Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

I Saw Things I Shouldn't Have

William’s POV

“You really should stop fighting me and just move.”

Whitney had dug his heels into the ground we were on and was trying to make it hard for me to get what I needed done. Her hands were bound and she was gagged but she still managed to have the courage to fight me here.

I continued to drag her and eventually she started to walk with me. It was pitch black out on this dark night but no one would see us. That’s what I needed. Not that anyone was out near this farm land. It was about a three hour drive on the highway just to get here.

Now Whitney had made it about a five hour deal. If she would stop trying to escape this would go a lot simple. Leave it to a woman to make this hard for me. Shyla no, but these bitches were going to end up killing with exhaustion if I wasn’t careful.

We finally reached an abandon barn. Well, I knew a friend of a friend who owned it but it was all the same. I pulled open the door and shoved the broad in and looked around. I stepped inside and closed the old door. I locked it and turned on the small set of lights remaining.

Thank god Whitney wasn’t bright. She hadn’t tried to escape in that little moment of chance. I pulled her to a chair and told her to sit. I looked around for the rope I had lying around as she sat down. Again, if it was any other woman she would have fought against me.

I found that pesky rope closer then I thought. I tired her legs to the chair and she looked at me as if she was going to hit me over the head with a two by four. I untied her arms and retied them behind the chair and looked at my work. This was almost too easy.

I removed the make shift gag and she glared at me, “What is this about William?”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to use such a tone with me.” I turned away from her, “And don’t give me that heroic bullshit. You’re scared shitless and I can tell. Don’t bother trying to cover it up. If you wanted to really escape you would have tried harder. Though I’m thankful you didn’t.”

That’s when I heard the fear in her voice, “What are you planning on doing to me?”

I turned around and shrug, “Oh I don’t know. Maybe cut off your fingers, slice and ear off, kill you quickly. I haven’t decided yet.”

I could see light glittering at the edges of her eyes. She was going to cry, “Why?”

“Well, besides being a ruthless bitch? You got in my way.”

Her voice squeaked, “Of what?”

I didn’t even have to answer. Her looked changed and she got very serious. I was almost curious on what was going on in that little head of hers. She continued to give me peculiar looks. It was rather fascinating.

“Leave Shyla alone.”

I chuckled and sat on the edge of a nearby table, “She actually has a brain. I should get you a gold star.”

“Stay away from her. I mean it.”

I leaned closer to her, “Where do you get this idea I’m going to listen to you? It’s not like you can make me.”

Her eyes looked like she was searching for something, “Matthew. It was you. You had to have done something to him.”

I didn’t mind telling her, she was going to be dead anyways, “Another good answer.”

“Why are you hurting Shyla?”

I got serious, “I’m not hurting her. I’m removing all that bad things in her life.”

“Are you kidding? Matthew was her world! I’m her best friend. Remove us and it’s going to hurt her.”

This bitch things she knows what’s best? “Matthew was an alcoholic. Did drugs almost every other weekend. How is that good for her? Hmm?”

She shut up as I continued my rant, “That fucker never cared for her. Carried her around as a toy to look complete. He didn’t really care for her. He’d bail on her to go do some weed. What kind of man does that? Do you seriously want to call that good guy type?”

She spoke quietly, “No.”

“Exactly. Now you? I’m killing you because you have no respect other then for yourself and I got tired of you calling me a freak. It’s only fair. I would say it’s nothing personal but it kind of is.”

“William you don’t have to. We can both leave and pretend this never happened.”

I stood up straight, “Like I’m actually going to believe you? Funny.”

I could see her start to shake, “I mean it.”

“You should have thought about the consequences a long time ago dear. Not now. That won’t save you. I’m afraid our conversation is over.”

“No. William, wait. I can help you with getting Shyla to like you like-”

I cut her off, “What makes you think I want your help?”

“I. Uh.” She was looking for an answer, “I’m best friends with her for god’s sake!”

“And? What makes you think you know Shyla like I do?”

She smiled and spoke as vile as I could, “Well, stalkers usually know best.”

I made a fist and got ready to hit her. She smiled smug at me and knew she hit a sore spot with me. I was kind of tempted to just break her neck to get it over with. Now I was just wasting time.

“You’re not helping yourself.”

Again with the scared, “Do you really thing you’re going to get away with this?”

I laughed and turned from her, “I already have and have been.”

I moved around to find a small bag he brought earlier. I had hid it under a couple pieces of wood. Why I don’t know but I did. All it had was some chloroform and a rag. If I needed to knock someone out. Which I did.

I retried the items and made my way back to her. She looked at me and at my hands. I unscrewed the bottle lid. I drenched a part of the rag and closed the bottle. I placed the bottle on the table and moved closer to Whitney.

She tried to escape from her restraints but with no avail. My fingers found her chin and held her face firmly. I pressed the cloth across her nose and mouth. It didn’t take long before she was out like a light.

I released her and placed the cloth next to the bottle. I went into another section of the barn and found a large water trough. Though I knew it wasn’t going to be filled with water. A good friend had gotten me a little something to help ease my process of killing.

He didn’t tell me what kind of product I would be getting but assured me it would work. He was reluctant at first because I didn’t tell him why I was going to use it but there is no need to tell him. He dropped it and moved on.

I returned to Whitney and untied her. She fell forward and I caught her. I lifted her up in my arms and walked over to the container. I leaned down to be just above the container. I slowly slipped her body in. I decided to go face first. Let it kill her quickly and move to the rest. I dropped her in and walked away. I didn’t really want to see. I knew it was going to be gnarly.

I decided on collecting my rope and return my goodies to the bag I found them. I felt pretty good. I got Whitney out of the way in a simple motion. And I didn’t even have one clean this one up. Now that was one hell of a bonus.

Now I needed to get back to town and act like a good little boy. It was only natural. Oh it was going to be nice to have a simple ride back. I could even listen to the radio this time. Then a long the way I would stop occasionally to get rid of the rope. I might need the goodies.

This was too good to be true.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks to Kennedy Brock; for the comment. :D It really made my day.