Status: New, active

The Downfall of Us All


Arielle was asleep, Oli was out, the house was a big bowl of silent. But I sort of fancied that.

I poured the remnants of my Fruity Pebbles into a small, light green bowl. And along came Mr. Milk-does-the-body-good; where were my muscles at? I chuckled at my own inside joke and plopped onto the couch. I skimmed through the channels, stopping at some program on people skate boarding. Not that I wanted to watch it.

The doorknob flipped and fumbled, the person on the other side of the door clearly drunk. Oliver, what a surprise, stumbled in, cigarette dangling mid-finger. He had that Oh-Hey-I'm-About-To-Pass-Out look on his face, which always signaled me to walk over to him and help him to his room. Don't get me wrong, I do- am- tired of Oliver and him constantly coming home drunk or high, with the guys or a few girls. Sometimes just one. Either way, I had to deal with him. I mean, he's my brother, maybe not 'till the end, but you know what I'm trying to say.

"Tommy, I really think I 'm hungry. I need a burger!" Oli spilled, tumbling over a little, before I caught him.

"Oli, you need some sleep."

"You do too." He muttered.

I ignored his mindless comment and pushed him into his bed, not meaning to.

"Ay, what was that for you whop?"


"Goodnight Tom." He sighed, eyes shutting, the little they were opened.

I walked out of his room and entered mine, only to remember that my bed was taken up by stranger from the mental institute. Well hello insanity.

I felt my back pocket buzz, reaching back and grabbing my phone.


My heart was flying out of my chest. Why would she, of all people, be calling me at this time of night? Why would she even call me? I pondered on answering or ignoring.

"Hello?" My voice shaky, I held the phone to my ear.

"Tom, we need to talk."


"You know, our subtle breakup." She almost whispered.

I exhaled loudly, saying something I didn't want to. "There's nothing to say, we're just over. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I'm sorry, just give me another chance Tom."


"Please, you can't tell me that you've moved on. I know you haven't. I know you too well."

"You seemed to know that other guy pretty well too, huh?"

"Seriously, what is this, high school?" She yelled.

"I like somebody else."

"Yeah right! You have an attached personality."

"I have to go, move on, Eden."

"Who is she, what's her name?"


Not seconds after I said Arielle's name, I hung up. Why did I say her name? You were just looking for a name as an excuse, I thought to myself. Yeah right. I know I like her, she's simply beautiful. The best features I'd ever seen in my entire twenty-one years of living. Too bad she had the mind of a twelve year old.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOAH long time no write! Haahaha(:
Sorry guys, I got grounded for a loooong time.
Anywho, this song helped me write, thanks to Miranda for showing it to me lol.
listen to it.

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