to help Pete bury women all over Adelaide?" He tapped the bottom of his Stuyvesant packet and a tailor made fell into his waiting hand.

"It's hard to explain Pix, I mean… Oh god, I don’t know. I just couldn’t stand by and watch him destroy his life, he has so much going for him." I rubbed my spiked hair back as Pixie snorted.

"Sure, I get it, instead you 'helped' him and now you two are some of Australia's most wanted! Real smart Leato." He lit the cigarette taking a long draw helping the crease marks in his forehead unwind themselves. "Look, you can't stay here Leato, the cops got a hold of a address book in your home and have been calling and visiting all of the numbers in it. I got a call from Luke last night asking if anyone had heard from you guys. I can't get involved, I have so much to live for, and I got a lady, what would she think?" I buried my head in my hands as I contemplated my next move, Pix was right, I couldn’t jeopardize his life, it was time for me to take control of this situation, for good this time.
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Been a while guys, Enjoy :D