Status: Almost complete.

Rumored Nights

True Till Now

Shyla’s POV

That bastard kept me in here. I even tried to see if I could escape the damn room. I had gone over to the connecting bathroom and found out it had the window that my head would barely fit through. I practically stormed out of the bathroom and tried the window in here.

Then I found out I was on the second floor. There was no way in hell I was going to jump. Granted the window was nailed shut but if it wasn’t I wasn’t going to jump either. So now here I am sitting on the bed thinking.

I wanted to know how much of the crap William was talking about was true. He seemed to jump on every chance he could get to get me upset about Matt. I knew he knew something but I didn’t know what that something was.


William’s voice was soft and I looked over at the door. I hadn’t noticed he had unlocked it and stepped into the room. He was holding a tray and it looked like it had food on it. Now I was afraid he was going to poison me or something.

“I brought you something to eat.”

I didn’t care if I sounded like a kid, “I don’t want it.”

He pouted, “But I made it special for you and you need to eat. I don’t want you to get sick.”

I got a little paranoid when he came and sat it next to me on the bed, “I’m not going to eat it. You probably drugged it with something.”

He shook his head and tried to reach for me, “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

I smacked his hand away before it could get close to me, “Don’t touch me.”

“Why are you so angry with me? I haven’t hurt you.”

I scoffed, “You kidnapped me for one. Two, you have been telling me all these stories about Matthew and I have no idea if they’re true or not but I’m not going to believe you on any case. And three? You have me locked in a room. I think that is enough to be angry about.”

His voice held a little anger, “You made me lock you in here. I didn’t have a choice.”

I stood up and wanted to knock the food across the room, “Don’t you fucking dare pin this on me!”

He came forward with a smile and grabbed onto my forearms, “Come on now Shyla. Let’s just sit on the bed and eat. I’ll eat it with you so you don’t have to worry if I did anything to the food.”

I shook my head, “No. I need to leave William. I can’t stay with you.”

His grip tightened on my arms and I was beginning to wonder if maybe using reverse psychology would work. I mean he was so set on me staying that if I pretend that I wasn’t wanting to leave he would trust me. Like leaving the door unlock so when he falls asleep I can sneak out of the house and run to the cops.

“Please Shyla, don’t fight me. I’m not your enemy.”

I nodded, “Ok Bilvy.”

He released his hold on me and brushed the hair to the side of my face. He was smiling at me and it was creeping me out but hey, I needed to stay in character. He guided me over to the bed and I sat on the edge. He moved to be on the other side of the tray.

I stole a piece of the roll on the tray. I offered him some and he took a piece off. It took me a few seconds before I put the roll in my mouth. I was terrified that he was going to poison me or something.

I looked over to him, “Thank you.”

He nodded, “Anything for you.”

After we ate he left to take the tray down. Yes, he did lock me in but came back pretty quick. He unlocked the door and came through. He attached his keys to a belt loop before making his way over to me. Then I realized he was holding something.

He was smiling and stopped in front of me, “Dessert.”

He was holding a Caramel Milkyway in his hand. I took it from him and he seemed proud of himself. I smiled weakly and moved to place it on the little table next to the bed.

“I’m going to save it for later. I’m full for now.”

He nodded and I sat back on the bed. This time in the middle and I folded my legs under me. William climbed up next to me and sat in front of me. He looked upset but didn’t really want to show it.

I tired to look concerned, “Are you okay?

“I don’t want you angry at me.”

I shook my head and tried to play a decent role, “I’m not. Well, not anymore I should say.”

He smiled slightly, “You don’t have to lie. I know you’re still angry but it’s ok. We have plenty of time for you to forgive me.”

I told him I wasn’t angry anymore and told him I meant it. Which I didn’t but I sure as hell was going to see if this would work. I wanted out of here and now. So I was going to suck up to this guy for all I was worth.

I felt my heart kind of flutter. He was obsessed. I had a feeling that after he told me we have plenty of time I finally figured out he wasn’t planning on letting me go. He wanted to keep me here. Where ever here was. I had to get out of here.

I figured I could probably put up a decent fight. I mean he was practically a twig anyways. So I figured I could probably take him down if I needed to but if this worked then I wouldn’t have to.

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. When I pulled away he seemed shocked, “What was that for?”

“It was a thank you.”

He beamed and his smile took up his whole face, “You’re welcome.”

He was almost a little kid. I couldn’t help but smile in return. He was really adorable when he wasn’t being all angry and serious. Even his brown eyes seemed more welcoming right now. It was kind of scary how fast he could flip the switch and change moods.


I tired to focus on him, “Yes?”

“I know you’re with Matt but can I tell you something?”

I felt color drain from my face, “Sure.”

He blushed and seemed to stutter over his words, “I l-l-love you.”

I knew he has a stuttering problem but he works on it and never had too much of a problem. It never really held him back. Yeah, occasionally he’d have moments were it would take him a few seconds to get the word out but I never minded. The only problem he really had was his a’s. This was the first time in the few days I heard him have a real problem with it. I usually didn’t pay attention about it. He was perfectly normal to me.

What I found interesting that he never seemed to stutter with his singing. Matt and I used to go over when William and the boys were practicing. It was a lot of fun to see William enjoying something with out anything holding him back. I loved listening to him sing. He had such a talent.

“I know you do William but I love Matt and he loves me. Or so I thought.”

“He hurt you.”

“I know that William but that doesn't stop me from loving him. I love Sisky. I love Adam. I love Whitney and everyone. Just because they do something bad doesn’t mean I’m going to hate them completely.”

He looked hopeful, “Do you love m-m-me?”

I wasn’t too sure I was lying here, “Of course I do William. You’ve always been there for me.”

“I’m glad. I am sorry a-a-a-about all this. I just-”

I cut him off, “Don’t worry about it William. I get that you wanted to protect me from bad things but I mean Matt is gone so I don’t need this much protection. I can take care of myself.”

“I know but-”

Before he could finish I pressed my lips against his rosey pink lips. I almost felt bad for the guy. He was really concerned with me but he just didn’t take the right actions. I mean these were a little extreme but I figured I could work with this. I could coax him into letting me go.

He leaned forward and pushed me back onto the bed while staying lip locked and now on top of me. He pulled away and stared down at me. Well, this was kind of the right message I wanted to give but I didn’t want to go too far. He smiled again and kissed my forehead.

Yeah, I’m not going to lie to myself anymore. If he wasn’t obsessed with me and I wasn’t with Matt I would go for him. He was too adorable and too sweet. He was a decent guy just with whacky intentions.

♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks to all the amazing people who leave me feedback. They are amazing in so many ways. Their comments make my year.

So yes, I know I was keeping this short so I think about two or three more cahpters to go. Maybe even only one. :/ The ending is going to shock you. But if it makes you cry you can't kill me! Just saying.