Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

Wide Eyes Staring Through Me

William’s POV

She looked so innocent just laying there on this bed. I had to take her some where else. It technically isn’t kidnapping. I mean, I took her but she is safe. It was a rather interesting journey. I had to wait till it was dark to sneak her out.

I pretty much packed a few things in my car and headed to somewhere safe. I made a few phone calls and found out one of my friends is on vacation. He was looking for a house sitter anyways. So I figure, take Shyla somewhere to vent or get over the current situation and then we’re all happy because my friend gets his house in safe hands. Unless Shyla plans to break something.

I was lying on my side next to her. My hand ran down her side and I smiled down at her. She was all mine. We were all alone and no one could stop us. I leaned over to kiss her cheek as I enjoyed the thought. I even moved to let one of my thumbs stroke her cheek.

She groaned and she tried to move away from me. I was staring intently. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to give her my hundred percent of my attention. I slightly kicked myself because I now wanted to kiss her again. I loved the way her lips felt against mine. I wanted to risk kissing her again.

So I did.

I leaned over her and sealed her lips with my own. She wasn’t quite awake but she gave out a light moan. I tired to take the kiss a step farther she was now awake and very aware of me. She parted her lips just enough for me to slip my tongue into her mouth. I moaned lightly as her hand cupped my cheek.

I pulled away and her eyes were still closed, “Mmm, good morning Matt.”

I tired to hide my anger, “Shyla babe, it’s me Bilvy. Remember.”

Her eyes bolted open as she moved away from me. Though she wasn’t paying attention to the lack of room on the bed and she managed to fall right off the bed. I leaned over to look at her and she backed up trying to create some distance.

She looked around, “Where am I William?”

“You fell asleep last night at my place. Remember? After dinner?”

She shook her head, “No. My head is fuzzy. Why did you kiss me? You know I’m not single.”

“You didn’t seem to mind. I think you enjoyed it.”

“Don’t kiss me William because-”

I cut her off as I leaned over the bed, “Because you’re afraid of liking it? That you might not stop kissing me back because you don’t want to? Or the fact that I can kiss you and I take your breath away?”

She shook her head as I crawled down off the bed. She wasn’t moving away from me so that was a good sign. I crawled over to her and tried to kiss her again. She turned her head and I kissed her cheek. I smiled against her cheek and she tried to push me away.

“No. You did something to Matt.”

“No I didn’t. Why would you think such a thing?”

I feared for maybe she did read my journal. I grabbed her chin and tried to move her face so she would look me in the eyes. I got her too and it looked like she was going to cry. I pulled her too me and held her.

I whispered, “I didn’t do anything to him.”


Shyla’s POV

My mind was still foggy. William’s cologne wasn’t helping me either. He held me so tight against him I almost couldn’t breathe. He was on his knees in front of me while I sat on my butt. I shouldn’t be letting him hold me. He knew something.

Then I thought of something, “Did he cheat on me and you’re protecting me?”

William nodded, “Yes, with Whitney. I didn’t want you hurt. I love you so much.”

That sounded abstract. It couldn’t be true, “What? Whitney?”

I knew my voice cracked and he held me even tighter, “Please don’t cry Shyla. I hated it when you cry.”

I struggled to push him away, “No. She wouldn’t do that. She hated Matt.”

He was a little cold, “Stop fighting me Shyla. I’m not letting you go. And of course she pretended to hate him. Just to make it seem less obvious.”

I looked up at him, “Why should I believe you? You hated Matt.”

My mind was a lot clearer now. I remembered reading the entries in the journal. I shook my head. No. William wasn’t one to trust. He was the one that wrote so many bad things about Matt and had the pictures of me. Now he had kidnapped me.

But god, his lips felt amazing against my own.

I felt his lips on my own again distracting me from my thoughts. He is right. I didn’t want him to stop but I pulled away before I kissed him back. I tried to move away from him but he held my wrists against the floor.

“William, you’re hurting me.”

He pulled away, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

He grabbed one of my wrists and brought it up to his lips. He kissed where he grabbed it and I pulled my hand away. I scooted away from him and he merely followed. He was like a cat with how graceful he was.


I held my hands up defensively, “No. Stay away from me.”

He spoke softly, “I’m not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you.”

“You say that but I know you did something to Matt.”

He shook his head, “Why would you think something like that?”

I didn’t want him finding out I did actually read his journal, “William, you always hated Matt and now he’s gone. You’re probably lying about Whitney and him!”

He shook his head, “No. I never lie to you. Matt is probably having sex with Whitney now. He told me about ‘scoring’ with her.”

He did even the little hand quotations, “You know he is missing. You said you didn’t know anything!”

“Because I was trying to protect you!” He was next to me in seconds, “Shyla, I love you and I didn’t want you hurt. You know Matt. He’s probably at some guy’s house with a needle in his arm.”

I shook my head, “No. He doesn’t do that anymore.”

“Oh really? What about two weeks ago when he came to pick you up higher then a kite and you didn’t want to get into the car with him?”

“How do you know about that?”

He nearly snarled at me, “Everyone knows about that!”

He saw my reaction to his anger and he looked away from me and then back. He reached for my hands but I pulled them away. I stood up and he did as well. I tried to walk past him to leave the room but he blocked me, “Shyla.”

I hit his chest, “Move William. I’m going home. I’m not going to let you treat me like this.”

He gripped onto my wrists and spoke awfully calm and collected, “No. You’re not leaving.”

“Yes, I am.”

William pulled me closer to him, “No. You are staying with me.”

I tried to pull away, “William let go of me.”

“Not until you calm down and understand you’re not leaving.”

“Yes I am. I can leave at any time I want to.”

He smiled, “No, you’re not leaving. I worked too hard to get you here.”

“You’re disturbing you know that right?”

He shrugged, “They may be true but you still let me kiss you.”

I ripped my hands away finally, “And now I’m leaving.”

“I’m sorry Shyla. I can’t let you leave.”

“William, you can’t stop me.” He chuckled and I continued, “What do you find so funny?”

That prick was laughing at me.

William’s POV

“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”

She glared at me and reached to smack me. I moved away and she stormed away from me. She opened the door to the hallway and she stepped out. Then she stopped. She had made the connection that she wasn’t in my apartment but someone’s house.

She whipped around and looked at me, “Where am I?”

I shrugged and tried to give her a sly smile, “Look-”

She stormed back in and cut me off, “You’re going to tell me where I am right now William!”

I folded my arms, “You’re not going to believe me.”

She pointed her finger at me, “William! Don’t play games with me. This is kidnapping!”

“You wouldn’t turn me in.”

She shook her head, “Yes, I would. I would turn you into the cops because you know something about Matt!”

I walked up right next to her, “No, you wouldn’t and you won’t. Do you want to know why?”

She was quiet and he voice was shaky, “Why?”

I knew I had gone dead pan, “Because I won’t let you. Besides, you kissed me. You care for me.”

“What do you mean you won’t let me? I’m not a hostage! I didn’t kiss you! You kissed me!”

I let my hands find her hips, “No, you’re not a hostage hun. I’m just keeping you here for a while. You allowed me to kiss you.”

She pulled away, “Don’t touch me! I can’t even process all this because you’re being crazy.”

I smiled when she didn’t comment on the part of her allowing me to kiss her. That made me almost beam. She was upset. Well, angry but none the less she didn’t comment about it. Which means she didn’t have a defense against it.

She moved towards the door, “I’m leaving.”

I grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her to me, “Shyla. Enough. You’re not leaving. Please don’t make me use force.”

“Let me say it clearer for you. I. Am. Leaving.”

I pulled her near the bed and pushed her to it, “No you’re not.”

I stormed out of the room and closed the door while she was in there. I locked the door on her. She had come towards the door and she tried the handle.

“William! Let me out!”

“I’m sorry Shyla. I can’t. Not until you calm down.”

“I’ll scream!”

I smirked and leaned against the door, “Go ahead. No one will hear you.”

I walked away and she continued to yell at me. This was going to be interesting

♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment and subscribe! I need some attention. PLEASE!

Thanks for all the comments I already have. I know you guys love me. :P

And this is for Shyla because she needs an uplifter. :D I LOVE YOU SHYLA!
