Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

I Never Thought The Whispers Were True

William’s POV

“Stupid stupid stupid! You almost gave it all away!”

I banged my hands on my steering wheel as I reached a red light. I couldn’t screw up now. It would ruin everything. I was so close to making her love me. He would be out of the way and she would need me. Want me.

Though, now it was her friends I worried about. What if they would try to stop me? I mean I still had time to get rid of them. Yes, I think I will get rid of them. I think it would be a very good idea. Take everyone away and just leave me. She’ll crawl into my hand and let me have her.

But how?


Acid burns. It removes everything and leaves nothing. Gloves. I would need gloves too. No prints. Prints are my demon now. I smiled to myself and felt a little proud. I had everything. I just needed to get her friends alone and take them far away.

Like him.

I would have to watch the news today. Matthew would be reported missing. The thought of that seemed to excite the blood in my system. He is gone. So far gone. I was so proud of myself removing him from my Shyla’s life.

He was no good. He was nothing. He never helped her life and only seemed to hold her back. I wouldn’t allow it to go one any longer. This is why he is gone. She will see at the end of this that I was right. Besides, as I’ve said before, Mathew was good for nothing.

He was always a bad influence. Got in trouble with drinking and occasionally drugs. I cleaned up after him so my Shyla didn’t have to see the monster he was. I didn’t want her to suffer because of him. He was going to ruin her. I didn’t want her anywhere near that environment.

Now he really is nothing.

That six foot nothing was just a pile of ash that was spread across a field. I didn’t leave one trace of him. I triple checked everything. I was sure I wouldn’t get caught. I didn’t want all of this to go to waste with one simple mistake. I was too close. I could almost taste it. I had come too far to mess up now.

I finally reached my apartment building and I pulled into my parking spot. It was mine because no one ever seemed to park here but me. It was near the building but it always was vacant for the longest time. Then I started using it and it just seemed like habit now.

My bony fingers found my gear shift and moved it to park. I turned down my radio and turned off my car. I slipped out and lock the door before closing it. I crossed the small patch of grass before I hit the stairs up to my apartment.

I dug into my pockets to find my keys. I pulled them out and found the one I was looking for. I slipped it in and unlocked my door. When I stepped in I was greeted with cold air. I smiled and pulled the key out. I loved it when my place was cold. I shut the door and discarded my keys the table next to me.

I pulled off my jacket and let it rest near my keys. I looked across the room. I smiled to myself knowing that down to the last detail my house had looked like some overly obsessive OCD person had gone through.

Everything was clean to the point it was safe to eat off of anything. Then there was nothing out of place. Every object was straight and was never too close or too far away from an object.

I took some long strides across the room and bent down for my tv remote. I turned on my tv and waited for the news to start. I felt a little uneasy. I was afraid that police might come question me about his disappearance. Then again, I was no enemy and not too much of a threat. Though, Shyla might say otherwise.

I thought for awhile and decided that if there was anything to help with Matthew’s disappearance I would help so I could blend in. It was a good idea. A very good idea.
I could go down and help with the search. Knock on the doors and ask if they’ve seen him. Shyla would like it if I was there. I was sure of it.

I watched the story come up and smiled at the tv. Nothing was really catching my attention. I had to be so sure on everything, that there wouldn’t be any evidence for them to find anything this fast. I wasn’t stupid.

The local police station was asking for volunteers and I didn’t waste anytime. I practically ran out of my apartment and into my car. I also almost got myself a ticket for speeding my way down there as well.

By the time I got parked and into the station people where there. About a hundred or so people but I could see Shyla easily through them. I bit my lip trying to figure out if I should go to her. I would have to weave through this crowd but I could.

I made my way to her and she looked surprised to see me. She was with her friend Whitney. She looked around and back at me. Whitney gave me a nasty look and walked off.

I hugged her, “I hear what happened. Do they know anything?”

She pulled away, “Not really. So we’re going to hand out flyers and see if anyone knows anything.”

I nodded, “I can do that. I was surprised to see so many people here.”

She smiled weakly, “A lot of people care about him.”

“They’ll find him. Don’t worry. It’s not like he could fall off the planet.”

She gave me a suspicious look, “William, did he tell you were he was going?”

I shook my head, “Nah. He never tells me thing like that.”

I had lied through my teeth but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I needed to play good guy here but not over do it. I didn’t want her to start thinking I was some freak. I couldn’t have that. I needed her to need me. It was the only way this was going to work.

“Are you holding up ok Shyla?”

She nodded, “Yeah.”

I smiled, “Good. If you need anything you let me know ok?”


Now that she was ok I knew I could go for her friends. I excused myself from Shyla and started looking for Whitney. She was going to be my next target. I needed her out of the picture. She was a threat to me and I couldn’t allow that. Not now.

Oh how I was going to enjoy killing her.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Again this is going to be pretty short. Please comment and subscribe! It means a lot to me!

Title credit to The Academy Is...