A Choice

Shamefully Late

“Good morning Miss Dalbourgh. I’m really sorry I’m late again. It was just that…” She looked up and realized that the whole class hall fallen silent. She looked at the figure dressed in a dark blue suit and realized that Ms. Dalbourgh was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was the school principal looking at her with raised eyebrows.

“Uh,” Nicola thought of something to say. “I am very sorry for the mistake Ms. Brooke.”

The principal looked at her with a meet-me-at-my-office-later look and finally replied, “Ms. Trech, your tardiness isn’t new to us but I’m sure it wouldn’t be bad to welcome some change. Am I right? For now, please do take your seat so I could continue from where I left off."

Nicola smiled at her best friend, Kevin, as she made her way to her usual seat at the back of the room. When she was finally seated, she turned her attention towards the principal and saw a boy grinning at her. “Who the heck could this stranger be? Why is he grinning at me? Whoa…” She thought silently as she started to listen.

“For the benefit of Ms. Trech here who obviously just arrived, I’d like to introduce again Patrick Reivrich. He is a transferee from Amsterdam Academy and he would be your new classmate.” Upon the mention of Amsterdam Academy, the students gave signs of awe. Amsterdam Academy was by far the most expensive school in their place and only the rich and smart kids go there.

Ms. Brooke continued introducing Patrick despite the noise everyone was making out of excitement of having a new classmate from such a great school. “Well I guess it’s up to you all to know more about Mr. Reivrich here. For now you will continue with your chemistry class. Patrick, as much as we would like to offer you a good seat, the only seat available is in the back of the classroom. So if it’s okay…”

The new kid looked to the empty seat the principal was pointing at then said, “Its fine Ms. Brooke. No problem at all. In fact, I think I would enjoy staying there. Thank you once again. “

The principal was replaced by Ms. Dalbourgh after a short while. “Bonjour classe!” The chemistry professor always started the class by greeting them with a different language each time and this time she obviously picked French.