Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

No One Knows How Much I Care

William’s POV

It had been a two weeks since the police started looking for that bastard. I smirked. It was too perfect. All the police found was his car. It was on the side of the river caught in a trap of tree roots about thirty miles away. They didn’t know how it got there but I knew.

I hade made him force his car into cruise control and it just went. When he was in my car I didn’t worry too much because he’s been in it plenty of times. Hell everyone new that. Again, I wasn’t worried.

Taking care of Whitney was over and done with. That was a relief. Again, I didn’t mind the extra effort. It was all for a good cause.

I loved how the acid I had liked her skin. Took it greedily and burned it away. I didn’t think the bone was going to go either but I was really surprised to see it disappear. I was rather happy actually. It made my life a little bit easier.

I just had to dispose of what was left which I had a friend do. I’m not sure how they did it but I knew they had no idea what I had done. He thought I just did a little experiment. He had no idea I had killed a person with the acid he provided.

I smiled to myself when I thought of my Shyla. I couldn’t help it. I was doing this all for her. All for us. So I could finally be with her with out the judgment of the world. It was a nice thought. A very nice thought.

Shyla’s other best friend didn’t seem too much of a threat to me. I didn’t even bother remembering her name. It was no point to do so. Yes, I knew everything about my Shyla but I found that I didn’t need to know this woman’s name. It served me no purpose. I knew what I needed to know and that was it. The rest was pointless.

I was going to visit my Shyla today. I needed to. I wanted to see how she was handling this situation. It was going to kill me to see her upset but I couldn’t change that. I knew when I started this I was going to have to face her being upset. It was only natural.

I had to be careful. I couldn’t slip up. Not here. I was too close. She could be my weakness but I couldn’t allow myself to do something that stupid. I just couldn’t. I worked too hard to get here to ruin it all.

I arrived at her house around noon and I knocked. She opened the door to her apartment and I almost frowned at the site. She was in some plaid pajama pants and an over side tee shirt. Nothing special but her eyes were red and puffy. I knew she had been crying.

I spoke quietly, “Hey.”

Her voice was as soft as my own, “Hey William. Is there something you need?”

I shook my head, “I wanted to some see how you were doing.”

“Well you saw. Now you can go.”

I stepped closer to her, “Shyla. Come on. I can tell you’re not doing to well.”

She would trust me. I knew she would. She even opened the door a little wider to let me in. I turned to face her as she closed the door. She didn’t lock it but she stayed there for a minute before turning to me.

She was crying again. I frowned and looked at the floor. I really didn’t like her crying. I needed to comfort her. I couldn’t have her sad. It would kill me. Especially after everything I did for us.

I walked to her and pulled her to my chest. I wrapped one of my arms tight around her and her head rested against my chest. My other hand held her head in place as I kept her against me. She felt so breakable in my arms. Like a fine china set.

This was going to be the hard part. I needed her to trust me here. I was going to take her. Kidnap her if you will. But I was afraid to upset her even more. I needed to go slow. I was going to have to take my time.

“Shh Shyla. It’s ok. I’m here.”

She mumbled against my chest, “William it’s horrible.”

“I know hun. It will be ok.”

She nuzzled into my shirt, “No it won’t! Whitney is gone too. She hasn’t returned any of my calls and no one has heard from her. Oh William this is horrible.”

“It’s ok Shyla. I know it looks bad but she’s probably at a friends having fun. You know how she parties like a mad man.”

“But you’d think she’d call me.”

“Well, maybe she doesn’t have a charger or signal. Maybe she didn’t pay her bill. There are a lot of possibilities hun.”

“I know but I’m still worried. I mean I’m sure nothing’s wrong but she’s my best friend William. I have to be concerned. Especially after everything that has happened.”

“Have you eaten today?”

She shook her head, “No. I’m not hungry.”

She looked cute with her pout. If only she knew what she did to me, “You need to eat.”

“I know but I don’t want to.”

I rubbed her back, “Well, what if I make you something?”

She pulled away and smiled weakly, “You can’t cook.”

I gave her a playful glare, “I can too!”

I moved the hair away from her face and she spoke softly, “I need to go grocery shopping. I don’t have any food here.”

Light bulb lit up right as the last syllable left her mouth. This was going to be easier then what I thought. Now I had a reason to get her out of her house and into my own. Again, I would have to approach this slowly and safely.

“Well, how about you come over to my house and I’ll cook for you. I won’t kill it but you will at least get you to eat. Then maybe we can watch some movies.”

She looked unsure, “I don’t know.”

I tired to smile as sweetly as I could, “Come on. It will be fun. You need a night to breathe.” Then I got a little bubbly, “I even have mini caramel milkyways we can share. I know they’re your favorite.”

She sighed and I knew I bought her with the chocolate, “Ok. But I need to shower first. I’m a mess.”

I shook my head, “You look fine to me.”

She rolled her eyes and turned away from me, “Give me ten minutes.”

I chuckled, “I’ll give you twenty.”

I could hear her from down the hall, “No room for argument Bilvy.”

My ears perked up when she called me by my nickname. She never called my by my nickname. Well not in a long time at least. It was kind of nice to hear it again. I like the way she said it. A lot better then when the Siska brothers said it.

I rummaged through her front room looking at the things she had. She had a couple magazines out with the currant music scene plastered all over them. Something about the new band Fall Out Boy. I had heard they were local but didn’t give much thought to it.

I could see her bookcase fill with movies and books. There was even a shelf dedicated to cds. I rummaged through the cds and found one that caught my eye. I had let her borrow one of my Smashing Pumpkins cds and I swear she gave it back. I’d have to ask her about it later.

I could hear water running and I had to fight all my urges to just rip my clothes off and join her. I knew that wouldn’t be the wisest idea on any plane right now. She’d kill me and then I wouldn’t have her. I knew this obsession was a large part of me but I didn’t think it was this bad.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I took some deep breaths and tried to focus on my plan. I needed this perfect. I wanted Shyla to feel safe when she went to my home. I had the feeling once she was there I would have trouble letting her leave. I couldn’t lose her. I wanted her to be there with me at all times and the thought of her not being there hurt.

I knew I had all the time in the world but I wanted this now. I needed her now. I wanted to love her now. I couldn’t wait. I wasn’t capable of waiting when it came to her. But I had worked so hard to get here.

When she did return she looked a little fresher. She pulled some clothes rather then simple pajamas. Which I didn’t mind what she wanted to do. I wasn’t going to judge her. If she wanted to rock with jeans and a tee then that was fine with me.

I smiled at her, “You could have stayed in pajamas if you wanted to.”

“I know. But.” She shrugged and looked rather innocent.

I looked away and she walked over to her bookcase, “Here, I forgot to give this back.”

I was right, “Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. Keep it. I have it burned to my computer. I don’t need it.”

She looked so cute, “Are you sure?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Keep it. You ready to go?”

She put the cd back and went to her coffee table to retrieve her keys, “Yeah I am.”

We left through her front door and she locked up. She turned to me and I flashed a weak smile. She smiled back and headed down the hallway with me. She seemed nervous. I felt rather upset with that. I didn’t want her to be nervous around me.

We made it to my car and I let her in first. I was a true gentleman. My values were glue to me. I walked around the other side and let myself in. I slipped into the seat and shut my door. She was already and had that trusty seat belt on.

I started the car and looked at her, “If you want you can mess with the radio. I don’t mind.”

She looked at my radio, “Do you have a cd in?”

I nodded and pulled away from the curb, “It’s nothing really. Just a bunch of random stuff from the band thing I’m doing.”

“Oh, how is that going?”

“Good. We’re not trying to get signed or anything but we are making process in writing. We recorded a bit so I could go over it and see if I wanted to change anything.”

“Can I hear it?”

I pulled to a light and stopped, “Only if you don’t make fun of me.”

She let out a light giggle, “I wont.”

She messed with a few buttons and I watched her closely. I felt my own cheeks burning up. I never had really shown her my music. She knew a little about it but I doubt she really knew anything.

I could hear my voice coming out of my speakers and she looked at me in shock, “Is that you singing.”

I kept my eyes to the road and I accelerated forward, “Yeah.”

“You have an amazing voice William.”

I couldn’t hold back my grin, “Thank you.”

“So did you write the lyrics?”

“Most of them. A few guitar bits and stuff like that. Do you really like it?”

“Yes I love it. What is this one called?”

I turned down my road, “Uh, well we’re thinking of calling it absolution. We haven’t made it final yet.”

I was happy her mood picked up and she was even smiling at me, “Nice.”

I pulled to my parking spot and parked. I pulled the cd out and turned off the car. She looked at me as I put the cd in a simple paper case. I handed it to her after she took off her seatbelt.

She took it from me and smiled, “I can’t take this William.”

“It’s alright. I have another copy. Please. Take it.”

“Thank you.”

I nodded and flashed her another smile, “No problem.”

When we got out I locked the doors and she followed me up to my apartment. I felt my body shake. I couldn’t believe she was going to be in my apartment. I mean she has before but now it was different. At least to me.

I let her in and she wondered in. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I didn’t trust the neighborhood. As well as if things did get out of hand this would be a little advantage if you will. Not that things would get out of hand.

I sighed in joy, “So, what do you want to eat?”

She was a step closer to being all mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading.
(I hope you like it Shyla. She is so going to hate the ending and kill me. XD)
Gah! Thank you commenters. I haven't had many so that means so much! XD

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Happy late birthday William!