Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

With All My Best Intentions

Shyla’s POV

I walked down the campus steps with a couple of friends. We simply talked of nonsense but it didn’t matter. We were just a bunch of sophomores in college. We did start talking about how warm the weather was getting. We just had our last final for the spring and here was summer coming up on us. Sadly, my summer would probably be filled with days of work and late night tv sessions with my cold apartment.

I was thinking of how great it would be till one of my friends nudged me, “Hey, there is your stalker.”

I looked up from my cell phone and to where she acknowledged, “He’s not my stalker…”

My other sweet friend laughed, “Mhm. Sure sug. He just has it really bad for you then.”

Why he did stalk me was beyond me. He was the kind of man that would go for some hot twig with no brains. But yet, for some weird reason this one man wanted me. I looked at him closely. Ok, checking him out more like it. He was leaning against an old car looking bored. He was wearing a simple red v-neck shirt and a nice black leather jacket that hugged his body. He somehow managed to slip his legs into some skinny jeans. I swear they were painted on. They seemed to hug his crotch –Ok stop looking there. You aren’t single and it doesn’t belong to you. But I can look and not touch. NO! Bad Shyla!

He looked up at me and smiled. He waved and I waved back a little. He had been a friend of my boyfriend in high school. He always seemed to like me more then he should. He used to be a little too touchy feely. It kind of bugged me. Even the hugs were too long and too awkward.

“So has he called you back yet?”

I looked away and furred my eyebrows, “Who?”

My friend Whitney looked like I had smacked her, “You’re boyfriend! Duh!”

Matthew was probably a mistake I made. He was a simple crush and a simple fling. It was never really meant to get serious but it happened. Though, we were going through a rough patch recently. Just a bunch of pointless arguments that stung like acid rain.

“Oh…Um no. He hasn’t. I haven’t heard from him in a week. No one has. Jeremy wanted to go to the police today.”

Jeremy was my boyfriend’s younger brother. They never went a day without talking. It was kind of a pact between them to do so. They lived such different lives. Jeremy was kind of shunned from his family because of him being a homosexual and my boyfriend was the only one who it didn’t affect. All he saw was his brother and he didn’t care. He was proud of his brother being open about it and trusting him to tell him.

Though I was beginning to feel maybe it was a good idea to go to the police. My boy told me he was going to go to his friend’s place down state to get a computer. That was a week ago and nothing since. No one has answered and no one could get a hold of anyone. We thought maybe this was an excuse for my boy to get some time away from it all because he was having trouble with family. I on the other hand was more pissed then worried. He broke his promise to me and never came home. So I was convinced he picked up and left and wasn’t planning on coming home.

As we finished walking down the steps William smiled. William Eugene Beckett. The one and only. He pushed off his car and his smile grew bigger. My friend stood quietly as he offered for a hug.

I shook my head, “Sorry William. I think I'm coming down with something. I don’t want you sick.”

He dropped his long thin hands and looked upset, “Um ok. Do you need anything? If you want I can swing you by the pharmacy. Do you need a ride home?”

“No, it’s ok. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry one bit. Um…I have to go. It’s good to see you William.”

I turned to go to the student parking lot and my friends were following me, “Tell me Shyla. Has he called?”

His voice had been very cold and smug. When he was upset about something he used that tone. I had known him long enough to pick up on this boy. Right now he sounded very upset and it was rather chilling to hear.

I whipped back around and looked at William, “What are you talking about?”

He smiled, “The guy who offered you a job? Has he called you back yet?”

I furred my brows. For a minute there I thought he was talking about my boy. I shook my head and spoke the little two letter word ‘no.’ He turned and walked around his car to get in. He yelled back to me and told me if I needed anything he was a phone call away. I watched him get in and pull away.

We stood there a little dumbfounded at William’s exit. He was indeed upset with the fact I denied him of a hug. But who was I to make everyone happy. The guy was a bit creepy. I didn’t want to get close to him. I know it was probably a small crush but still!

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Ok. This is going to be a pretty short story. I'm not planning on it being long. Please subscribe and comment! It means the world to me.

Thanks for reading. XD

I also recently got a Tumblr up. If interested let me know. XD

Title credit to The Academy Is...