Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

I’ve Gone Too Far To Turn It Back

Shyla’s POV

“The mac and cheese will be done in a few. Alright?”

I turned from his couch too look behind me, “Sure. No problem.”

I looked back at the screen where Sponge Bob was on. I smiled to myself. I loved Sponge Bob. He was a real American hero in my eyes. I laughed at my joke and sat back as I could hear William continue to shuffle around.

“Uh, William?”


I got up and turned to him, “Can I use your bathroom?”

He nodded, “Yes. Of course.”

I walked down the hallway and found the bathroom pretty quickly. I close the door and tried to push in the little lock on the door knob. It didn’t seem to walk to lock. I growled and pushed the little button lock again and it didn’t want to stay in. I sighed and turned away from the door.

I went over to the sink and looked at the mirror just above it. I felt almost sick to my stomach. I didn’t like being alone with William. Something was off setting. I didn’t know if it was just a gut feeling or something I should actually worry about.

But I mean the guy looked like he couldn’t hurt a fly. He seemed to gentle with everything. He had to be harmless. I was just worried because of the whole stalker jokes coming back at me. I mean if he did like me it was kind of awkward to be here especially with Mathew missing.

I pulled out my phone and there was still nothing. The blank screen just showed my background and time. That was it. Well, my battery life was almost dead. That was something I didn’t catch at first. I knew I had charged or so I thought. I put it on vibrate and let it fall into stand by mode. I knew it was going to die soon but I really didn’t care.

I turned away from the sink and looked at the closed door. As much as I needed the minute alone I still felt a little scared. I didn’t even know why. I knew William. I trusted William for the most part. He was a good guy.

I opened the bathroom door and slipped out. I look down the hall and could see a door slightly open. Curiosity was a bitch to me because I really wanted to know what was in there. I looked at the hall way and couldn’t see William. But it sounded like he was still cooking.

I sneaked down the hall way and tip toed to the room. I bit my lip and probably as going to kick my side later for being so curious. But I didn’t mind the adrenaline rush. I reached the door and hesitated. I pushed the door open and was met with his bedroom.

I wasn’t too surprised but I ventured in anyways. I smiled when I saw how clean it looked. Everything was always so organized. He had some dark blue sheets and blankets on his bed. It wasn’t exactly a nice comforting color but it went with the room.

I could see a book on the bed. It looked like it had a pen on it. I really should have left and walked down the stairs to William. I would have been better off. But I had to look. I moved over to the bed and picked up the book. The pen slipped off and rested on the blanket.

I opened the book and it was a journal of some sort. But what caught my attention was a picture in the beginning. It was of me and Mathew. But Mathew was badly cut out of it. I knew it was Mathew in the photo because I gave this to Mathew. It was from our first date. But why William would have it and have a Mathew removed from it kind of stirred up my attention.

I placed the photo back and I flipped through a couple more pages. There was another picture of me. It was when I was will Adam Siska. We were smiling and having fun. Just some random picture. I smiled but read the entry with it.

It’s not an obsession. I’m merely watching over her. To make sure she is alright. Mathew isn’t a safe man and I can’t allow her to be harmed. His drug problem has gone too far. I don’t want him to involve her.

I am just wondering what I can do. I can talk to Shyla about it but I doubt she’d even believe me. Granted he has broken a few promises to her lately that could help to my advantage but she probably still wouldn’t trust my judgment.

I do care for love her. I can admit that. Right? There isn’t anything wrong with that. I am a friend. Yeah, occasionally I would like it to be more but I can’t just assume I can have Shyla more then what I have. It is rather distasteful.

By now I wanted to put the book down and pretend I never saw it. Now I knew William did like me even if I knew that already. What I now learned was that he hated Matthew. This started to nag at me and bite at me to continue reading. Maybe William did know something.

So I flipped to the latest entry that was from last night. There was another picture of me but this time it was with Whitney. I didn’t even remember this photo. I don’t even know if I had seen it before. I was looking at the camera but I can’t recall the event.

She’s upset. I know she’s upset. I don’t want her upset. It eats at me. Rips at me more then anything.

I don’t want her sad. I can’t have her sad. I’m going to have to do something fun to make her smile.

I love her smile. More then anything. It’s so beautiful. She is flawless. Maybe not in her eyes but it mine she is. She’s perfect and when this is all said and done she’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. She’ll be happy and I’ll get to see the smile non stop.

It is so much easier with Matthew gone.

I stopped reading. He knew something about Matthew. He lied to me. Here, he is so sure something happened. He does know something. That lying asshole knows something about him. Now I was worried the William might have had a part in Matthew’s disappearance.

“What are you doing?”

I jumped to the sound of William’s voice and closed his journal quickly. He sounded upset and a little angry. I turned to him and he looked at the book in my hands. He gave me a blank stare and came further into the room.

Now I was scared and ready to run if needed. I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins. He nearly ripped the book out of my hands and quickly moved it somewhere else. I watched him move to hide it behind a few books on a bookshelf.

I tired to sound calm, “I didn’t read any of it. I saw the design of the cover and kind of got lost with it.”

He moved closer to me, “Do you really think I am going to believe that?”

“You’d be an idiot if you didn’t. You know me William. I get curious but I know when to stop.”

“You’re a silly girl.”

I took a step back because I didn’t like how close he was, “I promise I didn’t read anything.”

He smiled, “I believe you. I trust you anyways.”

I think I let out a sigh of relief after hold my breath, “Good.”

“But,” This probably wasn’t a good thing. Buts are never good, “I find it rather interesting that instead of you finding the bathroom you find my bedroom. Don’t tell me you got lost.”

The look he gave me made me wonder if he was hitting on me, “Look-”

He wouldn’t hit on me right? I must be going crazy. Yeah, I was going to go with crazy. Because I’m just taking it the wrong way. Right? I had to be taking it the wrong way.

I moved away from him towards the door. I needed a break of the awkwardness. It was a bad idea to come here. Now that I knew what I read I was a little afraid. I knew he liked me and I didn’t want him to try anything.

“Where are you going?”

I continued slightly walking backwards towards the exit from this room, “I assume food is ready?”

He walked forward and grabbed my arm, “Wait.”

I stopped, “William, please let go of my arm. Your grip is rather tight.”

He loosened a bit, “I’m sorry.”


He leaned down and his lips attached to mine. I gasped and pulled away from him. He was not allowed to kiss me. Not in any shape or way. That was not allowed. Now I knew I really needed to get out of here.

“And I’m sorry for this too.”

Out of no where he had a cloth and pressed it against my mouth and nose. I struggled but he pinned me against him. I couldn’t breathe. All I could do was inhale this foul smell. It was making me dizzy. I tried to hit him so I could get away put it just wasn’t working.

He was very calm and collected, “I can’t take any risks.”

It just went black after that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah! Please comment and subscribe. Please? :/ For me?

Thanks for reading and to my lovely people who comment to make me happy. XD

Ah, what do you think is going to happen? He wouldn't hurt Shyla right? >.> <.< Right?